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A member registered Jun 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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Awesome use of houdini for gameplay! I liked the puzzles but the cube one was a little fiddly. Couldn't get past the airlock for some reason, not sure what was required for it to open.

A shame it's just for Mac OS. Would have liked to play!

Really nice game! You nailed the theme (I certainly felt panicked at points) and the pacing but it got too hard for me at one point after the non-euclidian geometry. 

Great game and Greek theme. You nailed it! I love the environment and hate the sheep falling into the sea! Sometimes the sheep go flying, not sure if that is  a bug or desired.

Hey, sorry to hear your build is different from your editor. I had the same problem (luckily noticed before the deadline though). For me, I was using GameObject.FindObjectWithTag("xxx") and there were 2 of those, so it picked a different one in the build than in the editor. Good luck fixing your build!

Thank you! I have added some tutorial text to the description, and hopefully the gameplay is a bit more clear. I wanted the magic to feel a bit tricky to grasp, like some chaotic force, but it is probably harder to play than I would have liked.