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A member registered Nov 18, 2023 · View creator page →

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no one cannot complete my game because of player speed, and i even cannot fix it.

I could JUST INREASE SPEED VARIABLE but i cannot. Wasted 1 week FOR NOTHING

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about character speed - it's a bug, i've tested, everything was good  (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻. In comment bellow i wrote where exactly u need to go, if u want u can complete the game.

ok, all what i can do is say where to swim, so u will not waste too much time. In first level - to cave, and then not to first passage, but to the second, take crystals, and then back. In second level - swim to left side of bottom, take crystals, and back. In third - follow the rope

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rly? it's weird, i tested it, everything was ok. On a first level he should reach the cave for like 6-10 seconds


Right Click - turn body toward mouse.

W - move.

1,2,3.. - Inventory

E - Interact/ Collect

Left Mouse Button - Shoot / Reload.

V - Heal.


Dagan Al - Musician

itsparacha / Shahzaib Paracha - Sound Designer

Ray - Artist

NuTrinity - Programmer.

Me (ReganUA)  - Team Leader, Programmer, Game Designer.

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sorry, but there is no controls on game page for some reason, ill try to add them. I can't, view game page to see it. I'll also write it in comments... Reply, did u completed the game? Or u didn't because of no controls?

i didn't seen something similar yet, pretty good. Bonus star for cutscenes. I think... would be better if game would be longer, and work on a balance

helaas pindakaas, maar ik kan niets doen. Game files in this game jam are locked 

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IN 1st level DO NOT swim in 1st passage in cave, SWIM in 2ND ONE

hey, so you don't want to join?  reply at least idk

it would be nice if u write to me in discord or telegram, so I could describe game

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team is full

2 years of learning Unity, made 2 games solo. 3 years of making music of different styles. I didn't worked as a programmer in team yet, didn't worked with a github, so would like to learn.

Telegram -

Or just write here.

glad u enjoyed. Finnaly someone noticed music bruh

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the music and atmosphere on third level is awesome, evil. I'm really want to complete this game, but damn, it's impossible, I always wasting all bullets before jumping on white thing, and there's my game always ends. Also didn't complete level 2 because of the same reason. Can u write a tutorial pls where and when use bullets?

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arts are cool, but graphics for some reason not. At least character controller feels good, what u can not say about most of the games in this jam, bruh

game is about map scouting, only die there first - then you will be able to complete this part. Too much perfect jump sections

would be good if would be polished, whatever, 2 players can play, it's already nice bonus, coz almost every game with 2 players can be fun

could not went farther than second jump, completely silent.

rhino is a jumpscare, absolutely agree

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if u didn't turn on full screen, then probably ur screen is lower than 1920x1080, because game is on this resolution

crash, if u stay in huge amount of ghosts, and everyone stacking in 1 point, then it drops fps, and then crash

bruh, funny game, controls are insane

not bad, post processing effects making picture much more interesting, but they love to eat fps, I got 1750 points, then went to center of ghost army, and fps went straight down, and game lagged.

actually game is almost finished, but if u add more levels, it would be much much better. Really good base, but not finished. Shop is unlocking after first 3 levels, but then, u should play on same levels but with better weapon, but if u already completed these 3 levels with basic weapon, then it's doesn't make sense.

one of vampirelike game in this jam that interesting to play

unusual concept, making enemies attack their mates, nice job

nice game.

music and graphic makes it way more enjoyable

just not bad bullet hell game

i liked the style, pretty funny to punch mouses, idea not too complicated

not bad

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hm, there is a rule after 3rd level: all enemies in the level must be dead, only then u will be able to move to next level. Drop the bomb, get out of frog body, and run away as a ghost, so bomb will kill a frog and blow up a wall.

good atmosphere. I liked trick with drawings, game looks fully completed.

looks like you spend too much time on drawing or animating, thats sad, i would like to see the concept.

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maybe u didn't read the tutorial, this frog have no attack but on RMB (right mouse button) it drops the bomb. U need just to blow up the wall. I hope u will see all content of game :)

nice one, but cheesable :)