This game is really amazing! I can see cuphead inspiration there! The nly thing is that the boss sttoped attacking me, dont know why! Art is really good
This game is really amazing! I can see cuphead inspiration there! The nly thing is that the boss sttoped attacking me, dont know why! Art is really good
Hello! The idea is great, combining bosses is a really creative mechanic, Probably I would add some hints to learn the gameplay of the battle and also I would add another mecahnic to reinforce the spin theme. Besides, its fun!!
I really like the retro 3D style, I think it looks like the mother game and I really like the color palette in terms of Art, Its really fun the gameplay! I really enjoyed the turotial.
I like the way you implemented the tutorial, its really useful to understand very well the mechanichs, I like the consistancy of the music in all the stages, really good game!