Thank you! I'm working on incorporating this game play into a larger game that I'm working on, so I'm happy that I'm getting so much feedback!!!
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Thank you! I agree, I wanted to make a better title and 'victory' screen, but time didn't permit it since I struggled with bugs in my AI. As for the settings menu, that isn't something I had done before, so I was worried that I would break more than I would fix, but I'm learning how to do that right now! I heard that UE5 had some sort of auto-scaling based on hardware, but I don't know how good that is.
Thanks for all the feedback and for playing my game!
Hey all!
Potential spoilers, but I got some feedback that the solutions weren't as intuitive as I would've hoped, so here's a bit of a breakdown of the AI's behavior.
There are four key behaviors you are meant to deduct:
1) The bot will move towards music (the old radio playing "Daisy Bell") at its default speed. You need to look at the radio and press "E' to turn it on.
2) The bot will move towards music faster than its default speed and will return to its default speed when the music is stopped.
3)The bot will occasionally leave its assigned room (the social room or the library) and enter a different room (either the billiards room or the dining room).
4) The bot will follow the player when they come within line of sight, and will return to its default pathing when line of sight is broken.
Each of the family members' diaries will indicate whether or not they exhibit any of the above behaviors, so you will need to compare the diary with what the bot is doing.
Anyway, thanks to all who have played my game! I want to eventually expand this ai and make a horror game out of it, so I appreciate any and all feedback!
The attention to detail here is insane! From the little sound effects, to the references, and not to mention to fun animations of mouse scooting around in her robot in the opening!
The movement felt a bit strange, but I'm guessing that was intentional to sorta simulate the latency of the RC car? Could have maybe reduced the latency a smidge, but it didn't take away from the game's overall quality and fun. Great work to you and your team!
Thank you! Ah, looking at the credits I missed them! The rooms were a resource pack from the Epic Marketplace by an incredible artist named Dirtrock. I'm not able to make edits to the credits right now until the judging ends, so for now, here's his profile page. Please check him out!
I made some modifications to it so it would fit the theme a bit more, and I also added the Halloween decorations and changed the lighting a bit. Buts all in all a majority of how it looks was thanks to Dirtrock.
I wanted to make a dedicated in-game credits page, but was short on time. I'll likely update this once the judging is done! There's a lot of optimizing I want to add so its easier for more of the community to play. I also really want to get the randomization in too!
Oh! And as for the items, some were less intuitive than others. Spoilers, but here's who each item belongs to and its context:
Henya : Cube
- Part of Henya's design and lore video includes this mysterious gold and blue cube. Not sure what it does to be honest
Zentreya : Toaster
- There's a running joke in Zen's community that she's a toaster, referencing her cyborg model
Geega : Eyepatch
- Not all of her models have it, but a staple of her design is an eyepatch over her left eye
(The following aren't so obvious)
Matara : Wine Glass
- In one of her introduction videos ( I think it was the teaser?) she was seen holding one. I almost removed this reference because I remember hearing that she doesn’t drink anymore, and I didn't want to be potentially offensive to her or her community, but unfortunately I wasn't able to swap it out before time had run out.
Melody : Headphones
- I don't watch her very often so I hard a hard time choosing a belonging for her. I really wanted to model out her little headpiece that she wears, but I opted for headphones that matched her color scheme.
Kuro : Black Face Mask
- This one is also subtle, but his character model is seen wearing a black face mask relatively often
Haruka : Deer Antlers
- Her model has antlers!
Haruka’s is in the game technically. But because she's always the guilty suspect the player won't ever see it.
I just realized that the executable I uploaded is missing the binaries. If the judges are willing to take pity on me, the full playable game is here. If not, thank you for hosting! It was a lot of fun!
I just realized that the executable I uploaded is missing the binaries. If the judges are willing to take pity on me, the full playable game is here. If not, thank you for hosting! It was a lot of fun!
Hey everyone!
I’m a solo Unreal Engine 5 dev making a small and simple detective game where Mouse is the playable character and I’ve got most of the mechanics built out already!
As you can see though, I'm not a great artist. I built a system that lets me use 2D hand drawn backgrounds as a 3D environment (NOT using any kind of AI). You can see a basic example here for what's meant to be a billiards room in a large mansion.
You can see in the first picture, that it will even automatically cut and layer the png to give it the accurate depth for the scene (as seen by the player standing 'behind' the pool table). The second picture below is the raw image passed into UE5.
I put in some 3D boxes and props, and then used that as a reference/trace for the 2D image. The plan is to replace the 3D environments with the 2D drawings, but keep the 3D meshes for collision.
I can explain more in DMs, but if any artists (2D or 3D for a basic Mousey character model) are interested, PLEASE reach out!!!
I can’t tell you how long I spent trying to reduce the package size 😂. That’s very good to know!
I also appreciate the feedback on the character controller; it’s hard to get it right. But yeah, that was intentional. The idea was that players wouldn’t immediately start walking the wrong direction when the perspective changed. Pressing ‘M’ toggles tanks controls, which is more consistent, but more difficult to get used to. I tried getting a feel for how some other games had done it, but there’s a reason it’s not used very often anymore.
And I also initially had some more in-depth interpretations of the game jam theme, but I had to make a lot of cuts to get something out in time. It’s my first game jam, so I’m just happy that it’s here and it’s playable. So thanks again! :)