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A member registered Jan 14, 2015 · View creator page →

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I think we have to wait until 1 march. Since Limezu said he want release the assets on that date

anyway, is that part separate from the others? Or will that part be included on part had already?

After testing the game, then play a lot of time. I’m back purchase the game >.<

will consider buy on steam too (for support)

nice short game :)

wow great game :D

weee… finally this game had demo :)

nice game :D

wow that helpful.. thanks for sharing :D

I think that’s fine. He sells the game itself. Like unity assets store, where the game developer sells the game (include the assets and the code)

Nice game, I really enjoy the game

dih PHP.. ga ada gamenya :P

ah.. I think this game needs more vision. This is good platform game

nice art. good level design.

nice, game. But I do like the enemy bullet with red / orange / yellow instead of grey. More easy for me to notice that bullet

nice game, chill but challanging

Just played, and I love it. Thanks for the game

asik ada game baru :D

minta tolong build linux juga dunk.. Sapa tau user nambah dikit :)

Untuk sekarang belum bisa testing.. masih berkutat di linux env T_T

tehnya serem warnanya agak merah yah?

anyway baru ngeh klo belum folow accountnya

wow, become enemy is the best, even we have to lose, but make the heroes a bit slower to finish the game is best achievement for me

thanks for the feedback.. On current version, you can only chop the trees.

yeah for now you can only chop the trees.. Maybe need another week for demo :)

anyway thanks for give a feedback

wow this great, run smoothly on my ubuntu, and really like how the render system work (but when I do run, the render is a bit late to render my front wall and plate)

unfortunately I can't play the game to long (to creepy from me, I have disable the jumpscare too)

Yeah, the current issue for me is lagging. Are you using server for this game (is the game multiplayer)? because the lag issue looks like a multiplayer game (rubber banding)

cool idea, but for the current build hard to enjoy the game.

interesting concept.. idle, clicker, and infinite game. Nice combination

I think this game has interesting mechanics. Snake jump :)

It's not made from defold right?

Because I saw the game code on javascript.. But I like the game idea

the first test, I was confused about what have to do.

but then realize how to aim and shoot balloons. Nice game

quietly polish for the game jam.
Nice art, particle, sound, BGM, becoming a solid game.

nice 3d games.. very smooth while playing

This game makes me nervous, and also think about the ending, 

I like effect you have made

love it.. Good controller, has powerup, powerup can levelup. Maybe can add boss (or I didn't meet the criteria for fight the boss)

wow.. seems promising.. Simple and addicted for me.

I show the game is an automated move. can we play the game?

in my mind this like a tile editor, with autogenerated tile landscape :D

great for the start on first game and success game jam. Hope you will continue the journey as game developer.

I like the game shooter game, but you can improve the game better, and I believe you can do it (wave enemies, variant bullet, etc)

Nice concept. At least I won for the first fight.

wow, even without a description?  Hahaha,

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