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A member registered Mar 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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Well done! Interesting and fun concept, mixed with some crazy good sound effects!

Really like the concept and the clever design of the tasks! Well done!

Love the look of this... well done!

Really nice visual! and loved the charactes... Well done!

really loved this one. simple rules but honestly it was enough polished to be already published to me, so well done! gonna try and play it with my friends one of this days :D

super simple and super effec tive concept, you made it in one day but every mechanic is quite on point and it feels polished. Good job!

Really nice! quite polished, and overall a good experience!

Thank you really much! glad you liked the concept :D

Glad you liked it! the only thing that is missing for our initial idea is carp themed cards, and yeah, tons of minigames.... Thank you for playing!

Aestetically super appealing, and the gameplay was entertaining. The simple story is deep eough, and makes a lot of sense. I wanted more chopping but overall I had a great experience. Good job!

Love the artstyle and how you used sounds! Interesting story, and overall quite polished for a jam game! I enjoyed it even tho Loki prevailed :(

yeah that was the plan... i lost a teammate on the way due to work and with uni going on had really little time unfortunately! But many thanks for playing!

Good job everyone! and good luck!