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A member registered Jun 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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i have loaded them with no problems in UE5,  if supported, the facial morphs will even work for automation of speech with the UE app. I have tested this on a couple characters, but not all.

Just as the title says, there are a couple of assets I have created that I though would be nice to sell as an exclusive content that only one person has rights to use..

Ohh, I do apologize to everyone...   Once you see it -- you can't UNSEE it..

so you might as well buy it while its available (on sale at 70% off)

This will be gone after xmas or if sales totals are fulfilled. (there is a limited number that I will be selling)

Save the Children Fund by repeatloader - 

This is to help support the charity 'Save the Children' .  The charity helps children in the backdrop of Hunger, Conflict or Natural Disaster. They help children across the united states and the rest of the world. You can help by purchasing the pack above for only $10.00 of which all money received will be donated to the charity. I maintain transparency by posting the donation receipt information on my profile.

Erik HQ Premium Fighter for Unreal Unity and Blender by repeatloader (

is one item in the pack you can purchase or you can donate directly to them at:

Charity Organization for Children | Save the Children


Get many characters from my premium collection and help children across the world!

Save the Children Fund by repeatloader - 

This is to help support the charity 'Save the Children' .  The charity helps children in the backdrop of Hunger, Conflict or Natural Disaster. They help children across the united states and the rest of the world. You can help by purchasing the pack above for only $10.00 of which all money received will be donated to the charity. I maintain transparency by posting the donation receipt information on my profile.

Erik HQ Premium Fighter for Unreal Unity and Blender by repeatloader (

is one item in the pack you can purchase or you can donate directly to them at:

Charity Organization for Children | Save the Children

As the topic reads. I remain transparent in my charity runs. On my profile page I will post pictures or other form of proof of donation.

In this charity, I am giving   100% of the proceeds I recieve from this sale. So for every $10 in sales, I am able to donate $8.61 (100% - what is taken by for taxes etc.

This donation goes to Safe Horizon!

Domestic Violence isn't gender or age related. I victim maybe male, female, lgbtq, young or old. 

If you don't feel comfortable donating here, you can contribute to them diretcly at Safe Horizon | Homepage    (gave it outside the link as I don;'t know if it is working)

My sale is currently at :   Charity to help victim's of domestic violence! by repeatloader -

One of my more poular characters is in this sale:

PREMIUM MaeLee-Unreal-Blender-Unity with 200+ MORPHS-see script- by repeatloader (

you may purchase them individually or as a bundle for even greater savings.

This is for charity - even if you don't need the assets ,  it would be great if you can help the organization either through this or directly through their website.

Helping those with Muscular Dystrophy

Basically this sale is to benifit MDA -    this is the last day of the sale. If you would like to buy some content for Unreal and Unity plus help MDA -- you can do it now.

I will be donating proceeds I recieve to MDA.ORG - the donation will be transparent with showing of donation right here in the community... (general chat)   A link to the bundle (best value) is here:  MDA Donation Push - 80% proceeds to MDA-Great Price! by repeatloader -

or you can click any of the individual items and buy them individual such as this character which is my most popular one:

PREMIUM MaeLee-Unreal-Blender-Unity with 200+ MORPHS-see script- by repeatloader (

I am pushing to help MDA and have included all of my premium characters. 

If you would like to help MDA and would like a few Animation style and Game style 3d character assets, the purchase of this goes to a great cause. MDA helps those hit with muscular dystrophy. For $10.00 donation, I will recieve around $8.60 from Itch.IO - I will donate this to MDA and will be transparent to everyone in the donations. 

Muscular Dystrophy affects both children and adults and is detrimental to their systems. Many children do not live past their 20's due to complications as other forms of it affect adults going into their 50's and can act as bad to them as ALS itself but prolongs suffering over a longer period of time. Your donation to MDA helps them with research and giving assistance to those afflicted. 

I know this personally as they have helped me greatly and helped members of my family with necessities for those of us afflicted.

Here are a couple you can buy or get the entire bundle at at great price of only $10.00

PREMIUM MaeLee-Unreal-Blender-Unity with 200+ MORPHS-see script- by repeatloader (

RobotBoy with 260 plus morphs for Unreal Unity by repeatloader (

Erik HQ Premium Fighter for Unreal Unity and Blender by repeatloader (


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LeaJean -New character for Unreal and Unity in both High poly and Low poly versions.

Get it now or check out my sale through the link:

LeaJean for Unity and Unreal by repeatloader (

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I am running a charity sale for MDA  at a great discount. 70% of proceeds will be donated to MDA (Im estimating 70% mostly in part of how much it held out by taxes...  

IE..  $10.00 sale would be around 8.60 donated..   

At the end of the sale, I will provite what is needed for proof of donation.. via -- reciept image or page image showin g dowation.

Currently i have raised only 1 sale -- 

If interested in helping MDA - you can goto this link:--

MDA Donation Push - 70% proceeds to MDA-Great Price! by repeatloader -

PREMIUM MaeLee-Unreal-Blender-Unity with 200+ MORPHS-see script- by repeatloader (

This is one of the characters I have added in the sale  :)

(btw, all charity sales, I will post proof  of donation --screenshot or whatever i get) so I can keep everything open for everyone to see that the donatiuon is made))

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they will we sales with proceeds going heavy to charity...  ill probably use as the donation name as I don't need or want credit for the donation's themselves.  (I currently have one going for MDA )

This is a question about a charity sale I have,  is there a specific place to post this even though its not new content?   basically for the next couple months ill be running charity events to give to different charities, most will be almost all of the proceeds going to the charity (if its a smaller charity, it will get more of the proceeds)   but where would I post these (catagory)... etc?

I know this isn't for advertising - however a majority of sales on my bundle (70% proceeds) are being donated to MDA - 

At the end, I will post a payment reciept to show the donation made.  The other 30% will go toward medical equipment for my MDA (new cushion for wheel chair etc)  

You can view the sale here:    MDA Donation Push - 70% proceeds to MDA-Great Price! by repeatloader -

I will post a picture of the donation reciept at the end of the sale.

Here is a link to just one of the items in the pack ($10.00 gets you all premium items)

PREMIUM MaeLee-Unreal-Blender-Unity with 200+ MORPHS-see script- by repeatloader (

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I guess the easiest way is show you the blueprint code and see if you can tell me why the character moves to first point and goes no further. (I have dbl and triple checked the coordinates even using copy/paste to ensure there wasn't a problem there)

everything im seeing says AI should move ok (navmeshbounds volume is completely covering area too btw).

Any feedback i would appreciate, probably overthinking something silly.

I did break it down to failing on the second moveto..

Free LoPoly Blair for Unreal and Unity by repeatloader (

New free character for you to use in your Unreal/Unity project.

Comes with the following animations:

Run Forward

Run Backward

Left Strafe

Right Strafe


Chicken Dance

Isaac- LowPoly for Unreal-Unity by repeatloader (

I have up a new character that is Low Poly for use in Unreal or Unity.

It has the following animations:

Run Forward

Run Backward

Left Strafe

Right Strafe


Chicken Dance

Check it out withsome of my other stuff as well.

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Alisha for Unreal Unity and Blender by repeatloader (

High quality character is on intro sale right now for $6.50 - 

This character has alot of animations and 265 morphs to set up facial expressions.

You can see a video here:

Its fully understandable -  this game isn't being designed with 'lowpoly' in mind-- i could technically get good skin closups of any of my characters in it to show skin detail. I maybe adding some low poly soon but not my intenstion unless i port mobile, then ill redirect a low poly version. :)

don't know what is going on, i just downloaded it with no issue whatsoever.. but that is your choice   maybe someone else can verify the download is working for them?

another resource thought it may cost a little (watch for deals) is to get tutorials from  ... they have alot to offer on various game engines and beginning programming. Unreal has a very solid Blueprint system that takes alot of heartache off of a beginner and they can then advance their knowledge to do some very powerful things just with blueprints. (though c++ is more powerful)

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having people willing to do what your doing is important to alot of developers... it is appreciated so they know if they should change direction of their game... ps (once you clear the way in my pre-game you can move only a little further but i would call it once you get the ... person?... to move   :)

ps -- you did offer HONEST reviews   :)

here is one if very pre-production - Mirror Mirror by repeatloader, lilquirt (

i know its still very beta (you wan't the mirror-mirror2 game

tux racing is the only one i can remember as a linux exclusive off the top of my head.. lol

ok ty :)

Does the wait time ever go away for indexing on paid items? or is it always going to have a wait for manual review?

HQ character with 5 level LOD's for both unity and unreal and a standard (no LOD) version with ton's of morphs

for unreal. (Don't know much about unity, or if it would work in it... etc) 

Get it now -   RobotBoy with 260 plus morphs for Unreal Unity by repeatloader (

I only use AI as a reference myself, but then AI doesn't create 3d characters so it would be difficult to do that lol, but i agree, the only real reason someone should have AI on here is either free or clearly posted as AI generated.

* - time is approximate depending on your location ... it usually changes over a bit before the servers on change over to the date.

Free for the time being - Jade , HQ skin character with lot's of animations is free for Unreal-Unity with a blender version for modifications.

Jade Free Premium character 4 Unreal Unity and Blender by repeatloader (

Grab it while it's free!

First, i do have 2 characters not sure if something went wrong as I had one post immediately for me today as a new paid asset. Ive looked them over and they appear to be in line with the guidelines unless I missed something. They are on almost 3 weeks now. 

Second , I noticed today I posted a free asset, it didn't show up and i waited quite a bit, so i went into edit asset pack, changed absolutely nothing, but clicked save again -- it appeared in between two other assets that were already up there... don't know if thats a bug or what happened, but if you post something and it should be indexed under the free and everything looks right, i found just saving it again can clear up index issues.

The two characters are Maria HQ PREMIUM 100+ animations with topless nsfw by repeatloader (   and Anna Premium High Quality Character with NSFW models available by repeatloader (

I have these two going into the summer sale but didn't know if those being unindexed could cause an issue for people finding the sale.

i have 2 of them that is slightly over 2 weeks, still waiting, im hearing around 3 weeks... not sure though

I use ai -- but only to get an inference for a facial feature, then i take it to 3d creation to create characters. so AI can be helpful in some aspects of human creation. :)


PW protect is dangerous

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Mirror Mirror by repeatloader, lilquirt (


Unreal for third person -- Unity for 2d or webgl

1022 views - 226 downloads - 9 followers -  $00 cash (only have one thing that is indexed atm, wow they are slow)  also mostly assets that i have available as free for most part for donations up showing. 

also, if you follow my stuff --  Free PREMIUM MaeLee-Unreal-Blender-Unity w/unreal project by repeatloader (    is free for the next two days, grab it if you want it.  Ill be putting something else up in its place when i move it to the netherworld of unindexed.

I have followed the guide to be indexed, its been over 2 weeks and its still not indexed?

Premium 3D Gollum for Unreal Unity and Blender by repeatloader (

I followed everything it said to be indexed, but im on 12 days with my gollum character at Premium 3D Gollum for Unreal Unity and Blender by repeatloader (, it still isn't indexed. will everything i post for sale take this long to get listed?

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I know they are busy - but i have one paid asset now on 10 days and it is still noy indexed. others i have talked too have not waited this long.

cgtrader and other sites only delay on NSFW stuff, this is getting crazy and making me wonder if I did post something wrong that is holding it from getting listed.