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I want to play your games to comment on them as constructively as I can

A topic by Maidelen created Jun 27, 2023 Views: 2,934 Replies: 85
Viewing posts 1 to 43
(4 edits) (+5)

I will not play any more games, the reasons are explained in my last post.

I want to do this for several reasons. I've only scratched the surface of what's on, I can't really find anything that interests me at least at first and I think it would be nice to try a game whose creator is looking for feedback.

I would only ask that the game is not so long, I think that less than 2 hours of duration is fine. And that the game doesn't ask for so many requirements. I have no problem with adult stuff too. I don't promise high level critical comments but I will do my best to be constructive.

Edit: Looks like i can't run Godot 4 and onwards, but no problem with Godot 3 games.


hey Maidelen! I have a game that is set to release on July 2nd and would love some feedback for future updates, if you want to demo it before it is publicly available reply!

The game is coming out soon so I would prefer to wait for that day.


Hello! In general I know the enough critique for my games but if you like puzzle-platformers, you can try them. (GreedySlime, PlarcAI, BoxPlatformer)

My non-existent video card makes me unable to open your games, they look good but I don't want to comment only on videos/screenshots. Thanks for sharing

It is sad. Browser version, desktop or both?

Both, sorry

hello! I had recently made a horror gsme called Jayjay Jester

You should check it out!

Here is game link ;)


Both versions of the game are in a"sb3" format, I can't open them as executables

try this one


There I was able to play the game

hi, I made a game about farming fruits, you don't have to beat it if you don't have the time but if you could try it out, that would be awesome!


The first game in this thread that I've actually played. Thanks for sharing

Deleted 314 days ago

Dark School is made in GDevelop like Pixel Man, right? I played a lot with that engine but I couldn't do anything in particular. Congratulations for having made two games there

Deleted 134 days ago

I guess it was godot 3 because the creator of the topic couldn't play my games made in godot4

Deleted 134 days ago

I have boss rush game called Robz Rush. I never got any feedbacks from it so it would be great to get some.

I commented one thing on the page

(1 edit)

I have one that I'll release in november, so I can give you early access if you contact me. besides that, there are two browser games in my profile.


This game is 70% done but only 10% playable.  My main focus has been finishing the mechanics.  Just looking for some feedback on if the intro is clear on what to do?  I know I need to add in sub titles and and "E" to interact prompt, but that's where I'm at.

Downloaded some of the games shared here. When I complete them I will comment them and move on to the others. Although I prefer to play horror games in the daytime and not at night


Hallo, some friends and I are making a "Roguelike-autochess", although it has nearly zero roguelike features at the development stage we are at.
Our main focus is getting feedback as soon as possible since this is quite a strange idea.

Souls Tree

I made a breakout game that has 15 levels. Should be a quick playthrough, and its controls are in the post. You can play it here.

Had a very quick play. Plays and looks amazing. Definatly going into my PICO8 favs!

  • Slowdown pick-up was a bit too slow for me which makes the game boring for a brief moment. But I have this problem with all breakout games with this pick-up (except in Wizorb)
  • the text "impressive" can be in the way a bit, but it's still a cool feature. Maybe have a random text  though so it doesn't repeat as much (far out, radical, gnarly, and other silly remarks XD)

Hi Maidelen,

if you find sth interesting maybe have a go at one of my games/toys. They are all 2D and run on potato PCs.

My most ambitious game so far was Raum Drive. It's probably over 2h depending on how good you are, but there is no story, so it doesnt matter if you dont finish it.

Optical Ball is a quirky Breakout-like game with very unique level ideas. It was my first game so it's not that polished but I still like to play it to this day.


Raum Drive is a game with a very well done base. Without a doubt what I liked the most was the atmosphere and the sounds. The atmosphere is well achieved. The gameplay as such is good, but what I didn't like were most of the levels, mainly the ones that consist of laps.  I think if there were more levels that consisted of collecting dots it would be better, at least for me because those are my favorite levels and the ones I really had a good time with (despite dying many times).

And the water mountain game is fun to watch!

Big thanks. Very helpfuly feedback.

(1 edit) (+3)

Played and commented most of the games in this thread. I may be doing it at a slow pace but I will keep doing it as long as I can, assuming there will be more users sharing their games.  I'm getting back to my game development after some time of problems though, so it's okay if I'm a little late in commenting on some, right?

I feel like I've said more negative things than positive things with the games. It's easy to say the bad things one after another but it's hard to say exactly good things that go beyond "it's fun" or "good design". Just keep in mind that if I go overboard and say more bad things than good, it doesn't mean I didn't have fun or that the game is terrible, I'm just practicing at expressing myself better.

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having people willing to do what your doing is important to alot of developers... it is appreciated so they know if they should change direction of their game... ps (once you clear the way in my pre-game you can move only a little further but i would call it once you get the ... person?... to move   :)

ps -- you did offer HONEST reviews   :)


I truly appreciate this. Whenever you need feedback share your game wether through dms or here.

Getting comments/players on the game really helps with morale. Maybe we could find/create a community/discord for testing games.

Good luck!


I think the server has more or less that function


Pretty much, yes.

There is also the subforum for game feedback. And any game with open comments is asking for it (pun intended).

My guess is, there are more game devs hoping for feedback than players willing or able to give such.

here is one if very pre-production - Mirror Mirror by repeatloader, lilquirt (

i know its still very beta (you wan't the mirror-mirror2 game

I tried to download the game 2 times but the download fails half way through, I think I won't play it sorry

don't know what is going on, i just downloaded it with no issue whatsoever.. but that is your choice   maybe someone else can verify the download is working for them?

No- Is probably my internet, this usually happens with heavy files. Sorry

Its fully understandable -  this game isn't being designed with 'lowpoly' in mind-- i could technically get good skin closups of any of my characters in it to show skin detail. I maybe adding some low poly soon but not my intenstion unless i port mobile, then ill redirect a low poly version. :)


JDownloader2 can resume failed downloads.
If it's a common problem for you, maybe try it out.
It also can download faster from slow sites (obviously capped to your download speed)

(1 edit) (+1)

Check our game bundle

if you have free time you can try this game

Hi, I don't know if you like ARG's or not, but I have a game that's part of one.  It's at

The game won't open for me, sorry. I have to clarify in the main post that I probably won't be able to run games made in Godot.

I have loads of games. My most recent is Bane of Oakenshade. It has very low requirements can run on a Pentium ii 

(1 edit)

Try out my game if you wanna, it's still in development but always appreciate some ideas on improving it :) Have a go with a friend or two as it's a multiplayer shooter.

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You should add a singleplayer mode with bots at least, I couldn't play.

(1 edit)

That's probably the idea coming up next, for now it's only playable with someone. That was kind of the idea from the start, join with couple friends and shoot each other, but a singleplayer would be good as well then. Thanks for mentioning that

Hey Maidelen, here's a short horror game I created, check it out if you're looking for a scare!

(1 edit)

Hey bro I made an action 2D game thats pretty broken but its awesome aswell if you dash and press M at the same time it can help you in the game

Hey bro I made an action 2D game thats pretty broken but its awesome aswell if you dash and press M at the same time it can help you in the game

Hey 👋
Feel free to check out a mini game and a prototype on my profile

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi, can you play the demo for Grid of Yendor? It's a short unconventional roguelike. I especially want feedback on the tutorial experience, difficulty, and audio/visual feedback to the player during gameplay. It's not complete, and I need feedback to make it better.

I've commented on your devlog in exchange.

Thanks for commenting on my devlog!

We made horror visual novel and you can play it here.

Hey there. Could I trouble you by asking if you can try my recent game and give feedback?

I was trying some new stuff I want to implement in a later game down the line so would like to see if they're worth porting over.

I have to play the remaining games, it won't take that long.

Dungeon by Hamoodi9|YT (

You should export the game to an executable instead of a file that opens with the engine.


Can you try my game?
I need feedback to make it better.

I'll be honest, there's no way my computer won't run that, and if it does, it'll be in a tiny window with everything on low and at 10 fps, and with the whole computer suffering. I'm sorry.

may I know your specs

My system is 1050ti and i3 8th with 16gigs ram

I tested in my laptop on lowest settings which has an i5 4th Nd 8 GB ram Nd 2 gb GPU

My computer has lower specs than your laptop haha

I see well its alright still thank you for taking your time to check it out

For when you’re through the last batch, I have two (very) small browser “games” that are basically interactive short stories (I’ve had people tell me they a Borges feel, if that gives you an idea of the feel?) A bit out in left field but I’d be curious what you think of one or the other of the two: or


Very kind of you to go through these games and give feedback. Most users on itch struggle to get any feedback or testers which is why your in such high demand :) the feedback sub forum is good but has very rarely produced any feedback for myself or other users. 

Shameless plugin time as I am also looking for feedback :) I have a downloadable windows game called Sew Lovely that's about 15-20 minutes. Its similar to Pokémon Rangers, you draw circles around enemies to sew them up in a sewing themed world. I am mainly focusing on the difficulty of the game right now as users are struggling with the drawing mechanic. No worries if you don't try it out or enjoy it.

Which one do I download? Old or Beta?

it's the latest one. The v1 :) 

My computer does not support the drivers that the game requires to start. Sorry.

Okay! Thanks for giving it a go. No need to be sorry :)


I can second this game by the way! It's a fun one, give it a try!

You are too kind :)


Oh no, they're accumulating... It's going to be something when it's time to try them all out

You could check out my word puzzle RPG Sternly Worded Adventures, it's not free but there's a fairly extensive demo.

(2 edits)


I really hate to add another load to your reviews, but it'd be cool if you could check out Grass Elemental! It's my very first game and I'm brand new to pretty much everything... 

But that makes it more fun, right?

Also if you could comment on the game page (and rate if you want) that would be great! Just a preference of mine :)

Thank you! Please take your time and review at your own pace!

if you're interested at rpg maker games peep this one out

ugar monar gonar donar jonar bonar ibogammed ishakur 🥶🥶🥶🥶😍 igohammad eshaq 😍😍 bugarette bugnae oonar 🥶🤙🤙🥶

That's a 404 link.

huh? it works just fine by mewhen i click it.are you talking about the game or the page becuase if it indeed was the page 

i also available at gamejolt if you wanna check it out.

forgive me lord. its my only solution on the link problem.

im a bad dev i know

I just made a first person horror game if you're interested. Would love feedback.

(1 edit) (+1)

@Maidelen (Highly recommended for ultimate spooky experience)

Thanks for the tip!

(1 edit)

Hi Maidelen, we have created, polished and finished our game Cardening a while ago. It's card-based - hope this is a kind of game you will like (love to play it myself, every round is different and brings new challenges):

If you find this genre/playstyle interesting, there would also be Squirrel Prepper which is similar. We created it for another Jam

For both games I was drawing and painting the art. If you can't get enough (or if you are looking for a different type of game), you'll find more on my profile page ;-)

Hope these will tickle your interests - looking forward to your feedback!

Hello there Maidelen! If you're into puzzle/ horror games, The House of E. might be right up your alley :)  

All the best!


I'm entering a stage in the development of my video game where I'm taking things very seriously and I'm getting very disciplined. Also, because of my computer, I can't play several games either due to lack of drivers incompatible with the parts it has or because it simply doesn't meet the requirements.

So, I'll just check the games I haven't tried yet, and that's it. It is better that I stop testing games for these reasons. Thanks to those who had patience for me to test them and give my opinion.


"I'm entering a stage in the development of my video game where I'm taking things very seriously and I'm getting very disciplined."

Very, very good idea! I wish I had the discipline to do that with my project... I tend to procrastinate a lot T-T

Good luck with Harmful Heaven and I hope you like the rest of the games!

Yeah, some of the games looks good. Good luck for you too

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