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Riley Hopkins
Creator of
Recent community posts
I'm sending out the backer and post backer PDFs but by bit, my mail merge software only lets me send 100 emails at a time, so your game is coming!! It's just unfortunately taking a moment because of the send limits. I'm sorry for the inconvenience!
As far as your 1e copy... I'm going to investigate that, because you should have received it by now. I'll find your email and follow up- is the handle the same as your handle here?
I do want to plan an upgrade tier for the Kickstarter! I'm not sure how to make that work with Kickstarter's infastructure, but I do plan to make that happen.
I'm currently managing another Kickstarter right now, so the best I can give for a timeframe is "When Spindlewheel is shipped". Cody and I have bounced ideas back and forth on when would work best, and our current roadmap places in spring of next year. But that's about as close as we can get.
This one PDF will get completely updated with the Kickstarter stuff too! The editing, art, and all that!
So, the game is a full fledged system. It has a fully written GM Section, Player Section, and Playbooks. The only reason I'm listing it as "Alpha" is because of the lack of playtesting.
In the future, I plan to add Advanced Moods, and expand on the setting with setting specific moves. But the main game is *done*, and as a working point feels to me like the right amount of money.
Ok! Hell yeah- Let me describe my character here- I'll just explain stuff and then address what cards influenced them.
I am a floor manager at a local lava processing plant, we take in lava, take all the heat energy (or whatever i ain't a science they), and then just spit out rocks on the other side. I've found someone higher up on the chain from me is potentially leaving their job, either being forced out or retiring, and I am going to take it. (Merchant, Luck,our field of honour)
I want their job because I need to remake this whole organization, we aren't nearly as efficient as we can be. Look at how much we could learn, or do! So once I get their job I am going to rebuild this whole company and make it much much better. (Gilded Lily, Blizzard)
Which is a believable goal for me, I've always slipped in and out of positions in places, usually staying behind the scenes, but I'm ready to grab for power. (Changeling) The only thing keeping me down? I don't know jack shit about chemical reactions or science or anything that goes with the MECHANICAL side of this place. but i don't care. (Tender of Blooms)
So unless your person is the DIRT ASS WORST, It looks like I'm playing Heel in this match up hahaha, My characters name is God's Accomplice and their pronouns are they/them.