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River Banks

A member registered Aug 06, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hey, my partner and I are looking for another programmer to work with, if you're still looking for a team DM me on Discord (@riverbanks / @riverbanks#6686). Hope to hear from you soon :)

Hi, if you're still looking for a project accept my friend request on discord (@riverbanks). Lets have a chat 

Hi there, sent you a friend request on Discord (@riverbanks) lets chat 

Still looking for a project? I sent you a friend request on Discord (@riverbanks), lets chat :)

I have industry experience in game design working on the game POLYGON. Can talk more about my portfolio on Discord for anyone interested. Want to start my own project project with a small team of dedicated developers. Really looking for a programmer to begin with but will also need an artist. I have experience working in both UE5 and Unity.
Hit me up on discord if you're interested: @riverbanks (riverbanks#6686)

You should see it pop up in the submissions section for the jam, make sure you submitted to the right jam, and/or submit again (the button in the overview section). Another place to check is by clicking "Jams" at the top of the page, then "Jams Submitted", there you will see all the jams you've submitted games to, if you submitted to the wrong jam then you will know.

The overview page is supposed to be updated when they announce the theme but they haven't done that. So I guess we just wait for now

Really like the art on this one! I got ending 3 of 9 and my that took a turn that I didn't quite expect lol. Fun game, just a bit buggy

Pretty cool idea for a board game. It seemed pretty buggy for me, at times I could rob other players many times in one turn, even when across the entire map. Making them go -$ lol

I'm getting an error and can't open the game:

 "There should be 'Clearworks_Data'

folder next to the executable"

Cute concept, sometimes the dog would completely stop running around and away from me after getting hurt though. Overall good work!

Definitely a cool way to teleport between rooms with that radio, something I haven't seen before. Was a little tricky to figure out at first but overall good game, I really like the art style

Pretty difficult, but was fun trying to beat it. Good work :)

We appreciate it :)

Thank you!

Yeah it seems the blue lanterns can be a bit tricky to figure out. Thanks for playing!

(1 edit)

Thank you :)

Thank you! Yeah it seems the blue lanterns are a bit harder than we anticipated, the flames are bigger are different sizes to give hints on the order. But maybe a SFX or something else to add to that would go a long way. Anyways thanks for playing!

Adding in a leaderboard for this game would be really cool to see, I'd love to know how I pair up against everyone else! Love the art, good work :)

Really like the artstyle, especially the player sprite looks great. I would've loved to see another mechanic in the game though, like maybe finding some collectibles on the way up the mountain to give the player more to look at. Great work on the game!

Cool puzzle game, I really like the theme and music. Maybe nitpicky, but the main criticism I would give is making the first levels shorter to lead the player into the game slower. Overall great work!

This could be a really amazing project if expanded upon further. Even in such a short time I could feel the weight of the story. Good work!

Very cute game! The first time I launched the UI didn't appear, so it was just two bunnies having a good time lol, had to restart the game. Lots of fun though!

Fun game, my main criticism is that theres nothing really pushing back on the players goals, it would be cool if you lost when you ran out of sun, instead of just slowing down. That way there is more urgency in what you're doing. Fun game overall!

Would love to see this idea expanded upon, with only a few levels theres not much gameplay. It was fun figuring out the paths for each ship and finding a way to sneak around though

I really like the look of the game, unfortunately it was really buggy for me, after the first level my game kept freezing.

Fun little puzzle game, enjoyed figuring out how to solve each level, just wish there were more! Only bug I saw was sometimes the moving tiles didn't function as they should, so I could walk on water

Controlling the car was pretty difficult at times, but it was a lot of fun to jump off the ramps! Especially the time I flipped my car backwards so the movement keys were reversed lol

Love the punch animations, a tutorial for how to play would've been nice, was a bit confusing at first.

Was a little hard to find the entrance to the maze at first but overall cute game!

The background and atmosphere is really cool, would've loved if it was easier to see obstacles though

You still looking for a project? If so add and message me on Discord and lets talk RiverBanks#6686

Our project has been in development for 1.5 months so we have some gameplay to show if you're interested. We're making a 3rd person shooter, platformer, and dungeon crawler, where the player is a mage trying attempting to ascend a massive wizard tower to claim the special gemstone at the top (lore/store is a WIP)

The main job you'd have is environment 3d art, and if you can, character modelling and animation.

Art style reference we're using: 

Let me know below if you're interested :)

2 man team looking for an artist to help with the jam

I hope to see more levels in the future 

Pretty cool concept, the repeating music bug when you play again is kind of funny

I agree with everyone else, the music is awesome

We'll definitely be making it easier to get snowballs in an update after the voting period ends, and a destructible environment does sound pretty neat, I wonder what the game would be like with that. Thanks for playing