Game is now at version 1.2
Updated components which reduced the load on the game thread. The game runs smoother now.
Thanks for the reply!
No worry about the reply being late. Life activities takes priority! XD
A bug morphed into a feature! That's pretty cool!
Planning is super important, and scrapping ideas that would be too hard to do in the timeframe is a good strategy. The "As long as it works it's fine with me" method is a good one too!
Thank you for the explanation of your process for development, I'll check out your Twitch streams as well!
A very solid puzzle platforming game! The style and implementation is very clean! XD
Couldn't for the life of me, figure out how to get the N on level 5, but really enjoyed the experience!
I'm really amazed that you got so much done in 2 weeks!
(What kinds of things did you do to optimize your game development? If you don't mind I'd like to know!)
I figured out how it worked after a while, and wow its definitely a unique game!
Being able to see your body/feet by turning around was pretty cool! The controls felt so weird at first but if you can wrap your head around it, it's pretty good! XD
The rooms were somewhat dark, but hanging around the lit spots made it easier to re-orient yourself in the world.
The problem stated below is not fixed yet. (The github project will be updated when fixed.)
Linking Github for future access after issue has been fixed: https://github.com/RobertTsunemichi/LensChroma