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A member registered Jul 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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It's incredible! :D

Perso j'ai pas mal de contacts dans ce milieu-là, mais c'est cool de voir des français ici !

Vous voulez qu'on se give nos discord ?

Ah, je crois voir un collègue français ! ;)

Hey, thanks for your comment! ;)

Oh, I'm sorry! It was a joke, there is no music in this game... That's why I wrote : "lol" after it, so, sorry for the disagrement!

Hey, thanks for you comment! What's the problem with the jump physics? Nobody told me that ^^

Kind of a nice game! But the level 9 is really hard, didn't understand how to go through it...

Sometimes hard, but one of the best game of this jam! ;)

Remind me of the games I played on Gamecube when I was a kid! Was kind of an incredible time... :D

Hey, thanks for you comment! I'm happy you liked my game! ;)

Yeah, at first, I didn't thought it especially looked like Celeste, but some friends that played it said that! Probably bcz I learned pixel art with miniboss tutorials xD

For the source code, you can find it here:

(1 edit)

Ah thanks, it's kind!

Really funny, but also, raging!!!!! xD

I think you'll be the winner of the game jam! ;)

Even if this game isn't finished (lol), it was really fun to play ;)

I don't know how you successed to make a game like that with only 100 code lines but it's obviously incredible! Congratulations to you, bro!

Problem fixed!

Yeah I've seen, time have a big problem in this game, I'm gonna look at it

Me, I would love to use Universal Fade, but since there're a lot of lines inside, I think I can't ?

Yes you can, while there're less than 3 persons in the team! Beta-testers count in these 3 people.

In the entiere game, you can only use one hundred code lines only

Difficult but fun! :)

Thanks for your comment! It's kind! :)

Thanks! :)

I know that I am nice and smooth, but nobody ever told me that I was atmospheric ?!

Thanks for your comment, and yes, I get that a lot, and I'll make sure it doesn't happen again for my next games!

Thanks! :)

Oh, thank you for your comment, it's incredibly sweet! And I'm glad you enjoyed my game! :)

Hi, thanks for your constructive comment ! (And by the way, I'm really glad you liked the swim system!) :)

 Hi! Thanks for your comment, and your opinion, it's kind! :)

Hi, thanks for your comment! And yes, it's kind of a really nice advice, but, unfortunately, I had only 2 days, and I didn't have enough time... :/

Thankssss! :)

Hi, thanks for your comment, it's really kind! :) :)

I hope you'll like my game :)

Thanks <3

Nice advice x)

Hi! Thanks for your comment! :)

Oh gosh, I'm sorry you didn't understand what you have to do! In fact, you have to run away from the fish that will try to attack you, and you have to try to go deeper and deeper! :)

Thank you! :)

Thanks for everything!!! <3

Ohh, I'm so glad you liked the swim mechanics, I spent a lot of time on them! <3

And, thanks for the compliment on the pixel art, even though it's not from me! :)

Thank you! Well, unfortunately, I draw extremely badly, but I think at the next game-jam, I'll do the graphics! :)

Oh and, btw, actually, it's just that I haven't had time to implement a combat system, so we just have to run away from the fish x)