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A member registered Jun 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks! I'm glad that you gave this game a chance and really liked it.

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the side parts

Thanks! I'm glad the gameplay and story integrated well together.

Seija's confrontational enough to be a good detective too


Thanks, glad you enjoyed everything!

Thanks! Hopefully I can find the time to polish some of the formatting more. Glad you enjoyed the Seija content!

Thanks! I'll consider utilizing the character expressions some more if I do make a follow-up.

Thanks! MessisLuna and xiang did a great job with the art. For the coding, it involved listboxes and a lot of variables and if statements. 

I've thought about making a follow-up story and I will consider increasing the difficulty if I do so.

Glad to hear you enjoyed the sequel!


Alas, this was outside of the game's budget.

Once you've got one point, you can repeat the same action to get more points and the other ending.

There is freezing frogs and there is dying, just not together.

Thanks! If there was a bigger budget, there would have been more things to do to Suwako, but alas.

With retro gaming, you can be sure that is the case!

Full Cirno a go

*spits out cereal*

Thanks! The early success of the first two games is a good sign for the budget allocation for the next game. I will be sure to consider the more unorthodox options for this next game.

Thanks! Glad to hear it has the same vibes as the original.

Don't have to worry about seeing sunlight in the sequel either!

Thanks! I hope the sequel addresses your concerns.

Thanks! I'm glad the game at least scored high in Concept. I started with wanting to make a board game for the jam because I thought it'd be funny and eventually made this.

Thanks! I tested Tsukasa's raise condition at six influence markers, and found it to be too easy, so I made it a suboptimal seven markers.

Good to hear the mechanic is enjoyable!

Thanks! Good to know Easy is easy. I'm glad the math hasn't caused much of a problem either. I put months to be more thematic, but turns do just make more sense. I'll also see about tweaking the board design.

Thanks! I do plan to add multiplayer eventually, but it's a single player only experience right now.

Thanks! The Unity version sounds cool. Glad to hear the partner's mechanics fit their personalities.

Thanks! It kinda slipped my mind as I thought about an expansion idea, but I probably should add something to lower Tsukasa's relationship. Likely something related to the influence markers, to match her theming.

Thanks! Some of the stock market's mechanics are based off of Stockpile (A board game I haven't played yet).

Thanks! I'll have to see about pacing the text. I'm hoping that whenever I get around to adding dialogue, it'll add some depth to parts that were merely touched upon. 

Thanks! I do prefer point-and-clicks, but making one is beyond my skill set unfortunately.

In the second date, preventing the puzzle solution from happening early is a bit of an adventure game trick to avoid sequence breaking. Orin's probably still wandering the vents until you meet Okuu. (Unless she popped up before meeting Okuu, in which case that's a bug)

I'll try to rework the rice since it is unexpected to get an item at the start.

Thanks! Whenever I get to work on the dialogue, I'll try to integrate hints and puzzles into it.

I'm glad you enjoyed it! As for ratings, as long as it does well in the categories I focused on, I'll be happy. 

I wanted to add dialogue options, but ran out of time. I try to add them eventually, as it'll enhance the story.

I added a walkthrough with the necessary actions to go through the game.

Thanks! I thought about having that instability in this game. However, as I worked on the game more, I found it wasn't really my narrative style and decided to just have the varied endings instead. Plus, the pre-established backstories of the characters would have made ambiguity difficult. I think it worked out fine in the end. Like you said, Mokou and Kaguya's relationship means a lot of the endings could have happened along one timeline.

I plan to make some more IF games. Hopefully I manage to finish another one soon!

Thanks! I did want to make more endings; Aisle has more than triple the endings of this game. However, I was running out of steam near the end. With a fresher mind now, I probably should have added more items to interact with.

Yes, though pressing any key will restart the game.