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A member registered Jun 22, 2019 · View creator page →

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This was definitely challenging but fun! The game was easy simple to get into but the upgrades added complexity to it as we play.

I think the main criticism I would have is its sometimes hard to tell when the player's in the light cone. Maybe some visual feedback could help there such as scorching sound effects / brightening the game / etc. 

Overall great job though! Well done

Loved the lofi soundtrack. Vehicle controls were also super good, very responsive. I'm assuming the red boxes coming out were meant to be wind forces but they overall felt very weak. 

Also curious did you make a modular models for your road or did you make a custom tool to build the roads?

Really simple yet innovating game. Watching the balls fall and bounce is pretty satisfying. Really well done!

Really liked the animations you have! The sound track was amazing as well! 

Interesting choice on the hold to attack. I wasn't sure initially but got the hang of it. I would look into implementing some particle effect and SFX to indicate I'm charging my attack. Overall Well done!

Thank you so much! It was my first time working on VFXs, I usually just focus on code. 

Very interesting take on the theme! I loved the visual effects and soundtrack you had! Really nice work! 

Really nice game! I liked the downwell aesthetics but you took a different approach with the stomp mechanic. 

Getting  launched after hitting an enemy was an interesting idea and I think led to some really cool level designs! Nice work!!

Interesting control schemes for jump and shoot. Personally didn't mind it but I thought the knockback made things way harder. For example where I land and there's a bird coming from both left and right, I shoot one and I push into the other. 

Not necessarily a bad thing, I think it comes down to the player figuring out patterns through trial and error. The art and soundtrack were amazing tho! 

Overall well done!!

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Thank you so much! Hahaha yes we had a plan for a cooldown but we ended up running out of time

I liked the gameplay once I realized I can use the arrow keys to move. Didn't realize that the controls aren't WASD after reading the comments. I'm curious how you got that effect for objects when the player is about to collide with it

Very innovative idea. I really liked your interpretation of the theme. Excellent work!

Honestly, it was mainly a sensitivity issue since I have a very high DPI. So I ended up missing attacks. Also once I realized there's health pick ups in the areas, things went pretty smooth! 

I really loved the concept. The aesthetics were really nice and the soundtrack was refreshing. I think it needs a little bit more balancing but overall really cool and nicely polished. Well done! 

Nice little platformer. The levels were challenging however I did find that in the volcano scene that some of the platforms blend too much with the environment making it hard to see!

Cool game! I really liked the movement. I initially found it a little hard but got the hang of things after awhile. The visuals looked nice as well, Nice Work!

Really cute art style and loved the music and audio. I was a little confused initially why sometimes I survived upon landing but other than that, really good game! 

I really liked the art style you went with. The concept you have is really interesting. I have the problem as your previous comments where placing a house on the wrong spot makes you also miss that spot later on. I personally don't mind it but maybe you could potentially add a restart button later on. 
Nice Work!

Really cool game. I really like the music you had going. I found the enemies a little hard to dodge but I could just be bad at the game LOL. Really nice work! 

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pretty funny how I made a similar game for Brackey’s game jam last year with a similar name as well XD. You’ve polished it a lot more though so nice work! But if you wanna check mine out:

Hey can you tell me what the glitch was?