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A member registered Dec 29, 2023 · View creator page →

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Loved the game! I like the art style and the BG music is done so well! Definitely great work on this game in such a short time! 

And the gameplay feels very well put together, too!

thank you! The artist(Cherry) worked so hard on all the sprites over the course of the jam so HUGE shout out to her! The game wouldn't have looked nearly as good if she weren't a part of it

And HUGE shout out to our Music guy, Meurlyn, aswell! Super nice track for the game

All 3 of us came up with the idea for the core gameplay, and we didn't actually get to do the part that we thought would've been the most entertaining, which was to have little 5 second mini games attached to each intractable object.

But maybe in a future update ;)

thank you so much for the nice words! And for the generous rating! It is much appreciated

Yes sadly I didn't have enough time to fix that bug, even though it's a pretty big one! I do plan on releasing a patch for the game that should fix all known UI issues and maybe even add some new features if I get the time!

Thank you for bringing it up to me, the more I know the better! I will have to check your submission out tonight! 

yeah that makes sense! Still super cool! I've always wanted to learn how to do the procedural drilling like you have it seems like a super fun mechanic to work on! The fact that you pulled it off so well is awesome!

Keep making good stuff

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Thank you so much for the comment! Im glad you enjoyed it! We WILL be working on a patch that should be released the end of this week that fixes some bugs, and adds some gameplay features! And if all goes well, i would love to spend another couple weeks to fully flesh out our original idea for the game! 

still keep it small, but add a lot more variety and character to it!

thanks for the headsup! 

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I was pleasantly surprised by how the crafting turned out! Especially under a time crunch it completely changes the game!

I love simple tutorials so thats what i made for this game

I know as soon as I put the timer in I started messing up each room so much on my play tests 🤣

I can't wait to try your game! Thanks for playing mine 

thank you very much! The artist did a great job! I appreciate you playing the game! I'll have to check yours out soon :)

Thank you so much for the comment and for trying out the game! this game was a new experience for me all around!

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Perfect game. I was all like "if this game upgrades then its it", then i got off of the first moon and saw upgrades and when "this game is it". WIsh upgrades had descriptions, though im sure that was due to time

Nice job! i enjoyed shooting the roaring creature in the face until i got my arm bit off

Nice job

Good game. I ended up just running trough most of the level tough to get to the boss. Nice job making all of this in just 3 days! The boss hands ended up hitting me when i was on the sides and they weren't moving, but other than that it was a good fight

The aesthetic was really good, definitely my favorite part of the game.

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I liked the game a lot once I understood what was going on, which took me one or 2 playthroughs.

The menu UI was good, and I liked the style, but maybe a little bit of padding on the main menu buttons so they aren't right up against the edge of the screen, as well as an offset to the curser image, i found myself not knowing where I am clicking exactly in the menus, and then hide the curser image in game so I can see more clearly where I am going to be placing things

Guiding the chickens was a blast! I enjoyed getting them into the ship, it was very satisfying. Maybe having a count down for how many chickens left before the ship takes off would be nice, as well as a better way to track the chickens? Chickens kept dying off screen and there wasn't much i could do about it cause I couldn't keep track of them all. Maybe a radar or a zoom in/out feature

Leaderboard looked nice AND clean. I loved the art style of the game. everything looked like it was the same style. Overall, nice job for only having 3 days! cant wait to see what you make next!

thanks for the feedback, and for playing the game!

I tried fixing the UI issues but I ran out of development time, sadly. 

I do plan on patching in some fixes after the Jam, though, and some overall gameplay improvements, so maybe give it another shot in a week or two?

Btw I just checked out your game page and it looks super good! I'll give it a play before the rating period is over!

awesome! Thanks for playing the game! Expect an update in the near future that will improve the experience!

thank you!


Game is very fun! Definitely would recommend giving it a try!