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Saiyam Lohia

A member registered Apr 13, 2022 · View creator page →

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Yea i was tryna make it so that the enemies turned red for like half a sec if hit but couldnt figure things out at the last sec so just left it lol

Love the game! The difficulty escalation is perfect. The execution is really good.

If the arm rotated according to the position of the mouse, it wouldve been better

Thanks for the feedback. Actually adding that would make the game feel a bit too easy and you would be able to complete all levels first try therefore i dont think its a great idea.

The game feels a bit too bland and slow. After playing for 3 mins, i realize i spent the last three minutes just mashing buttons, hoping to see a pawn so it got a bit boring.

Although i love the concept it is really cool and you can work a lot on it to expand it :)

Yea i do, and im not saying that i did get a 50, i said i was tryna.

(2 edits)

The game is quite well done, just a few things to consider.

The level progression feels too slow and boring like you are at level 5 played the game for quite a while and yet the only thing ur doing is catching fish and growling. Even the piranhas are introduced in a latter level. Hence it quickly started feeling quite stale. EVen some liht background music would help

Yes actually it was really fun. I played it for like 20 mins tryna get the 50/50 :P

yea i didnt even notice the goal was to throw the animals on the ground till like 2 minutes into the game XD

The music and overall art and polish is really good :) its very well into the "candy crush" genre. The way you have set up time so that the player dosent sit all day to get perfect combo but at the same time it isnt hectic. Just big brain. Even the game is pretty self explanatory as you get it by just playing it.

just the thing is the limitation dosent really fit in well as they could very well be unlimited.

(1 edit)

I dont know if it was a design choice, but a way to know that we can stack how any more animals in the boat would be good. Rest it feels very well done.

Thanks for the feedback. Would you mind giving more details as to what felt weird, I would love to enhance the game for a post jam version.

Oh sorry, maybe im just bad XD. Those red blocks seemed more of a trouble as they werent easy to use to get up, the speed was a bit too much and i always dropped down. maybe thats something to consider

DUDE THE GAME IS INSANE. It is really well done given the limited time. Some ideas for future progress tho

Reduce the amount of those red blocks as the runs for a general player is really small and for the game to be satisfying, you need the runs to last a bit longer.

Have a way to have the blocks randomly generate instead of the same pattern every time.

You have a ready android game just a add this.

Thanks for the ideas, actually i had a lot in mind, adding new types of clouds, new levels, adding obstackles that can be move around by hitting them by clouds, but couldnt give it that much time and even the team i started with left due to issues with timezones. 

Man its impossible to get dem pop ups back

thx :)