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A member registered Jul 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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thank you so much for trying the demo! Best advice I would give my previous self would be not skimp on tutorials. There’s a lot of info that I need to cover, and it’s very crammed in atm. And not explained very well. 

I wanted to note that there is a full top down map, toggled with Q or dpad down. I will make sure this info is more clear thank you. It moved from the hud to a separate toggled screen. This is to stop people (mostly me) from over using it to navigate. 

Im gonna keep working hard on it, I am glad that you tried it out! Cheers 

thank you so much :) I’ll check out your stuff if you’d like 

This GameJam is going to wrap up soon, and its has been super helpful! I have a request. Would anyone be up to checking out the changes that I was able to get done because of Feedback quest?

I have put up an update from all the feedback I have received already. Would anyone be interested in giving it a look? or, another look?

Also, if anyone would like me to check out their work, or others to check it out, here would be a good place to put it. I can get it checked out before the Jam is over, which is soon.

Thank you everyone for the Jam, the feedback, and the help!!

I have put up an update from all the feedback I have received too. Would anyone be interested in giving it a look? or, another look?

I would really appreciate it!

Thank you everyone for the Jam, the feedback, and the help!!

I have put up an update from all the feedback I have received already. Would anyone be interested in giving it a look? or, another look?

Thank you everyone for the Jam, the feedback, and the help!!

Thank you but really you aren't being harsh at all :) I really appreciate you would give the game another look!

Could I ask you to take a look at this update off stream? the controls should feel better, it should not be possible to collide through the floor / walls / most objects. Also, the volume sliders in the pause menu should now work (again) without any one sound too loud (minus the loud elevator warning)

The story behind all this was actually kinda interesting, so ill share for context. This is also why I asked you to check it again. One of my streamer friends just recently tried the game, and it was BAD! Long story short, very similar issues. His issue was a very good computer.

There was no max framerate limiter, and the player character moves faster than the physics worked and the level loaded! He was hitting the walls and objects. Kinda bouncing off of them. So, had to stop like, after a few minutes due to all this. But him and I, we went over everything and its all fixed (not just my opinion) This update also reimplements 2 different enemies.

I know it doesn't fix everything, But, this should help! Id check out the stream if youd like to send me a link and time :D

BTW, this update is also on here, Itchio. But the best place to get the most recent (for sure) would be Steam.

Thank you again!

thank you for checking out the game! Would you be open to trying a later update? I ask because I have been putting the newest updates that fixed collision issues, improved the tutorial to make it more clear, only on steam. I know I should be more careful, I just forgot to update the game here, so 2/5 makes sense IMO.  

Don’t worry your critiques weren’t harsh, and I know I have a lot of work to do. That’s why I keep working on it and put it in the jam so I can get help with feedback! 

I watched the stream it was great! It was a little choppy, but that’s due to me needing to optimize it more :) but a slightly lower resolution would add 10-20 FPS. 

Im keeping on working on it, seeing you play it really helps, thank you again! 

Thank you!

Thank you so much for checking it out! I will work on optimizing the game for stream and in general, tho I havent found what the culprit is I think its something on the GPU side. would you have ideas for what to use for right click, or grenades? my focus was on gamepad, keyboard and mouse could use some attention.

Is there a link to the stream? I'd love to check it out! thank you again

the improved update is now live here :D

thank you for hosting! The feedback has really helped so far :) can I request if anyone wants to try my game, I’m uploading a newer update :D thank you 

Hey thank you very much for playing! We’re currently working on updating the tutorial and all of the text so it’s not too much information thrown at the player immediately. Thank you for giving it a try, I know it’s not your style so thank you so so much for giving it a go! 😁

thank you :) 

Please check out my submission DROSS :) 

thank you! That helps a lot, I will work on those changes. Thank you for trying it :) 

Thank you for the Jam

yes! When I’m at that stage I will. 

Cleaner HUD?

Thank you! I’ve seen where the gun just disappears before and yea it’s a bug! It’s a mean one too, I haven’t been able to replicate it. But it pops up on everyone’s recording or such. So maybe it’s something when the games run for the first time? 

Im working on it right now, and I’ll try to clean up the ui too. It’s not organized and more one thing added on top of another. Over and over.

Thank you for giving it another go, finding these issues is very important. Hopefully once you get past them, there’s some cool gameplay when the level starts. 

each update makes everything a little better. I’ll have a new update out once it’s ready,  thank you and everyone for checking it out!

Hi hi I have just released an update and I feel it is far better than the game has ever been. Id really like to know what you think, and if theres any other ideas or critiques that you have, they have honestly helped a lot!

hey if you'd like I have been fixing up a whole lot and I would love to see a new video on how the improvements changed the game so far! Thank you for the feedback!

That was awesome THANK YOU! More please!

good luck let me know how it goes 

thank you so much! 

I’ve added pause (start button or esc key) and a quit to menu from pause 

the player cannot kick doors but the use is based on what the player is looking at (use is vault on a ledge, pick up on item etc) but I will make that more clear with indicators or. Something 

Also not clear button for grenade swap is scroll down on mouse (swap weapon is scroll up) I will make this more obvious

The bugs broke your map sorry, getting map upgrades will improve it as well as an “overleveled” level to buffer any damage

And health numbers, stamina, and oxygen numbers are hidden. This is laziness on my part and I’ll get right on it since yes. It’s pretty vague how much is remaining

Thank you for the feedback! I am working on new (hopefully better) pathfinding for Vanth and bugs. I’m trying to multithread it for multiple cpus so it’ll run a little smoother ( for more bugs) so hopefully that will fix those issues and prevent anything from getting stuck 

I will be adding quality settings so everything can get the game running well / looking better

Any ideas for Dereliction? They go here:

Please put any issues / ideas on existing game here: