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A member registered Jul 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hi Cup Nooble! Thank you for this pack!

I got the premium version and I absolutely love the art style. Everything looks stunning!

I want to make a game about animals for a school project and portfolio purposes and my idea features penguins and ducks. 

I was wondering if you have plans to add more animals to the pack (or another pack) such as dogs, ducks, and most importantly for me, penguins!

Spooky game indeed... Managed to jump scare me a couple of times. 

The only complaint is that it is not always clear what you have to do next

Thanks for playing the game! In the post-jam update, you will be able to switch characters using j or shift buttons.

Good game overall.. Had fun playing it.

The tutorial could be more clear tho as I only noticed the cream way later in the game and I had been using ice in place of the cream the whole time XD

I had fun playing this.. would have been even cooler if I could see the ghost using the flashlight 

Fun game. Although it was not clear to me what I should choose in the dating part. I ended up trying random things and it worked.

I liked the idea and I think it fits the theme well. 

The graphics and the music are amazing. 

It was not clear, however, what the overall goal of the game is. I ended up wandering around and erasing stuff. Perhaps you could add a map and a list of objectives

I love the minimalist design and the color! beautiful game with interesting mechanics.

I had fun playing it

The music is good and the idea fits the theme.  I guess a bigger map would allow the squares to be more spread out and this would allow some exploration. Maybe add clues to find the real one. Overall, good effort!

(1 edit)

Yay! I got Bonnie to overcome her fears. It was a good game. Consider adding a checkpoint  tho since I had to start all over after dying even tho I think I progressed a lot. 

Well Done!

Wow.. I love this idea, super innovative. 

The dance animation is so cool too. Well done!

(1 edit)

Interesting take on the theme and a good implementation. Good work!

I was not able to beat hard mode :o

Good work!

Loved the background art and overall this is a solid game especially since it is your first one.

Keep up the good work.

I really enjoyed this. Interesting idea with balanced difficulty.

Interesting game with a cute idea, I liked that I get to play as a cat. I was not able to inspect objects with the dialogue on and at the same time pressing keyboard buttons did not advance the dialogue which confused me at first but then I realized I have to use the mouse.

Good use of the meme and it fits nicely with the theme. 

I could not find a way to distinguish between cakes and real objects which makes the game luck-based but funny.

(1 edit)

Thank you for your feedback. I will make sure to fix the issues you listed in the next update.

Thanks for playing my game. Yes, I think the main issue is that I didn't test the game on many players before releasing. I also only had time to create two levels so I thought if I made them too easy it won't be fun. This was a bad decision and I should have handled the difficulty better. I am considering adding checkpoints and the option to select the difficulty as well as reworking the levels and adding new ones.

Thank you for the feedback and I will take what you listed into consideration.

Very interesting idea with a lot of potential. The animation was cute and the music was spot on.
I was not quite what I was doing in certain places because I did not understand some parts of the story. Nonetheless, I could see this being expanded into multiple levels with different scenarios but it needs a way for the player to be more involved because the game-play felt a bit passive.

A fun, short experience with a cool plot twist at the end. 

Some music would have been nice as well as some directions on what you should do.

Good work!

Fun game. Watching these coins spinning can make you a bit dizzy tho XD. 

Maybe the character can acquire a tool that makes them able to tell the difference between fake and real coins (with the fake ones having a different color or texture for example).

I like the character design, good work!

I enjoyed this game and I liked how it incorporated different meanings of "it is not real." The cutscenes were beautiful and so was the boss fight and I liked the plot-twist at the end. My only complaint is that the puzzles felt too basic which is fine for earlier levels but I expected something more interesting towards the end. However, this is a good game overall.

Thank you for your feedback, Rototype. I will try to add more levels so that the player has more chance to practice the mechanics before moving to the harder levels

Thank you Celtia! I am Glad you liked it.

Great Game! I liked that you have to plan out a strategy and you have to be precise as well. 

The art and the music are good too.

Probably the best game I have tried so far.

Nice game.. The thing I liked the most is the design of the character. 

I found it funny (in a good way) that you are fighting while wearing pajamas.

Wow.. Really cool concept. 

The difficulty is balanced and I like that there are levels dedicated to teaching you a new mechanic.

It is easy to learn but hard to master and that makes it fun.

I found it a bit too challenging but I enjoyed it.
The enemies look nice and the music fits the game nicely.
Unless you intend for this to be a rage game, I think making the gun shoot faster would make it a bit easier. Depends on what audience you are targeting.

I like the spooky feel of the game. The visuals and the music help in creating that atmosphere.

The graphics are absolutely stunning and I really like the art style. 

Interesting mechanic and idea.

The game is fun but sometimes when I PewPew at a non-brown horse I lose a life. From what I understood only brown horses are NoPew. I also wish that I could PewPew upwards/downwards and not just left and right.

Overall I think this is a good game with a lot of potential.

Hello everyone, 

I am a beginner Unity developer, you can see some sample works on my profile. I am looking for an artist and a musician.