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A member registered Sep 12, 2022 · View creator page →

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The flip coin mechanic is nice and funny. but kind a useless sometimes lol. And yeah I'm kind a difficult to complete this game because my down arrow key button is broken and my keyboard doesn't have any LMB button, so yeah I use WASD and X lol

I'm confused with the command on the first place lol, now I understand how it work and it's a nice concept game (Even though there is ending where no having connected with the flip coin) and yeah... I also confused for searching another ending because don't know the right command lol, but now I know and found it

Nice game! I don't expect if there is rhythm game on this jam lol, I like it
The art is so cute and adorable, and kind a difficult to using mouse, luckily I using my laptop that can touch screen lol (But still miss.) Also I really like the song!

I really like this game, it made me too addicted with this game.
I really like the art and the battle concept. Even though I just once defeat to crow and can't defeat the crow again  (Well ofc because the crow is the shopkeeper lol)

I'm so so sorry. I really don't relized if there is no download link lol, because I need to hurry for post this game. But now is avaliable (Hopefully it's allowed). And sorry for long respond because my phone is tooken by my teacher, yeah. I really sorry for everyone and you and for this jam host🙏

Ini gamenya lebih gampang ari pada di roadshow kemarin, wkwkwkwkwkw
(btw gamenya bagus walau tombol keyboard arrow bawah ku rusak)

makasih bang risky, walau sayanya dah nggak ngelanjuti gamenya, wkwkwkwkwkwkwk

Hi guys :3

Udah lama nggak ngecek lagi atau buat game rpg maker lagi, dan gua lihat udah bagus (walau masih pake asset :v)

Here is my game

This game is remember me to another rpg game like mario and luigi, golden sun, persona, etc
And this game is cool cause it's 2.5d, but the game is short and i want to more boss fight

Please play my game too

Great game bro!, it's sad cause the player is now npc (except you can playable as villain or whatever what)

ooo.., so sleep on the bed is the theme was

(1 edit)

A good game but sometime i get bored because you just play a game, eat an apple and sleep, and if like have a event like harvest moon it will be great (i think) and... where is theme of the a end is new begening?

This game is good cause i can play as Purple guy and slay the netizen and protect the shrine, great job!

This is my game, and please try it and have fun!

Maybe yes, cause it's to short for me and for the player who play this game

Wow, a great game and fun to play, i like how the rope is going down and enter in the another world, and i like the music

This game is great but..., the enmy is kinda dumb and somtiems will ne smart, and i hope if this game have an update i want if the player die can select the another tower like laser etc

Shenanigans?, what is that?

This game is great but page 9-13 is using kanji and i can't read kanji anyway, so i want to know what is the meaning of page 9-13

You know, my game is still rated by 4 people only, so please play my game and rated it okay

(1 edit)

Makasih bang (biasa hobinya suka buat game yang durasinya singkat, padahal gara-gara waktunya tinggal dikit :v)

Saranku sih tambahin bahasa english, soalnya kebanyakan disini pake bahasa english semua, jadi mana paham isi gamenya gimana :v

Use Android emulator to play this game, you can find the emulator in google

This game it's very hard to me but i like the music, the music is kinda like a anime song

Thank You! and to be honest I want 5 levels for this jam game just because there is no time so it's only 2 levels
,and also I don't like playing horror games which are very scary

Because i boring what to do now (maybe i want to draw while waiting for the time to run out)

ini dari tadi masih 3 aja muluh,entar pas udah mau deadliennya langsung aja tuh banyak gamenya :v

Kasih ada secret level yang creepy dong,biar lebih seru :v

Ini udah hari minggu tapi masih 3 yang baru submit,saya sendiri sih masih 55%,kalo kalian dah berapa persen ya?

Ooopps,sorry i'm forget the password to,but i think is 7195 (maybe)

Forget the 20,the password is 5197

Do you check the callendar?

Gamenya bagus banget,gua nunggu update sama level lanjutannya,dan kalau bisa tambahin 1st sama 2nd person,biar tambah unik gitu gamenya,itu kan ada warna hijau sama biru,kalo bisa tambahin merah sama kuning gitu,biar sekalian ada 4 player gitu (P3=ijkl,P4=Mouse)

Gamenya sih bagus,tapi tolongin fix bug buat coloring kaki robot sama meriamnya,dan juga tambahin item sama fitur chat

kalo gitu mah harus nonton episode 1-12,scenenya harus semuanya ada (kalo bisa) dikarenakan filmnya ke battle royale,tapi aku kepingin ada what ifnya jika kalo ini yang menang gitu