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A member registered Mar 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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Added. Glad to have ya aboard. ^^

Hey y'all.

I've done two game jams, but both were okay when I started out blindly, so I might as well take another crack at it. I'm looking for a group to collaborate in a game jam. I have an idea to make some crazy ideas to the game project with RNG and strange builds. As for the story for it, I want to make something new and unique where we all struggle just the same with the characters' struggle in the game. I do voice acting, but I don't have a good way to silent the static noise background even with OBS' noise gate. If anyone is interested my Discord is Santouryu3#9765, so be sure to post your Discord ID here since I get random add friend request which I don't want to click on SUS links... Anyways, I need an artists for tile sets and sprites along with musician for bgms and sound effects. The coder with some experience are welcome to join too. Honestly, this will be my first coop project with the gang. Feel free to reply here. :v

(1 edit)

Btw, the reason I made this game project is because one gaming company I really despise its shady practices. For now, we'll say its EA even tho it's NOT EA I am having a beef with... Makes other game devs look bad cause of their method... -_-

Ci$cape, my garbage gaming company... ~_~

(2 edits)

"Hello, I think you are doing a good job at learning to use RPG Maker MZ and I'd encourage you to keep going and keep learning, some stuff in your game could work but uhh I felt in this current state it's overall actually quite messy and confusing. Some stuff was good and made some sense, and some stuff if developed upon could work."

[Yea... I skipped ahead of the beginning of the game's story about some characters with their names mentioned only... I ended up starting at the very end game's sad but true ending portion... Supposedly, the main characters' transformations died on their own story path...]

"I don't know much about Echo's game but I know enough to know you were saying something with it, and I had to look at the comments and other feedback you received to assume it's not positive. Some dialogue I read asking me if I know her as well to see that apparently it was negative what you were saying made me feel a bit sad. If you want to create an antihero duplicate why not create your own fictional one instead? Because mentioning Echo at all was weird. If that's the case that this was negative like the feedback I'm reading says and the way it look to me, my advice is not to do that I don't really understand enough to say anymore on that topic, but it sounds like that's something to get rid of or turn in a completely different direction."

[Well, it's supposed to be about her game crossing over with another game. Gameception at its finest over a crossover... Purpose of the main character is that he's falsely accused of the pedophilia of children in a deadly online game filled with convicts, rapists, killers, pedos, and so forth from a bloodsucking vampire game dev... His purpose is to collect blood data for long lasting hunger cravings or metabolism to his own kind. So what to do... bring every living beings from different dimensional world. Also, Echo is an expert of gaming rpg and knows how to draw which is why ??? needs her help by kidnapping her and forcing her to do stuff... What choice does a protagonist need to do to survive against bounty hunters and gamers? Sorry if I never bother adding those ideas to make it more clearer than before... D:]

"Anyway, I can only really comment on the story and gameplay. It feels like it had potential and it's not necessarily wrong to cover a mature theme, but I don't like how it's handle here it feels a bit weirdly done to me. The mature theme would need to be covered in a way that we either aren't uncomfortable, or if we are mean to feel uncomfortable it need more maturity to the mature theme if that makes sense?"

[Biggest fear... saying the word pedophilia... most words get censored and audience don't want to hear or see them... which is understandable...]

"The ideas of characters in servers is fine, and you really can have as many characters as you want, but they need to be introduced properly with proper reasons, motives, goals to be in the story and they need to be able to interact with each other well. As readers and players we need enough time to at least understand the more important ones and we need to understand the playable characters and it's just too messy at the moment. You don't have to reveal too much all at once, I'm not meaning or saying that, but you do need to give them a bit more life and reveal something more about them, your choice what you choose."

[Online servers = Freelancer's planets in every galaxy. Four of the characters are the same person just a split persona since the main character decided to mess around the drawing tablet and duplicating himself with four separate personalities. Would like to make a full game tbh... Would like to introduced them properly if it wasn't a 2 week project given a lesser than a day project... -__-]

"I think you can improve upon this a lot and then you can create something really good, and I recommend you listen to feedback and advice everyone else has given you as that'll help you a lot too, so I wish you the best of luck forward. Remember that we want some sort of entertainment when it comes to the writing, characters need to surprise us or not but make us laugh or not but at least leave us curious to keep playing, something like that, and you've done it in some scenes but I think the story as a whole needs a lot more changing."

[Again if I didn't mention it... I skipped the beginning and went to the end with short little time...]

"On the gameplay side of things, the skillsets, well it's good to give the player quite a few choices and different skills but they need a bit more balancing or a reason to use each one at different points of a battle / different battles. It's also a little bit messy as it is. Mapping is also everywhere, some maps like your pub area were good."

[I'm still messing about how to make my dumb main guy know how to transform and revert back when the battle is done, but... I get same result of... nope try again dude... T_T]

"Some maps looked half good but not finished in terms of details and more borders, and then some maps like the forest area were a bit messy. It's good some of your maps are good and I think to me that shows me the messier maps you can truly make better already, but if really not some more learning and I believe you can do."

[Mapping and paralaxing aren't my strongest points...]

"You left an impression on me, but mostly a confused one, and that really isn't in a good way overall. Still there were some enjoyable moments in your game, and I enjoyed some moments in it. So I hope this can help you. Good luck going forward! : )"

[Angry Tourettes Me: Whatever... *Insert bad word.*]

(2 edits)

Sorry, you didn't like any of the characters given a 2 wk project... Would flesh them out better if irl stuff wasn't taking a hefty time on my end. Supposedly, the main character is like the Shield Hero version but with worse reputation than R word accusation... P word instead with kids... Four characters have split personalities from one main character... Aloondra's attitude is overzealous, ruthless, stoic, and pessimistic. ODD's attitude is carefree, humorous, open minded, and optimistic. Rose's attitude is kind, gentle, caring, and selfless. Lastly, ??? character is depressed, lonely, careless, and oblivious who doesn't care anything NOT even himself... I've already started Crashigiri: VF since why not... Main character's ability to transformation drawings out of a drawing tablet is good enough. Akira is supposed to be like KOS-MOS/Lenneth Valkyrie. :v

Slightly updated. :/

(2 edits)

"Hero's Way is a story in an universe visibly inspired by titles like Sword Art Online or Code: Lyoko. *[Well both along with Shield Hero, Ben: 10, & Reboot NOT the Guardian Code live action trash one...]* The story felt confusing to me, I'm not sure I understood everything. It looks like a redemption story. *[I was gonna make a dark story driven like based just as Valkyrie Profile did.]* Gameplay wise, it's a relatively simple RPG in its mechanics, nothing groundbreaking. *[If I could able to make my useless main character transform all those transformations in battle which I always get the same result... NOT good enough try again, dude... The only groundbreaking idea I could come up with is main character transform attack 1st combo move, transform again attack 2nd combo move, and transform again attack 3rd combo move with a 3 combo attack while transforming rapidly fast... Don't steal that idea what I mentioned... I never got the chance to add that innovating idea in a week project...* D:] So let's go to the points I think deserve attention."

This is suppose to be the main project game that I want to work with... well a crossover gaming project...

- The map for the introduction is very strange. It's just a small boxy forest-like map with a trees as parallax. It just looks odd to me. No pun intended.

*I got nothing on my end of the root. I had a problem in the past with the intro of the 1st game jam being 15 minute long dialogue of no gameplay, so... I'm trying to avoid the same mistake... -_-

- After defeating the Treant (very easily by the way for a boss), you must interact manually with it again for the rest of the scene to follow up for some reason.

*Was working on the elemental strengths and weaknesses... it's obvs its weak against a fire Pokemon... Also, there's a reason why I set it to manually interact it again... Was gonna make the Treant's animation go to its faint pic instead it went to this vampire dude's pic... I'm like... "Screw it! Make him transform into a big baddie, bloodsucking vampire game dev CEO...

- The cat man transformed for no reason into someone else. Get back to being a cat man whenever he enters anywhere and even when leaving town. There is even scenes were the cat man talks even when he is not the cat man anymore! When I come back in town from the world map, he doesn't "transform" anymore until I leave a building. Why did he transformed at all?

*Drawing Tablet has its mind of its own just like Ben 10's Omnitrix... or it has the transformation hiccups...? It's supposed to be bugged during the time when all four duplicates with four separate personalities split off into four different servers. Am sorry that I never got the chance to explain that since this was meant to be the true ending of the other game's project...

- Additionally, when you leave town, you are joined by the people you recruited earlier without any explanation or any scene about them joining you.

*Well the gang did say that they'll join as soon as they're done drinking their beverages although you did spot that they did join ODD when they exit the town, so I forgot to add in where they joined the ODD's party which would matter at the very end. It's not like Aloondra's gonna kill two rando brutes cause they're expendable convicts from a prison world...*

- The fact of being forced to press a button to get teleported anywhere... Or not... anywhere? Why in some places the game forces you to press a button to teleport where you want to go and not in others?

*HUH? I understand the Treant part, but this... is it during an autorun cutscene...?

- Unbalanced encounters early game with monsters that deal a ridiculous amount of damage in one go. I had to grind a bit for experience and items to make sure I was ready for the followup.

*1st encounter was intentional which you 100% knew. A week or less to tinkle away database with troops...*

- The appearance of the sleeping people you interact with change depending on the orientation you face them.

*I think I know what ya mean...*

- Also are the three sleeping supposed to be our party members? How did they instantly fell asleep upon arrival even before the cat man opens the chest?

*I forgot to add another event of the chest reclosing and reopening effect... It's supposed to be a trap chest to adventurers from this sicko P word...*

- "Plants don't sleep." Well... Yes and no. If we can call that sleep.

*Maybe the plant is an all nighter like Batman? Doesn't need to be realistic in a deadly online game... Final Fantasy!*

- Why Albert keeps changing appearance throughout the game?

*Bad transfer screen? Idek...*

- The girl says she is going to heal me, but she never does.

*Does heal when ODD's HP is low; it's just the healing animation didn't appear on ODD... even set it to Player animation... I blame Magikarp's SPLASH effect...*

- Static Bolt OP. The final fight is a complete joke thanks to it. It is very abusable and, ho boy, did I abused of it. They could barely do anything.

*Roza can still screw ya up if you fall aSLEEP by her sleep spell! Against All ODD is really OP but really time consuming to reach to 100 TP.*

And that's it. A story that looks good, more polish would have been welcome, a lack of consistency and clearly more balancing wouldn't have hurt the game. You did addressed the lack of balancing in a comment, but the fact you recognized it doesn't mean it is a problem that should be ignored. It's nice though you recognize the problems of your game by yourself. ^^

*Aloondra: Gonna kidnap Echo607...*

*Rose: To protect her?*

*ODD: Terminator protection effect?*

*???: I can't draw, so she knows how to draw, RPG stuff, and a game dev... Good enough for me in this game's story plot...*

*Echo: Toxicity!*

Additionally, I noticed this game was made with no plugins (or too little to be noticeable) which is a courageous decision on your part as it allowed you to dig into what the editor could do, a respectable way to discover the engine.

*I got no new MZ plugins in use... v_v*

Also, even if I admit 2 weeks is very short, I know game jams that happen in the span of 2 days only. So 2 weeks is very welcome compared to this. (With that said, me too, I would have a appreciated a longer time span, that could have save me a lot of stress. XD)

*I'll be adding in the beginning part of this main character... Only reason I chose the true ending part to make cause the two raccoon kids... "Kitsune kids."*

Anyway, congratulations for your participation and good luck for your projects!

*Thank you. Hopefully this crossover project is done from start to finish... I've been working on this too with a little modification of Echo607's mascot sprite with Inuchiyo's transformation fused with Akira... As Robin Williams told the boi... not to touch or cheat the Jumanji gameboard ???'s adopted daughter as a freak. Still working on it though... v_v

(1 edit)

As Martian Manhunter would say, "NO! The price was too high. I see that now. You can no longer tempt me." 4:40 to skip the entire scene. Btw, the game is unbalanced, so I didn't have enough time to twerk stuff around especially a 2 week submission... can't there be a game jam with a 2 months or a year submission...

So far there's only default adult size atm. I was planning on making a muted orphan kid, but I'll wait if more stuff will be added on in the future. ;-;

(1 edit)

"- Plugin's default parameters shouldn't be an excuse. You had an opportunity to make it look good through the parameters, right?"

San: True, if only I knew what plugin to twerk it since I don't want to be a simple idiot who screws it up... Yanfly's plugin video would jog my memory... I should focus on the game rather than the options parameter... I won't forget to fix that issue... That reminds me of the Freelancer game has this issue too. The word fonts and text being out of place or over them... xD

"- Actually, what I meant by "launch sequence" is something more like Code: Lyoko when they enter the virtual world. You know, that moment destined to build the hype. Or maybe just a special transition animation would be nice."

San: How'd you know Odd's my favorite character? *Profile pic* It's not that he's in my next game or anything... MoonScoop... Anyways, I get it now. My drawing is meh average... I do want crossovers from another game to be honest. Speaking of crossovers... :v *It's a year project instead a month since why not... Covid-19 keeping us indoors...* ;-;

"- So it's part of Leon character to talk like this. Gotcha. All good."

Idiot William Dunbar: Who's Jeremy again, Jimbo? *I had to do this.*

"- You can deactivate the autosave messages in the plugin's parameters if they cause trouble."

San: Kay. I'm not much into Yanfly's plugins since the techy stuff is my lowest tier knowledge...

"- How about drawing a map of your dungeon on paper, gathering ideas, maybe take some from other games, see how dungeons in other games are done. This can really help you hone your craft. ^^"

San: When I get to it, but right now, I should just focus on getting point A to point Z.

"- Sorry, I'm not a native English speaker, I can make a few mistakes here and there. ^^;"

San: Same... I mixed up Baron/Baroness to bearer on the bad news line from those npc... English words mix up... >_>

"- I don't ask you to not introduce the character or rush his presentation. Just don't go too far with him/her."

San: I don't trust Lancelot... *Two-Face Dent* ... I do want to transform as ODD from a dead child's drawing... Then again, copyright stuff... It's not like the movie player one uses a lots of characters that they DON'T own... I only want ODD <3 Kachie... Right... character introduction... I'll end them there from chapter 2ish with character intro and their problems and just focus on plot, gameplay, and humor minus no ODD in this prequel... SadBoi

"I hope I could have been of any help to you."

San: It's better to give feedback; then, keep us radio silences...

Spoiler Alert!

"Alright, Virtual Fantasy RTP... I decided to make it among the last I play because of his reputation of it having a slow beginning which wasn't super appealing to me. But now, I've played it. So let's see what I have to say about it."

- Oof.

San: Yanfly's plugins by default?

"- Introduction too long before you get into action. Entire minutes just showing Joey being a manipulative dick and a threat to other people's lifes. And that's not a good thing. We don't need to be so insisting, this kind of character just infuriates me enough as it is. I don't need hundreds of scenes with him to understand that."

San: I'm already on it if only a month didn't feel like a premature year project... Also, Joey isn't the only dick... *cough* Ducuck *cough* We'll meet him later in Crashigiri: VF...

"- I would have liked some kind of "launch sequence" when they're about to enter the game's world. And even explain what the game is all about."

Miya: My cousin Leon wanted Arika and me to explore exploits... *cough* I mean bugs in a virtual reality game while we publicly share our experience that some monsters have no Artificial Intelligence just like that one game he made with the team Tidus on DuperDude 64... You remember that game, do you? xD

"- Why not speaking in full? NEVER write like that unless it's a part of the character."

San: Leon isn't narrating or anything. What most peeps like us say FYI or BTW nowadays... Feels weird saying "For Your Information" totally out of character...

"- Nice idea for mimics to actually give players maluses before attacking. It really transform them into man hunter. Imagining mimics as these shapeshifting creatures to pray on humanoids for something to eat. That's pretty cool. Just maybe make the rewards for defeating the mimics more impactful? ^^"

San: There's gonna be lots of mimics from NOT only chests... npcs who aren't friendly like most players will go out free for all in a player versus player deathmatch... save crystals which later be players' top tier scam source in the sequel "Crashigiri: VF... shapeshifting will be their moveset skill which is annoying if it transforms anything like the main character in the next game...

"- You can skip the dragon fight by just going past it. Easiest exploit ever."

Miya: Kinda the point in this game... Besides, do NOT tell Leon harshly... or he'll bang his head on the wall ASMR... Well it's our job to find exploits, bugs, and glitches and report to my cousin Leon which later we DIDN'T fix them in the next sequel... *chEAt to survive!*

"- What is that at the bottom of the screen whenever I load a safe file?"

San: You're asking me... I have no clue... *cough* Yanfly *cough* O_o

"- There is a massive problem of balance for the last battle. The dragon is ridiculously strong. The only way to beat him is to use a chocolate you find a bit earlier in a golden chest. The problem is this item just makes you ridiculously overpowered. So you either rekt the dragon or get rekt by it, there is no in-between."

San: Didn't have time to revise, polish, or even make a good decent game cause work is essential on WTF days... So I basically rushed it, but at least I did game test it from dumb softlocks...

"- Also beating the dragon unlocks you a lot of things relatively worthless now that you reached the end of the game and there is nothing else of interest to be done."

San: At least it wasn't a Blitz Tiamat... that 5 headed dragon is a broken OP TURD... -__-

"- People who play this game can at least say "I played the REAL corridor simulator game: Virtual Fantasy." The dungeon design is ridiculously simplistic. That barely qualifies as dungeon design. There is no choice to be made except for the chests (but what kind of player wouldn't open a chest), no branching paths, barely any challenge at all, it's just corridors. And maybe a few fights here and there."

San: As much as I love creativity in gaming, pretty map makings are my lazy Kryptonite.

"And that's all I have to say. Very VERY lackluster game. It feels [rushed] with barely any thoughts put in the game design at all. If you intend to go further with it, I strongly suggest you to go back to the drawing board and ask you the right questions."

San: Finally someone figured it out! Hopefully 18 chapters is enough to be a finished prequel cause prequels are frustrating to make... Can't imagine doing Legend of Dragoon prequel... I have 0 lore of it... ;-;

"- Who are each characters?"

Samuel L. Jackson: English mofo, do you speak it?
San: Sorry... I read it, and I have no clue what you meant... What characters purpose do they serve? Arika is a Lancelot class who'll later be brainwashed...? Miya is a Musashi class who'll later loses her head...? Itsumi is a Inuchiyo class who no ONE knows her existence will go berserk in a frenzy bloody rage... And Ellen is diagnosed cancer for realz this time where Arika and Miya work together to earn money to try and keep Ellen alive...

"- Does my characters make sense?"

San: They do serve their purpose if that's what you meant. The Alpha team of this project where they're trapped by the game dev's father simply tricks Arika into slaughtering some animation squad where one of the devs sent a distress email to the main character's ranty reply of the crappy game they're making which he'll be in the next game as the bEtA tester.
San: Crashigiri: VF... such a stupid game from my favorite gaming company C$... *Sarcasm*

"- How do they serve the story/gameplay?"

San: It serves in the next game since why not have their data files corrupted or unusable which later metamorphosis into a deadly waifus? It's better than SAO! >.<

"- Is what I've done is enough to introduce a character?"

San: It's better than giving the person's name and joins you in the party with no simpler reason...

"- How long does it take to the player to actually play the game?"

San: Mostly trial and error while exploring in game with the animation squad volunteering to draw, animate, and etc to try to save Ellen's dying wish...?

"- What is this game my protagonists find themselves trapped in?"

San: Game dev's ex girlfriend wanted his money, so she plans on SWATting prank which is a sick, disgusting, and deadly prank call with Arika's cell phone where he got shot and killed where she linked all the evidence to Arika as a scapegoat which is where his father steps in to trap all of those who held responsible for his tragic death... so to speak...

"- What kind of virtual universe is it?"

San: Think of it as that one game where you travel to planet to planet instead you travel to server to server.

"- How do they find themselves stuck in that virtual reality?"

Masuda: Do I have to explain that my son is dead... why should I leave you happy campers out while I have to grieve my only son I have left in this world... I tricked you Arika into slaughtering those poor artists... As of now, I hired some guys to trap all of you here while the deceased ones' organs are harvest to those who need an organ transplant... One of them desperately needs a heart for his daughter... so I thought why not be both the hero and villain for a change...

"- How do they enter it in the first place? How does that work?"

San: A gaming headset just like SAO with batteries ofc. They did if the device is removed, or their vital signs no longer beeping... Something the game dev's father implemented just to make others suffer like he lost his son's life... Thx Melanie... She wants to be the next Myne... -_-

"This list is non exhaustive, but this is the kind of question you should wonder while world/gamebuilding."

San: Makes me want to transform into useful fighters instead a guy wielding a shield... We kinda need a BvS for those two...

"Good luck for your projects!"

San: Thx. Hopefully, I get to fight against Lancelot in her corrupted state with Sephiroth's Remake battle theme ost as I game test it that is. I'll be the next hero of Crashigiri: VF! Can't wait to have 7 deadly sin endings... xD

(1 edit)

"Too bad you couldn't finish the game, the story kinda dragged my interest. Even tho it ended right when it started to get interesting. Though, writing a dark story is hard to handle bcs ppl usually don't want to feel these negative emotions and think about these problems. But there are some ways to make the story intriguing and interesting so it would keep readers\players in it."

Sad thing is... I really want this done from start to finish with an open opinion thru the entire game before I can really finalize its potential. *I never got a chance to add in Itsumi waifu in this game... furry waifu...*


"First of all, the bullying scene was very implausable . Joey's  behavior feels so unnatural that its even hard to be mad at him bcs he acts like a paid actor. He used this complicated insidious scheme, broke several laws and risked getting a jail sentence just to get a revenge on a little girl that outsmarted him? I know humans may be unreasonably cruel but this certain scenario seems very unrealistic. In this case Joey didn't need to resort to any complicated schemes bcs his victim is just a little girl that can't fight back."

Some kids and teens nowadays get away scot-free from consequence just cause they think they are invincible, or they just don't care about it. As an example... five teens threw rocks on the freeway and killed a man driving home... which btw that actually did happen in real-life... This story is 100% fictional and made up. None of this is real.

"Second, the cutscene was very long. Mostly it's bcs Joey's plan was unnecessary long. And you could make dialogs shorter, some things they discuss barely make any sense (I mean in general not only in this cutscene)."

You're the third person to address this issue, so I'll figure out a way to shorten it, or at least have the her deal with her tragic past in the VR game test as she progress in the VR world with an one flashback scene per encounter. I'll try the Batman walks thru the dark alley approach.

"Third, why did you use the same face image for every girl of young age? Not only they look the same it also makes them look like emotionless dolls. You should've use different face images to show different emotions and make them look younger but not similar."

As much as I really want a different young girls' face change... the kid section generator is limited to one asset only choice which is why I'm using the default. As much as I really want a different face expression, I am forced to use the only default choice...

"In summary, you need to write angst story that way so the problems that character has to deal with were realistic and relatable. Characters should show their emotions to make everyone feel what they're feeling. And lastly, strive to tell the story and drag ppl into it before they lose interest bcs of how long the intro is."

"As a freelancer would say, "I just need some more time." but yeah, I'll get to it. The flashback is the only issue where the beginning is sorta of short, so it's the flashback where couple have said it's pretty long which I don't blame them since this is my first time making an actual JRPG story... I just want that 2nd character show her tragic backstory and move on to the actual gameplay, story, and plot ofc. Hence forth, I don't want to make another "Just Another RPG Maker Game" brought to by Echo607's video clip." v_v

I'll release a finished demo when I have time... This is really rushed poorly...

(1 edit)

Should I break down parts of flashback of Miya's past when she's in the VR world? Feels more like Inception with the main character's wife haunting him whenever she lurks at a bad time which is similar to Miya's bullies haunting her... Personally, I really want to complete this game from start to finish. :\

(2 edits)
  • like the gritty mapping! *Uh, thx.*
  • nice how everyone at the restaurant says something different. *I forgot to add switch A on the clown's jokes...*
  • Flashback was a bit too long... also hard to tell where you were going with the story, wasn't a lot of point to where we found ourselves, other than setting up characters and history for a longer story. *Character development and character relationship are what I was going to the story... I can't really accept two guys who are buds with no actual bonding, and I don't want to make a relationship later on thru the game...*
  •  Just explain a bit more that they are going to test out a VR game... don't remember that being mentioned before it happened *Game was rushed at the end; therefore, I had to add gameplay on the last day deadline unfortunately...*
  • battles balanced well in beginning, but too many and became pointless. *Game rushed again sadly but repel items to disable rando encounters if they're too pointless and/or repetitive.*
  • learned triple slash, but didn't show up on any list *About that... I forgot to set it to skill instead it was marked none... Sorry about that...*
  • Wanted to kill Leon by the second map.. XD *What madman set the encounter rate very HIGH!? I should thank Echo607's repel item video tutorial guide.* :o
  • escaping made it way less painful. *Infinite Zubat encounters...*
  • If the point of the ending was an ironic joke, then you got a laugh out of me! *Cliffhanger...? At least, they're not stuck on the moon for 20+ years... am I right Capcom... Megaman Legends 2...*
(1 edit)

"Damn, that was dark...I hope this game is not based on a life experience. (cant believe you wanted to do it darker and more sadistic XD )"

It gets worse as you play it further cause this was just the beginning. I was about to start in the middle follow by at the end of the game with a cliffhanger continuation of the next game project that I was working on a sequel main game involving Echo607's characters including herself from her Gaia's Melody series crossover.

"I think there was too many mimic chests."

There were eight including the fake save crystal, but the last two areas had no encounter cause I forgot to add monsters in a rushed deadline...

"Also last boss, you can skip it. (Couldnt beat it though haha)"

Yea... I rushed it at the end, but I fixed that issue after coming back to it... I gotta reupload it when I'm done finishing the game cause I hate leaving it unfinished... :(

Fastest... game... EVAR... for a speed runner like myself. May want to lower headphones cause one scream... RIP headphone users... a little screech from Pokemon Gym Leader Koga doesn't bother him tho...