Thanks for the encouraging words and great feedback! I'm aiming to roll out a slightly easier version once the voting finishes, and then focus on more beta testing for a more polished version later - it wouldbe nice to spend some time back on level design as well. Cheers again!
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One of our favourite family quick-plays while on the move or waiting somewhere. Couldn't resist doing a quick review!
Great little game for pocket-sized speed freak fun. I just wrote up a bit of a fuller review here:
Gave this a run at the weekend, and it's a really intriguing little game. Always amazed that pulp can be this smooth! I can imagine extra UI tweaks might be good, like maybe flashing up platforms for a few seconds after landing on them to firm up the level layout in a player's mind. Looking forward to seeing where it goes!
Ah this is so good! As a shmup fan, I really appreciate the right amount of, and patterns of, incoming bullets, and the balance between having to dodge and shoot accurately. The soundtrack adds the cherry on top too.
It would be great if your own bullets just kept firing - they seem to stop if you don't move the crank, although perhaps I just need to stay on the run more ;)
Mysterious and amazing, haunting and unique. Like Oddness, reminded me of the anime Blame! at times, but more in feel and theme than anything else.
I also had some passages dropping off the bottom of the screen and only found the Settings menu afterwards. (I'd assumed it was because I was running under Wine on Linux...) Also small point - is Nettle misspelt as Nette in a few places?
Otherwise, thank you so much for this.
Very nice! Got sucked into this very quickly and enjoying it a lot - it did freeze, so here's the error message from the console in Firefox:
Uncaught RuntimeError: index out of bounds
index.js line 180 > WebAssembly.instantiate:1461026:1