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Scroptels Gluzar

A member registered Feb 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing and for the valuable feedback!


We are aware there's some graphical inconcistencies with the game, unfortunately we ran into some issues with the scale of the assets and we didn't had time to fix them so we tried to get it to look as good as we could.

As for the gameplay, personally i'm glad people are finding it challenging since i feel that invites replayability, but it's true some enemies are more annoying than others and there is no dificulty scaling, that's certainly an area we can improve upon.

We tried our best at coming up with powerup item mechanics to present the theme of randomness to the game (at least how we interpreted it). We had ideas like transforming enemies into health or destroying all enemies on the screen, among others but we couldn't implement them all into the game in time.

I'm pretty appy with what we managed either way and learned a lot for next time we try to make a shooter or similar game

Anyways, thanks for playing our game and giving us great feedback!

Thank you for playing our game! Glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for playing! :)

Thank you! We are pretty proud of the enemy variety :)

Very cool, i like how you can choose what you get on each dice roll, though sometimes battles never end so there should be way to avoid that. I also managed to duplicate habilities while swaping them around, a little game breaking.

Thanks! We would've liked adding more animations and stuff but we didn't had enough time. Still glad you played it and enjoyed it.

Well its just very simple, spikes are an easy way to add challenge, but i didn't find going down the level with the dice very engaging, perhaps a level with more focus on the rolling aspect of the dice physics would be more fun. Either way it's still pretty cool.

I think the level could use a lot of work, but i like the idea of controlling a dice in a platformer game, hopefully you can develop it further!

It's a pretty cool concept, would be interesting to develop it further.

good art and interesting design, but the game is really slow

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it! We'll check out your game too! :)

Felicitaciónes por hacer un juego muy accesible, encantador y divertido. Disfrute mucho tratar de conseguir todos los objetos jeje

Algunas observaciones de mi parte, los niveles comienzan con saltos muy complicados. el primero es de una plataforma que se desvanece y reaparece, luego en el siguiente nivel tienes que calcular el timing para poder saltar sobre los picos y atravesar las piedras que te aplastan, eso me parece mucho que pedir cuando apenas estas aprendiendo las mecánicas del nivel.

En el nivel de hielo no supe distinguir entre los assets de fondo y los assets del nivel, solo me di cuenta cuando trataba de obtener la ofrenda a la derecha del nivel, pensé que tenia que saltar hasta el desde la sima, pero me di cuenta que estaba sellado y la unica forma de obtenerlo era saltando de pared a pared por un pasaje debajo. a menos que haya sido un secreto como el del nivel 2 siento que debe haber un poco mas de distinción entre el fondo y el nivel.

La mecánica de saltar en la pared me gusto mucho, me gustaria que se usara mas.

Los graficos tambien son muy buenos, me gusta el estilo 1 bit para un juego como este y las imagenes de los codices en pixelart se ven muy bien.

Amazing Art!