Very creative mechanic that was explored thoroughly with simple but effect puzzles (the best kind of puzzles). I was mind blown when I locked and quantum copied myself :))
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Wow! What an incredible submission. The level of polish is insane. Really cool puzzle mechanics and great difficulty curve! The restart mechanic is great as it helps with the easier puzzles and is the reason the harder puzzles are even possible. It's cool how there are a number of unique solutions for any given puzzle.
OMG that is a crazy score! Yeah it's an interesting question, a simple solution would be to reduce the number of extra tiles you gain when creating a perfect tile, but it might seriously limit the size an island can become. Maybe reducing the perfect tile reward and implementing another means of gaining additional tiles such as completing quests like connecting X number of desert triangles or X number of forest triangles could be a nice solution as it can become harder to complete the quests the longer you play. I'll think some more about it and maybe add a little update after the rating period :)) Thanks for playing!
Wow what a unique concept! The controls were intuitive and the VFX were polished. I'd love to see how you implemented the AI for the opponent. The opponent's movements felt very natural and it was tough to win especially at harder difficulties which kept me going back for another round again and again.
ERROR!? Oh no :)) That was a really fun take on the theme of the jam! I loved the concept and the challenge of making it through increasingly hotter worlds. The level design and the level elements were enjoyable to platform through and thank goodness for all those checkpoints... most of the time >:( Congrats on making such a great game for your first jam
I'm sorry that our game didn't run.
We have tested our game on Mac and Windows machines and it runs without crashing.
I haven't had experience with Linux before so I'm not sure how to fix that error. Maybe you could try hardcoding values for the WINDOW_WIDTH and WINDOW_HEIGHT variables in the file rather than it being based of your monitor size?