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A member registered Jul 08, 2024

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you can do server minigame with your numpad too

it's supposed to be blank now

you mean your laptop? don't feel sad pal you'll grow up eventually and earn yourself money for a nice PC. good luck with your life kid. it's going to be better

it's not like drnose himself will step in your house and threaten you for not donating. go ahead and download this game. it's free for a reason 

выключи как можно больше света на базе

settings>binds>debug tp (usually it's " . " on your numpad)

или купи borderless gaming в стиме

gameplay tutorials does not have to cover every tiny gameplay mechanic, that's just not how it works. it does however say how to find, download and process your signals. if you can't read or you are that braindead then that's on you

this is intentional. extremely rare event.

while we wait for proper optimization,try turning off most (if not every) light sources in your base. this should help tremendously as most of the optimization issues comes from light 

я надеюсь что игра будет платной и больше 400 р. за такой ахуенный товар не жало отдать деньги

если пиво из магаза покупаешь,то сперва нужно открыть бутылку и вылить синьку

держишь канистру в руке (минимум 15 юнитов бенза) и лкп по пустой бутылке. 

instead play fortnite or something 

the "ball" is just a moon. also wipe your screen jeez

also a pile of white powder with someone's heart on top of it

most likely it is a reference to this case: 

A human heart was found in a salt barn/farm/mine in McEwen, TN, USA. No other remains of the body have been located. The heart was found on Wednesday, December 14, 2022. It was found in a TDOT facility that holds salt in piles.

three spastic dots showed on a radar near hole. i sent kerfus to investigate then i drive there myself: 

also happened to me but with an empty can. perhaps sell gun may get rid of them? i'll try later

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the fire tank turned over and could not get up at ~ x:263.01 y:-26.09 

also some of the hover hogs appeared to be stationary (supposedly got stuck or something i didn't check on them) at x:-65.5 y:292.5, x:309.4 y:337.5 and  x:-643.7 y:-249.7

reopening the game thankfully put everything back to normal

upd: it did not helped the tank however. i had to push it with my ATV for it to stand up 

в описании в магазине всё написано 

он говорит про красную светящуюся версию обычной губки

So i just accidentally discovered that you can put posters on AVT but it's kinda unintentional so it doesn't actually stay on it,instead image just floats in the air. I think that would be a cool little addition so i hope it'll be implemented some day in one form or another


i have similar issue but instead my cameras turn/zoom randomly when i click monitor 

запомню на будущее,спасибо

чтобы не приходилось каждый раз набирать пароли к закрытым дверям(учитывая что в новой версии это довольно муторно:каждый раз целиться по определённым кнопкам)

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you just answered your question. it's a [TEST] version

be patient for the next update 

просто подожди следующего обновления

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just wait for the update

oh i see it now. time to be sleep deprived

i did. nothing

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why can't i see it ):

We love your game!

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for low fps problem try this:

settings> game> set "Computer panel fps" to 0 

that helped me at least