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"Voices Of The Void" Pre-Alpha

Gather unknown signals from deep, silent space · By mrdrnose

0.8 discoveries (SPOILERS)

A topic by XanderGrono created Aug 23, 2024 Views: 4,984 Replies: 74
Viewing posts 1 to 21
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I'm making this thread to document more discoveries on this new version, since i've found so much stuff i'm making it as a thread instead of separate posts, and since information on 0.8 is way too sparse outside of the discord server as well
feel free to add your own discoveries if you can't find them in other threads or if info on it is incomplete

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i found this weird, red glowing light tube next to the bridge outside the base
i'm not sure if this showed up due to an event or what, but i'm not sure what it's about but it seems to act just like a normal light tube
this showed up somewhere in day 15-25, i found it in the evening, possibly somewhere around 19:00 or 20:00

I found one of these weird light tubes as well. And after some testing, it actually seems to be an unexploded "tree grenade" if you have ever heard of those. Turns out they are actually explosive light tubes

oh it's one of those? huh i had no idea, i always wondered what the red light was about before the explosion
still no idea how it ended up near the bridge for me though, did the same happen for you too?

It was by the base of a tree near the base, no idea how it didn't explode. though I noticed I was getting an unusual amount of intact tree light tubes at the time so it is definitely related to that

found a digital camera photo that i took of it when i found it, it was laying next to the bridge like this

The game appears to think that bridges are trees and makes them drop objects, I keep finding pinecones perfectly upright on the bridge by the base.

Red light tubes actually fall from trees and explode. There is a small chance that they will not explode (I think it depends on the FPS). It also happened to me that objects that usually fall from trees fall near the poles. And this has existed since the previous version. You may have heard explosions in the distance - those are red tubes falling


yeah i already knew the explosions had some kind of prop it was correlating with and it had a red light, i've spotted one falling on the sleep camera a few times, this is the first time i've managed to find one like this
it could've been from the lag spike the game gives when it saves making it not explode from wherever it dropped, the more confusing thing being i don't think there's any trees near that spot, unless it dropped from the bridge itself which i kind of doubt, though i know a lot of logs in the map can drop stuff like trees do, so maybe it's not impossible

As I said in another post, I saw something falling from a tree and it didn't look like a light stick, but more like a thick battery

i don't think i have a good screenshot of this, but i have a recording of it, kind of a small discovery but i haven't seen it elsewhere so i might as well put it here
i found a new dream where you're on a slope and boulders fly down the slope towards you, i'm guessing you're meant to dodge them as i soon was kicked out of the dream from getting hit by a boulder

there was this weird event that started exactly at midnight on day 51, these egg ships spawned everywhere on the map, there were a lot of pings on my radar so i have to assume there were dozens of them
it's normal to see just one of these, i've heard of just one being encountered before, but dozens like this i've never heard of
i'm not sure when it ended but i think it must've been around 6 am or something since it was dawn, they all just erased from existence when the event ended lol

I went through this as well, but for me, the event did not end after x amount of time.  Instead, after I sat at the computer to check cameras to see if some radar pings were boars or eggs at some sats I needed to go visit, I got the game-triggered crash:  lines slowly crossing the screen, a surge of despair, and me saying "Noooo, not like this!"    I am not sure if something else happened at the same time—perhaps my floating black rectangle came to give me a hug cause it knew the egg-demons were scaring me—or this is potentially a randomized outcome from the event itself.   

I loaded the last save and no egg ships ever visited.  

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did you hear any weird extra ambience when the crash happened? cause it could've been the other entity that can do that

I do not recall hearing anything.  I doubt that I did, because I was scrolling through to find the camera I wanted to check, and when the lines crossed the screen I was surprised. I did not expect a crash when there were eggs to investigate and no indication my base had been compromised.     Not that any base is entity-proof, of course..

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i started a new save file afterwards since i felt i was missing a lot of the events, and around day 2 or 3 i suddenly couldn't pause and there were 2 pings on the radar moving around eachother in a circle, it was storming at night so it was very hard to see, but i still decided to investigate
i then encountered this giant ball of light with smaller ones quickly orbiting around it, it moved somewhat sporadically but often in a straight line, and it went towards the green cabinet on the bottom right side of the map before zapping it and disappearing
during this event, i also heard random bursts of lightning striking constantly, seemingly at random
i managed to take several photos of it with the digital camera and they all came out super grainy, my character started coughing so i assume it must've been emitting radiation or something, since i was otherwise never near anything else that was radioactive nor was i smoking
i encountered it a second time during the day, but that time it was instead extremely foggy, to the point that i could barely see a few meters in front of me, i wasn't able to record it or get any screenshots that time because of it

I only saw this ball when there were wisps on the map. It was foggy then and it happened for several days in a row. I never approached this, because I was sure that it would easily kill me. But after getting rid of wisps, I never saw this thing again


I took cancer meds shortly before this... ball lightning? event and immediately started coughing again after it hung out right over my base for a long time, I'm fairly certain it's radioactive unless I somehow passed too close to the barrels in the far river without realizing it (no smoking either)- might be other cancer causing events too though I guess.

Also if Nose sees this and it is radiation artifacting, radiation grain in photos is actually grains of pure R, G, and B sensor being set off, not white- the radiation is too small to hit multiple parts of the sensor at once and cameras don't have a "white" sensor- it's a nitpick but it might serve the more overly-analytical players to know that it's not an electrical interference but radioactive

I just got the mannequin dream and i was doing it like normal, dodging the mannequins and everything and suddenly the whole area went dark when it's normally lit up, i had to use my flashlight to tell where i was going
i think they might've either tweaked that dream to make it harder or it could've been a bug


Storms can deactivate the lighting in dreams

oh that's weird lol, it was storming when the dream happened so that makes sense

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at about 3:00 on day 14, while sleeping i heard this weird sound echo from somewhere, most likely from outside
it sounded like a whimper or gasp/breath from a person
the "white diamond" entity spawned almost immediately after, but i kind of doubt it was related

screenshot is just for an example of what the "white diamond" looks like,  this wasn't taking during this specific event either, and this thing has already been documented in another thread so i don't think i need to bother explaining here what it does
also interesting note, the "white diamond" entity seems to be able to pass through things with solid collision, even the player, it seems to not obey any collision other than following the terrain
sleeping also speeds up the interval that it makes the "ping" sound, sounds quite funny when it happens lol

It's just Ramiel from Evangelion)

update: i've gotten this thing to spawn 2 or 3 different times now, and every time it seems to have spawned in the northern side of the map (north being blue, i'm not sure which one is which cause the maps are weird and possibly upside down), i've even seen another post saying they found it in the fenced off area on the northeast corner of the map, i'm willing to believe this might be coincidence though that every case we've seen so far has been on that side of the map, since we don't have that many samples to go off of

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I found that thing on the 22nd day night. I heard a whisper sound and walked in that direction. I found Ramiel right in front of the treehouse. You better not come too close because it will shoot you, and the shot will send you to another part of the map. Suddenly, when Ramiel shot, I didn't hear any cries.

The moment when he shoot

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I met shadow guy, that one that follows you even on pause. Not sure what caused it. Maybe i played for too long.
I wanted to do some little "kel's space program" and when flying up i saw a white flying orb that zapping everything with lightings, AND, a shadow dude slowly approaching me from same direction. I jump down the river and just was running from it 20 minutes, seems like it wont go away. Also my cameras was glitched for some reason and photos that i took when that "event" was happening were pink black mosaic.
I actually have recording and last 90 second of my game before he caught me. I cant edit it so im going to upload only 20 minutes. He caught me shortly recording.

oh, are you talking about this guy?
i've encountered him before, i've made a post about him but it's quite buried by now so i might as well give a bit of detail on him here
different ambience starts playing when he spawns in, which is used in portal 1 and possibly half life 2 in ravenholm as well
this guy follows you in a straight line no matter where you are, it'll fly or phase through solid objects to get to you as well, he even speeds up exponentially if you are far away from him
all ways of recording it, like the digital camera or viewing it through cameras overlays a "missing texture" over the image, it's a missing texture asset used in source games
when the entity touches you, the game freezes and makes this grid of weird lines before causing a "fatal error!" message to show up and crashing the game

Yeah, that one, i managed to survive for 20 minutes straight, who knows what happend if you do that long enough.

i doubt there's anything that happens for if you survive long enough, don't see why there would be

I still wonder what is the reason for its appearance and whether it is possible to cause it yourself...

it seems to show up after you have a save open for long enough, if i had to guess maybe about after 12+ hours?

I caught it by accident and I definitely didn't play for 12 hours, 3-4 hours at most

I was lucky when I encountered him that he killed me quickly, before the game autosaved.  He spawned just a few feet away from me at a sat while I was dealing with a pesky mannequin.  Turned around, he was moving toward me, and then I got the lines and crashed.    

Fortunately, my previous save was just before I came down the steps at the sat to find Manny creeping on me, and when I loaded it, the Shadow did not spawn and I just continued playing.    I would be super cranky to have it save during a hunt and be unable to continue that particular game run, because it does not look like he eventually gives up and you can continue with your work/exploration.  

Probably a replacement for the white door? I haven't seen it in 0.8 at all.

doubt it, the white door is much more rarer than this thing seems to be


A little bit off top but turns out you can craft hook from rubber scrap and two hooks (dug up items)

i'm not exactly sure if that was added in 0.8, but then again i haven't seen this stated anywhere so this is still on topic

iirc this was added in 0.6.2/3.

But the hook costs about $50

Yeah, and finding this parts require metal detector that costs more, so i dont know why they added that :D
But still you can craft it.

By the way, this vent can be open

that has already been known, you could always pull that vent out since 0.7

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Oh ok then, i didnt knew that. Goota check info before posting here from now ;)

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Green deer escaped, time may be incorrect since purple wisp got me and it rewind a little.

I stuck and have to reload, he is back. So i think this is event that occurs when you play for long. Actually nice discovery, didint knew that at all
Anyway, this information need to be checked

Seems like he is going for a "walk" after approximately 2 hours of nonstop play

Funny enough, it didnt happend on my save created on 0.8.0d, i did reset

the statue can also be found in a different spot in the map, i found it in the trees next to the lake once


I encountered William the Goat statue just outside my base. Earlier, I could hear some "goat sounds" while I was catching signals at the base. 

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Just to clarify, do you think you were playing for 2 hours? I mean at one time, from save load

Yeah, I'd say I played for about 4 hours that day. I believe, I screenshot this when even the 0.8.0d wasn't out yet.

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heard another noise again, sounded like short breathing,  it sounded like it was coming from in the vents considering the direction it sounded like it was from
strangely enough it didn't prevent me from pausing or anything unlike most other events including the ones related to the vents
this happened on day 24 at 8:30, also shortly after having an encounter with the "bloody skeleton" entity


update: i decided to investigate and i recorded myself doing it, it seemed to actually come from outside, upon looking this thing was there and disappeared after a split second, it was very far away so i only have this for whatever it must've looked like

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i just went to the garage and the garage door is just... closed now, i usually always have it open
edit: it was just a bug, must've been from the save reloading

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i think it might actually be the bloody skeleton itself, i think it might stick around after you're caught by it
i managed to encounter it again, managing to get a better picture of it, and you can somewhat see the ribcage it has
seems it appears near you and makes that sniffling/breathing sound, until you see it and it disappears

I think you've encountered this creature

yeah i already know about it, that's why i worded this post this way
this thing is already on the wiki but it didn't say anything about it lingering around after you're caught by it

three spastic dots showed on a radar near hole. i sent kerfus to investigate then i drive there myself: 


also a pile of white powder with someone's heart on top of it

most likely it is a reference to this case: 

A human heart was found in a salt barn/farm/mine in McEwen, TN, USA. No other remains of the body have been located. The heart was found on Wednesday, December 14, 2022. It was found in a TDOT facility that holds salt in piles.

Unfortunately, I forgot to turn on the recording, so I will only describe it in words.

After working near the computer, I headed to the exit of the room, when I saw a shadow on the floor that looked like a human. It just headed in my direction from the door and disappeared. It was unexpected, so I was scared.

It is definitely not my own shadow, since I turned it off. Also, this is not the silhouette that causes the game to crash. I just started the game that day, it happened on the 9th day at night

Hey, once i saw a shadow like entity that quicky turned invisible and ran away ( i can tell because of splash of water i heard )
This happend when i was going to garage, at that moment i was not recording so i have no proof unfortunatly.

oh yeah that guy, that happened to me too
it happened to me once when i was hiding from yellow wisps, sitting in the corner of the bathroom with the flashlight on
a shadow figure like that, i'm pretty sure the same model as the crasher guy but as a shadow ran directly towards me and disappeared, scared the shit out of me lol

Guys, i did got "virus" signal second time in one save. But this is not main topic, i heard some strange noise, hope you know what it is.

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ah, the old chime guy
people have known about this guy for like i'd say a year now, all we know about him right now is that he spawns when it's raining and makes that sound at some point and disappears
we haven't seen any appearance of him, any behavior beyond that basic info, pretty much nothing
other than the fact that his model might possibly have a gas mask

but yeah, this thing has already been "documented", unless you have more info on it (which i extremely doubt) it's not really anything new

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this isn't exactly an entity discovery or such but i might as well bring it up here
if anyone is wondering why they can only print their models in game with the plastic material, there's a properties document that gets created once the game reads the model
along with some other stuff there's a materials setting that sets different materials depending on the number you put in
i don't know exactly what materials are on each number though, if anyone can list them here that'd be useful

I was messing around, hunting down radar pings during the night, and one lead me near the stonehenge area, and it lead me to a fairy ring, of those red and white mushrooms, and there was a big one in the middle, i got close, and a lil' mushroom guy came out of the ground and threw me to the ground! He didn't do any damage, lil' guy was scared. I didn't get a pic since he was too fast tho..


its mushroom duende

do you have any screenshots or anything?

No sadly.. But you can see a video on youtube which also found the lil' guy.


Three dots appeared in the white cabins near Y, went there and found a lit lantern on the second floor of the middle cabin, a notebook was there with a riddle? the next moment the door starting making noise and someone was blocking the door, when i finally got out i was pushed to the ground (Ariral...) i started taking photos with my digital camera and she grabbed my camera and ran away...

I don't know if the ariral being there was an event or just a bunch of coincidences happened. MY CAMERA :'((((((

notebook. (What does this mean? Jellyfish? Those purple ones in the sky?)


This note is a big reference to "I have no mouth And i must scream". It's just a big quote from it.

has anyone tried digging at the gravel mound near the hole? every time i dig at the top of it a bone comes out, no matter how many times i do it
my theory is it's a mass burial site, for whatever reason it's there

this is mountain of bones.



The sky fell on me. This is a reference to the cartoon "Chicken Little". This event has an achievement.

Occurred at midnight on day 16. I was walking in the area where the arirals are supposed to build a house. This thing imitates the texture behind it, like in the cartoon. Maybe it will fly away later? I dunno.

I can make a video about this later.


i've had this show up in my save too lol
instead of it happening out somewhere though, it happened while i was in my base
a light started shining in the sky outside the window and it started to get extremely bright, before it seemingly shot a white beam at me as it sent everything flying as the object showed up on the floor
i've gotten though all of the days in story mode plus 2 or so weeks more and nothing has ever happened to it, i think it's just a funny collectible item the game lets you keep