Shurooq Juma
Creator of
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A level-based puzzle game where you get a number of bombs with different patterns to make a way for your submarine to dive deeper.
You can play it in the browser on your phone if you so wish!
Your feedback is more than valued!
Thank you for the encouraging comment!
Funny enough, I was worried about the game not being that good since I only had 4 to 5 hours a day to work on it due to my full time job. I even had to rush the level design and didn’t test the levels properly.
However, your comment made me feel a lot more confident about the game, I’m genuinely grateful!
Maybe I will turn it into a mobile game for real, after all, I had so much fun working on it!
Here’s my game link:
Although it’s a 2 player game, it’d be nice if you could check it out regardless of having someone to play with or not 🙏🏻
This game attempts to answer the age old question which nobody ever asked: which shape is superior? The only way to find out is to duke it out!
- Local Multiplayer.
- 3 playable characters.
- 2 unique abilities for each character.

[Even if you have no one to play against, I'd appreciate it if you still check out the game]
* This game is made solely by me, aside from music and sound effects as detailed in the game page.