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A member registered Apr 30, 2019 · View creator page →

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So Dungeon Protector looks good and sounds good but has a slight drawback in the fact that the game play doesn't seam to work well.

at the beginning the controls are not explained and even going off of guessing i couldn't even get through what i assume is the first level. 

i can only spawn one ghost at the beginning and i found that i couldn't place it at the square in front of the life area, in addition to this i found that you will immediately die and restart after just one enemy gets close to your spawn pool area and that by the time i could summon another ghost the other one would of basically died before i could place it and i will be swiftly eliminated before i could place the new one.

overall the game looks good visually and sounds good but when you get to the game play you will find a bit of disappointment.

apologies if a bit too negative.

Haunted Castle Sabotage is a very spooky game the sound was amazing and definitely made an excellent atmosphere for this kind of game. the camera controls were a bit shaky at times and made it hard to click on certain items, the lever at the stairs was not accessible the way that was i believe supposed to as the stairs might of been to low for the character to get through, but there was a glitch were you could gain access to it through the other side of the wall, the ghost detection radius for finding the player is a bit large that isn't a huge issue. In conclusion this game a spooky but the stair lever might make it appear that the player can no longer move forward in the game progression.

A Powerful King was very entertaining even if i couldn't understand what the king was saying, the sound was very nice and definitely fit the battles, i liked the little hats and singular arms given to these little guys with a thirst for blood but there is one or two things that i think might make it a tad more enjoyable

- the beginning screen was not properly fitted to a standard screen so i couldn't even read the controls when i wanted to know them so i had no idea about the spin attack until my 2nd attempt where i accidentally began it.

- the controls for movement also were  a bit hard to manage i wouldn't say that they were bad but it just felt weird for the player character to move allover the joint without my really understanding how, i eventually figured out moving forward and back along with strafing but i believe that if you were to base the movement of the player from the angle of the camera it might yield better and more fluent control.

- i am a little unsure how this would be classed as sabotage but that might of been explained in the Ye old English dialog that the king was speaking with, not an issue but an observation.

overall "A Powerful King" is a fun little crusade against a assumed tyrant orange pill.

Overall the game is fun to play and looks good, i like the use of pixel art and 3d objects within the game, however there were a few issues that i fund during my play at least in the adventure mode.

- the health system didn't seam to work during the adventure mode as i was simply picked up by the minos repeatedly and did not take any damage.

- the models used for the adventure mode while awesome did have several instances of some side not being visible.

- the area mode is entertaining and the health works in it but once completed it simply loops rather forcefully.

overall it was still fun.