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A member registered Aug 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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Originally thought I'd cracked it but was wrong... At times I felt this is beyond my intelligence and adding a daily hint reward for coming back would be a great for progressing... Nonetheless this is great work

The potential of this game is really good, nice work

Thank you Varun... Multiplayer is so much fun, just be careful if you have hoarded a large currency amount, there is no worse feeling than making a silly mistake and losing a large chunk of it 😂

Thanks DryCoast, Multiplayer experience was always how this game.was supposed to be played, but single player is also quite fun 

Fast paced take on the iconic space Invaders and your version of the hub is brilliant.... Nice work

Kitten squad nastagia... Amazing work on this, personally I found it quite difficult because I'm useless with keyboard and mouse, playing on CK troller is a dream though... Levels are nicely designed and UI is coherent 

Great stuff guys 

Great take on the tycoon genre with the added RPG element, adding the collection mechanic is always welcome in these types of games to keep the players busy while waiting .. didn't venture through the portals but will when I've got time.

Oh and amazing work with the UI 😁

Nice work dryCereal, huge game with alot of depth, alot of help where needed but not really essential becuase it's very easy to just drop in and play 

Awesome game 🙂

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Love the cookie clicker type games and this fills the void in crayta... Would love the rebirth or prestige aspect as that adds depth to these types of games, that being said it's still really good to see this in crayta

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Great work Iceland, your building gets better and better each game... Really impressed with this game and was fun to play 

Pulling something like this off alone is quite the achievement... So many worlds to explore and things to do, adding hunger and thirst just adds to the depth... awesome work varun

Great variation of an idle game, I'm a big fan of these types of game 

For a first game, you have done exceptionally well, you should be proud of what you achieved and the size of what you created... Really looking forward to any updates you have planned and any future games you make in crayta 

Thank you very much for your kind words and taking the time to post some feedback 🙂

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Back to basic tycoon, love it .. found myself dropping in between games due to its quick load times, great work LC

Collecting stars gets slightly repetitive after a while, maybe adding a combo for collecting them within a second of each other, would add more fun into collecting them 🙂

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Great work slaying, real nostalgia of past obbies in the old hub, levels do get gradually more difficult but at a steady pace which is good for multiple obbies 

Nice work creator of obby-verse

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Thanks czinczar, will repay the feedback later today ❤️

Thank you kind stranger - creator of obby verse... It is so much more fun with more players and can get quite intense when you carrying a significant amount of money 

Hahaa thanks vilva, will bare that in mind next time 

Im not sure how you guys do it in a week but the size of this game and the potential is huge... very well put together jam entry with endless possibilities. 

Well done and look forward to see where this goes in the future 

Mikito.... you always find solutions to things that most dont and i have to ask

'How did you make the terrain' 

As always your level design skills are impressive and your use of meshes to create alternate level design is really up there with the best ive seen.

The loop is fun, even playing alone and found myself going through 6 rounds, only thing id suggest is a visual leader board and maybe a couple more levels 

Great work dude

I could watch the dust collectors all day, they are really great little pets/workers or whatever they are and look forward to seeing more and more. 

The time it took and what you have is very impressive and the gameplay/loop is something I think could be really special. 

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Yeap, we are missing 2 more council offices that would of made the climb to 20k more steady. I believe they were on strike at the time of publish and the unions say they are untouchable till after the results.

Apologies for the inconvenience 😅

Thanks for the feedback ephemerald 

Quite right it is intentional that the roads durability decreases fast than the income generated meaning you have to take funds from elsewhere to pay for repairs (because this is how councils work right 😄) 

We are missing 2 more council repairs in the form of environmental and lighting, these are essential for the income growth to achieve enough to repair the gas station into a gas station with grass on its roof (because grass on a buildings roof is eco afaik haha)

Jokes aside, yeah the balance is off due to the missing council tax rooms which kind of ruins the experience and it is advisable to maybe look at this as more POC than a finished project, for example the repaired gas station durability is set to default and is not very profitable, if profitable at all. 

Maybe we could look at the term eco being more "Economical" than "Energy Company Obligation" 😜

The aesthetics are great, the design is great.... The game is great

It's got dystopian supermarket sweep vibes and I loved it. I would however like to at some point escape from the robot store supervisor as they were chasing me for 90% of the round on my first time and I hadn't even stolen anything 😭 

Well done though, another really good small but unique game coming from you and your partner's 😁

All I can say is......

Caveman is 10/10....

Great little (very big) game, the time trial adds more to the tycoon genre and as alot have mentioned, the only problem was teleporting to the wrong island, although I was still able to sell my stuff so it not that big of a deal unless I want to time travel 

Dr shrink is fast becoming a household name with the crayta players and look forward to what torment he has in store for us next

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Great twist on the tycoon blueprint, the future potential of this is pretty great. 

Adding bonuses for student levels and upgrades adds more depth, and being able to upgrade the workstations is another added bonus and make this game quite deep in regards to actual level size.

Really hope you carry on working with this and look forward to see how far it goes 

This definitely raised the curiosity on me, I wasn't to sure what the end goal was but planting my seeds in other solar systems felt like I was achieving something nevertheless.

Are the seeds global counters of other players? If so then that is brilliant, I found a system far out with no seeds and would really like to claim this... I think allowing people to claim systems by planting the most seeds would add another dynamic to this game.

Al this being said, to achieve this UI wizardry in the short period of the jam is really well done, hats of to you good person 🙂

Really enjoyed playing through this.. the lack of guide and information made everything mysterious and pushed me to look for answers. 

I am curious what is behind the door in the dungeons and hope one day I hold the powers to get through 

Great work and look forward to any future updates.

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This game can easily become very deep... Love the kitbashed spaceships and the general idea behind it is something I urge you to push forward with, the UI looks great also and is really coherent with the general feel of outer space 

Well done guys

While playing with others you find yourself pushing towards the center of the map (feels like this is intended by the map design). More often than not, when someone makes a game of this size players do get lost but after a couple of deaths, I found just heading to the center I would find players again 😃

Great fun, well designed and brilliant gameplay mechanic.. progression is a great addition 

Had a chance to check this out (I was in with you) and the world design is brilliant.. the central point is a great addition and it feels designed on a professional level 

SlaterBBurn & Daigoro Collab

Amazing, love the colours you have used, had a great time with Sevendos playing. very well done

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Prison Break: Compromised

This is a game made within Crayta (stadia) and is very popular amongst players. Navigate through hoards of guards and searchlights and get to safety at the train station. Can you escape?

Absolutely baller of a game, Well played iceman