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Smushy Arm

A member registered Mar 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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ayyy thanks :D my first sub that isn't my grandma.

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Bit late, but here's my playthrough back from the jam (with commentary):

This is a bit late but here is my playthrough with commentary: 

Here's my playthrough with commentary. Better late than never... 

I think I found the true ending :D

I'm not sure but I think I found the true ending :D

The controls and audiovisual design have their issues (like a jumping mechanic that is hard to figure out but then turns out surprisingly more convenient than just walking), but the biggest drawback was the cringy writing, topped by a pretentious "almighty dev" moment.

Audio and visuals serve their purpose (nothing fancy), but the game felt complete; well-tuned difficulty curve with no level feeling like filler. Finally managing that last level was satisfying. If this was on Kongregate, there'd be a good few people working hard for 100%.

Extremely strong first impression thanks to polished visuals, audio and a TRON-inspired main menu. Gameplay very satisfying initially but the ineffectiveness of non-headshot hits and resulting bullet-time pixel hunting syphoned a lot of the potential fun out of it for me.

The only submission in the jam that I played with almost uncringy writing, on-point audio and visuals to match atmosphere and no noticeable bugs. Not much more to say, it did win the jam for a reason (though not sure what about it was "unexpected"...)

Great concept both for a video- and a real boardgame. Visuals and audio could be improved but very polished for a 2-week dev period. AI feels like playing vs. randomiser a bit, but given the number inferiority (1v8), stronger AI would get tough. The next mobile gaming hit?

Still not sure what to make of this. The animation must've been a lot of work, but I still had trouble identifying what it was trying to portray. As far as I can tell, the player can only "look right", to no identifiable game effect. But hey, who was expecting an Atari game?

Impressively well executed tribute, focussing on the most meme-y aspects of the 2D LoZ games and reproducing them successfully. Also quite funny actually, safe for the final "twist" - could've probably found something better there. Pleasant, short but complete experience.

Mechanics a bit janky. Weird double jump creates funny effects, but particularly the intentional-glitch one doesn't seem very well thought out. Some levels unplay-/finishable for me. With some level design and mechanics reworks, could actually make a complete if short game.

Credit for the funky idea of making a game in Powerpoint. The "gameplay" is predictably limited, but I guess it doesn't differ significantly from a visual novel... although those usually come with art. This comes with cereal crunching sound effects.

2D walking bits rather random and without the dev's hint, trying to find the solution would probably not be terribly fun. I guess there might be an audience for that sort of thing? Golf part got quite funny, came up with a decent challenge and a decent troll moment.

Seems like more work was put into making all the random assets than developing a game. The jump from one scene to the next and the randomness was funny but felt more like an intro than a game itself. Still not sure if I missed the secret button that makes the game start.

The most experimental gameplay idea so far, promising but not yet smooth enough to make for an actually fun experience - I preferred to evade enemies (killing the whole point). Worth exploring more; maybe by adding a non-combo weak attack, an indicator of successfully queued attacks, and clearer beat distinction, this might just work! (

Technically, it's all fine. Nothing big goes on so nothing big could go wrong. With better visual indication of enemy or damage direction, and distinction of damage received vs. done, plus some random level generator, this would be a decent arcade game (

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Just a little hint if anyone else has the "missing vcruntime140_1.dll" issue: you need the Visual C++ redistributable 2015-2019 (vc_redist.x64.exe), which you can download here: