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A member registered Apr 04, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hello, some time ago we are with this game, a kind of RTS MMO type space trading .... although right now, due to changes in the development I have returned to recompose the project in its Source Code, currently we have already solved several features of the game such as movement on the board, expeditions (travel) to cells where there are planets or space stations, music, sounds and some more things.

We would like to form some kind of community of users, and as far as possible to contribute to the development with some kind of donation by PayPal in my account, to finance a little development, any help would be welcome (to pay for things like the game server etc).

If all goes well, it is possible that by October or November we will have something playable in Beta phase.

Help us if you can, because we don't have any funding either....



I leave you a screenshot of the current interface so you can see that the game is promising.

hello Kio, you have Discord?? is im not on verified in X/Twitter and i cant send you a private message




hello Gunz, we are actually trying form team for a Visual Novel .... i send you friend request in Discord

this not inmediate work cos we still searching for more collaborators and started this morning with it

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Fizzy and me was talking we could work for a Visual Novel game..... but we need fill 2 positions (not payed until we make cash)

1) We need a WRITER for improvement of the plot or story

2) We need a BACKGROUND ARTIST for the background art

If you want for part of team just reply here and in case of Background Artist put some example of your art style

if you want join in our temporary place in Discord here is the meeting point:


very nice draws!!!

Im programmer Fizzy, i add you in discord


Jora you have Discord?

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i make this screen logo for if you like Nizarus

Take a look to this List of Demos Stawr Gurl..... they are really cracks of programming in real time

Best Demoscene Demos of PC

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I commenting start with simple things because for some things around the own "code" (source code) in a program, you have learn some things usually shared with all programming languajes...... for example, imagine you have in a game 4 kind of options for anything (a menu, a "conversation-answers" replies etc.... the simple way of manage it could be 2 forms .... with If-Else statements or with a Switch-Case function in the code..... and things like that are someother ones in a program ....then if you started with a simple game, the experience you get around how structure the code etc is exactly that im reffering..... (also of course know things like different kinds of variables you can create/handle and more things cos i viewed people doing games in Unity/Unreal and they neither know what is a FLOAT variable ......yes....is for that i said you DOCUMENTATION, BOOKS etc for you learn all around you going to front

Once playing with simple games, give jump to some graphic 2D Games with sprites, dealing with transparencies, frame to frame animations for the sprites, timers, backgrounds etc etc and make for example a 2D RPG, or a Space Invaders game kind... (here the most complex is make a good scrolling screen system and the collisions) or a 2D or 2.5D Graphic Adventure and reinforce your coding knowdledge with other things like deal with multiple objects in inventory...... conversations between player and characters in the Graphic Adventure, puzzle's creation (combining the use of a item in inventory with another item or something in the own screen scenario, creating a system smart for handle all the screens in a cartesian X Y estructure (with a array of structures for example)) and much other things that not impossible to deal with them but yes will require a bit of you think how make it in good way in the program code

And Finally when you expert with 2D games etc, try jump to Unity / Unreal / Godot and start with 3D stuff

a last advice remember the RAM is finite, a good managing of what and when you load/unload things in memory is the KEY for a good game flow (i see lot of people loads all in memory in Unity etc.....and soon or later they always come with same question ....."im out of RAM.....i have too much things in my 1st level of the game and what i can do??" 

ah yes, and of course any of that books related to Videogames programming also good buy.

I say you books cos in a good book you can find much more examples, information etc than in a video-tutorial (people thinks all ressolved with a video youtube tutorial but they are wrong..... a book is always better)

but overall take it with calm and go learning at your own rythm you can handle..... in general all that of programming and videogames is so BIG and cover so many things that is normal it "overload" your own mind-capacity at some point so go with care.

Hello, im working in a RPG Multiplayer game..... this is a capture of it.... cheers :)

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rule #1 of good programmer: "load on memory just only the neccesary for what you going to show and some other extra things but not much"

cos rule #2, "if you dont make rule #1, even 32Gb of RAM could can't be enought for you"

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if you want learn make videogames is better you start with some books (or documentation) about this:

1) Programming Languaje that fits to what you going to use as main Engine or IDE compiler

2) Learn about the own programming languaje, variables, data structures, iterations/loops, sounds, and all around that manage the flow of your source code, some books about coding patterns, or things like algorithms also useful

3) Practice in code first, with simple things ... i meant simple videogames or even text console games cos it will give you some expertise on things going around the code creation, the gameplay, choices, decisions, and all things that make a program runs well and do exactly what intended to do and not other things.

4) once you have some experience, begin try with graphics and sprites in 2D games, a puzzle simple, or a kind of shooter 2D (the bullets and collisions have it tricks) or for example a kind of game like old Graphic Adventures (monkey island, indiana jones fate of atlantis etc) that kind of Graphic Adventures are not terribly hard to code for have very nice aspect. (but yes you need a good graphician/artist for sprites and backgrounds and animations)

5) if all this going good, then apply on things like for example Unity or Unreal Engine or Godot

Really the problem is not make "something" there in screen, the real Challenge is complete all the "thing" of the videogame bunch of it for it works perfectly without fails and make the "duration" of the playable thing be enought how for dont end game in 10 minutes long.

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For code you have to use in a PC for example, what NoTime To Play is saying, a text editor or a IDE (Integrated Development Environment) what is like the editor with some other things for design the interface of your app, ...for compile/debug the program and see the running result of what you code

Examples of this IDEs

- Code Blocks

- Rad Studio (C++ Builder & Delphi) (hibrid languaje compiler)

- Visual Studio (old known as Visual C++)

also you can code in other languajes

- Python, HTML, PHP, Java, JavaScript ....or other languajes

in other hand you could use a kind of ENGINEs for make games like for example:

- Unity

- Game Maker 2

- RPG Maker

- Unreal Engine (UDK)

- Godot

about pay for it well.... the internet is there and the patches/cracks etc for use it to 100% full functioning too....

thanks WhileUW .... we are on the Discord Channel for talk there about the game


I think best idea is find a programmer and graphician collaborators for you can focus in the write task

The problem of that is like you said much people dont work/help if no money in the treat.

you could apply it for Visual Novels cos a VN have much inside of text/story and is not very difficult make some animation or some graphics for it

Hello, im looking for people want collaborate with me in a project i started some weeks ago

Its a 2D RPG Multiplayer game, here you can view current aspect

if you want help with it, we have our dev channel in Discord  here: QuazarDev.net Discord Channel

we hope some people want join to this game dev, the most needed now is people that can deal with Graphics/Sprites/animations for go building the maps scenarios and all around it.

In case we complete it and put to sell or for a crowdfunding cash we could consider reward to people working in it (but dont expect this initially cos now i can't pay from my pocket)

Thanks for read this..... we waiting collaborators...

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i tried send you Instagran message but gives me error.... you dont have discord? yes send me by DM here

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definetively not good that

you must having things clear if you try do something, and much times not simply "clear" also good balanced and calculated for it gives someclass of challenge to the players as Isr.goat said, keep it simple and with a objetive to reach

For example in my game Roguelike Heaven im doing (Is a 2D RPG game)

1) big maps conception pre-generation (cos its multiplayer then the idea of random-maps dont serve for this)

2) first of all a system combat of attack-strikesback with some class of weapons and basically with simple things as life bar, mana bar, thirsty bar, hungry bar and energy bar 

3) some other objects in map like for example places where you find some FOOD/Drink in map and also a system for get QUESTS/MISSIONS (this dont have to be too much complex, can be simply find an object somewhere in map/game and deliver to a certain character)

4) a system for interconnect the maps (i use a kind of DOORS/PORTALS placed in a certain zone of the map for jump from a map to another)

5) scenary complementary objets like TREES/Houses/traps hidden etc

Then later you can going over add more things and complexity with the modification of code

but one thing is obvious "Rome dont made in 1 day" and things is much better start in simple way and then retouching and fixing and adding new things to it cos with new versions updated and enhanced is how you going building a great game/app

i take note of this for my project Roguelike Heaven cos currently i just thinked in WASD keys for move the player ..... thanks for the advice

im C/C++ coder and im working in own project called Roguelike Heaven that is like a RPG 2D Multiplayer

here i show you a capture of it

Zeiya: do you have Discord?

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i put in situation again:

imagine the following, a guy with a music software, he select and paste patterns of samples for build a song and the song sounds like heaven but really he not a musician in usual way, as can be Joe Satriani or Steve Vai that yes have skills, accuracy, knowledges and know play a instrument and make music REAL, the first guy only take advantage of incredibly advance on technology for make things that if depends of his own talent or practice for doing it in the REAL way possibly not able to do it...... and this is what happens with Unity, Unreal etc, are just advances of technology that give people opportunity of make things incredible complex but following the law of minimal enffort cos they normally have 0 idea about programming or nothing related with that.... they obtain "Games" so easily with the engines without know nothing of the usual game programming techniques (page flipping, animation, 3d things, cameras, collisions, even something so simple like play a sound......absolutely all is solved by the engine) and in the opposite side, theres REAL programmers that yes know how make this things cos they worried of learn this techniques and much other things and also we enjoy coding our own stuff because there is the challenge of it...... use Unity or Unreal is not a challenge cos you only have add some assets and configure some other things for have working a 3D game........ and im not saying this bad, but only remember if people like us dont developing things like that, you never able to make videogames, is a thing much people tends to forget, that people like us was who was all life fighting for things like internet, software etc growns to a higher level when 1) nobody knows nothing about computing   2) the things was near "prehistoric" compared with what you have now in your hands

Note: i started code my own programs at 5 years old in year 1977 and just "kind unix stuff then" neither MS-DOS was there

Note2: the challenge is not run the marathon mounted in a harley davidson, the real challenge is make the 40 km running with your legs and sweating the tshirt.

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jejeje, possibly i can mount a VN with Rad Studio in 1/4 of time you can do it with that engines......so dont talk if you dont know what means RAD ..... and what problem with make your own code?? oh yes, you need engines cos you dont know how code it ..... i forget it

for put you in situation, people making games with that engines is like the "modern" singers (that dont sing a shit) making miracles with the auto-tune machine.....well......all said (im not going to continue this conversation cos at end sure the moderators ban me for said a couple of truths)

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First of all, if you want make a wood work, dont get a spoon for cut the wood ..... i meant that much of software things, depends in much of what class of "tool or languaje" you use for build it

if you want make a Visual Novel i recommend you for example RAD Studio C++ Builder (and Delphi (turbo pascal))

Rad Studio is a Hibrid languaje IDE + Compiler for develop apps for some systems in both languajes at your disponsal (C/C++ or Pascal)

The thing, is this development tool can build the EXE app for windows systems and have all class of controls and programming features for you can deal with near all you need for develop an app or a 2D Videogame (like a Visual Novel)

The requirement?? you have know something about C or C++ languaje for programming it

Then finally, you can mount with a TImage component the screens for visual novel and if you play with that for example with a FX component you can make some class of effects on image for example for FADE ON and OFF and other kind of image effects...... even you can make more advanced things if you deal with Canvas manipulaton of the TImage for example for make a LOOP in the app that redraws all and draw in the TImage variety of things (example a background decoration, then a character over the background and then with a TIMER's component make  the character blinks his eyes randomly)

Also you can add with libraries added, things as Mp3 music, WAV sound effects (with just 1 line short call to windows PlaySound() function) and much more other things, but remember, learn C/C++ gives you hability for make a lot of things with a C++ compiler/IDE like Rad Studio

for example, where you seen a VN able to be played in multiplayer online mode?? yeah, with Rad Studio and MySQL online database you can do it

the only thing is more complex for do with Rad Studio is 3D things cos not so easy like Unity or UE but also capable of that, only you need knowledge of OpenGL or DirectX and mount all from scratch

if you need help with this im here around

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im tired of people that request help of any kind and they give Discord contact but, when they there?? days passing one after other and they never there!

so make all a favour (you and overall others) dont request HELP if you not check Discord or other things daily.... is very frustrating see how people seem "throw" a help/collab request and never online....

then RuLE 1) (and most important of all) dont try make nothing if you dont have time for dedicate to care of it

Because: 2) Make a videogame is not simple or easy task, require lot of time, lot of dedication, lot of BE CONSTANT and lot of good knowdledges for go advancing without the Time (hours, days, weeks, months and even YEARS) eat you by your foot

Just That .

Fix it soon, remember you have in the invitation box a field that puts "The invitation NEVER EXPIRES" that you have to activate for avoid this problems ... im waiting for joining to your discord channel, i have a thing for show you for the Jam

the Discord invitation dont work

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emm.... if you give me your discord i can write you a PM in Discord :D

we could make some exercises and source code for you learn how make EXE apps for windows with C++ Builder

once we have something made, you can experiment with it for make other added things to it

the thing is if you dont know nothing of how code things is better you going learning C languaje as stardard for deal with C++ Builder

i can guide you and give you tips, but once you know how manage Rad Studio C++ Builder is amazing belive me

but if your goal is make 3D games etc, is better you learn Unity or Unreal Engine, the problem is if you dont know nothing of how make games will be difficult cos this engines also bassed in source code in C# and C++ so some knowdledges of basic programming is always good.

i see better you start with C++ builder and games stuff basics fordwarding until 2D games, then you can use your C/C++ acquired knowdleges in Unity or Unreal for make 3D games 

i said that, cos starting with a C/C++ compiler and IDE you learn other things (with me) like for example kind of variables, game structures more complex for handle things of game in the own code, code flow control structures, and much other things that helps you more than if you take Unity or Unreal without know nothing of C# or C++

also fit the possiblity you find C++ builder so fanzy that you preffer make Apps for windows in the classic style of a management app

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my recommendation lightingbomb is once you have the binaries of EXE or app executable (with all the libraries, required files for run etc) make a RAR compressed file with the game files and then DELETE the old file on itch.io and re-upload it again as new RAR game file, then in the dashboard put a comment or post announces the updated version, changes or added things etc.....

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i think the most appropiate for that could be mount a Forum like PHPBB for people publish their own "threads" and people at same time can post their comments or feedback

since the Forums can be "configured" for some "categories" you can config it for various types of Genres of games, off topic general discussion etc etc

also another "way" could be mount a EXE client app that "deal" with a mysql server online for make like your own "app" (client) for manage multiple things, not only the feedback and game publishing board, for example you can integrate in the app a component for paypal payments or for example in the part of "deadlines dates" (this could be entered when a group post a game project) make in another TAB a calendar style dashboard with that dates and name of projects for the users can view in wide range a lot of projects with the estimated date of finnish (i said estimated cos in software development you never know really when you going to end) but in a EXE app the possibilities of make your own "cook" of thing is unlimited overall if you using proffesional dev tools like Rad Studio C++ Builder