hello, i code with Rad Studio C++ Builder but also i like make things from scratch like you, that engines is very easy but rest all the challenge about programming things
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Im starting new proyect more simple than Stardust cos this game is a bit heavy development and i dont count with any help overall with graphic part, then i decided "parked" it for better ocassion and try make a 2D RPG Isometric that seem more accesible
I need this:
- Graphician (for make graphics and if possible some animations too)
- Writter (Somebody that work on the story and the things like quests plot's etc)
- People for testing it when the EXE ready for test it and also for give us Ideas for the game etc.
If you interested on this project, join us in our Discord Channel:
i code recently in C++ a importer of OBJ models exported with Blender that render in OpenGL/Glew with multi-texturing in MTL file, im not a great expert with OpenGL but yes i reach that objetive of render OBJ models (with rotation etc) directly with Rad Studio C++ Builder in my EXE file
Also i consider your offer of make 3D stuff in Blender so we could help us mutually
you have Discord?
This is a test i made with a building model made in Blender:

And this for example, is a phase of a game im developing in C++ Builder called Stardust
Hello people
Im searching for a partner for help me to make graphics for Stardust game
The project is heavily developed along 2024 and i work in it every day (im the programmer)
I was making the graphic part with Joe (the usual graphician) but he not working good since he passing some days totally "away" in Discord, and not give me much explanations of what are doing or in what he is busy, just days passed and he totally distracted (i dont know with what) and for example now loosed since monday of past week and today is thusday of the following week
Then i seeing in the obligation of search a replacement of him for that graphics works cos i working hard on all this, loosing much nights and days sleeping just few hours only cos this stuff require working hard on it for advance on development cos are lot of thing still to do and simply Joe works when he want or have aims and not at same or good level of responding to the work needed or expected from him
Another thing to have in mind, is that currently, i don't count with budget or financiation for pay people, sorry for that, i know is not nice work free but is a fact against i can't do much except have faith in people donations make someclass of cash pot for then yes pay some enfforts of the graphicians for example, i a retired person with a very basic/normal salary for living and with spends of pay rent, food, internet, etc makes to me near impossible think i can get some class of decent money for reward the help of graphicians that decide help me with this, im very sorry for that and i can only have someclass of expectations if people start to donate someclass of money to our paypal/bitcoin wallet, then yes be in good situation for pay somebody
But if you take a look to our website, will see that Stardust is not a shit made in 2 days, and the curse of how going all this 2024 make think we could be in front of a project that could have success with just some luck and as i say, if people support us with donations for get some seed money for keep going the development
Please consider help us with donations (5$ is just enought) not significant money to any pocket but yes could significate a difference for us with some hundreds or thousands of people doing that
And if you are a graphician and want join to a serious project that is advanced now in development, consider join us and contribute to make Stardust a success, i have much hope put in it and i think it can work good as game even developed by individual person without much resources
Think too, that Stardust is going to be a RTS Multiplayer Masive Online game, and as far i know, not much people able to deal with that class of challenge and that "feature" could hit for example in future earnings for us
if you want meet us, this is our Discord channel, there we can talk if you want work with us:
hay varios modos y herramientas, si quieres no complicarte mucho con temas tecnicos lo habitual para gente "floja" y gente que no tiene ni idea es Unity o si eres un poco mas espabilado pues Unreal Engine (otras alternativas son Godot, GameMakerStudio o Roblox)
para todos ellos necesitaras saber un poco de alguno de los lenguajes de programacion que usan aunque sea para configurar cosas basicas en respuesta a algunos eventos que pueden producirse (pulsaciones de teclas etc) Unity utiliza C# (C-Sharp) lo cual es un sucedaneo del C++ habitual, Unreal utiliza C++ pero de su propia cosecha creo.
A mi personalmente me gusta trabajar con Rad Studio C++ Builder / Delphi, un hibrido entre lenguaje C++ y Turbo Pascal (delphi) es muy potente si lo sabes manejar bien pero esta mas orientado a apps de escritorio, de Android etc y no tanto para videojuegos al menos no en la manera que esta planteado Unity o Unreal Engine aunque por supuesto si eres lo suficientemente habil, puedes tambien hacer videojuegos con Rad Studio solo que tendras que currartelo mas "a mano" todo, pero por ejemplo yo estos dias en una sola noche hice en C++ Builder un importador de modelos de Blender (OBJ) en 3D multi-texturas que renderiza en OpenGL y Glew Library el modelo 3D rotandolo, moviendo la camara etc y ni siquiera tarde muchas horas en tenerlo desde 0 que no tenia nada hecho
Pero mucha gente entra directamente a Unity porque como yo digo "lo resuelve todo medio automaticamente" sin que tengas que programar gran cosa, y eso hace que mucha gente sin mucha idea de nada, empiecen por ahi (luego se llevan la ostia claro porque un videojuego funcional y completo es mucho mas que un tutorial de youtube de Unity que explica como crear un terreno procedural de arboles y un modelo que has calzado ahi en 2 segundos que tiene rigging de movimiento y ya creen que el juego esta medio hecho)
y hay miles de personas en ese plan quizas incluso millones, creyendo que podran hacer su idea de juego en 0,2 y como digo, luego viene "la castaña" porque un juego requiere de muchas cosas y saber bastante bien que coño estas haciendo con los escenarios, modelos, gestion de carga de memoria etc porque luego ves cosas tan rimbombantes como "mi juego carga el nivel 1 que he diseñado y me dice "out of RAM memory!!!! y tengo 32 gigas de ram..... necesito ayuda" y tienes que reirte claro, porque dices "ni yo estaba tan perdido cuando aprendia como grabar ficheros secuenciales en discos de 5 1/4" en fin, pero todo eso pasa precisamente por no saber nada de nada D19962024 y por creer o pensar que hacer un videojuego es coser y cantar cuando posiblemente sea una de las cosas mas dificiles que hay de lograr al menos de que funcione bien y fluido y tal, el asunto es algo parecido a como si yo entrase a trabajar en una Central Nuclear y me preguntasen "sabes como va esto no?" y les dijese yo "pues he trabajado reparando Vespinos en el taller de motos, pero esto es algo parecido no?"
Eso sin tener en cuenta que si con 32Gb de RAM aun no tienes bastante memoria RAM , amigo, tienes un problema muy serio entre manos.
En definitiva, aprender, informarte, documentarte, aprender el lenguaje que utilices para ello y de buena manera, no vale solo con conocer como se declara una variable y creer que con eso ya dominas el lenguaje...... y luego, empezar por cosas sencillas aunque sean una pura tonteria mas basica que chupar un caramelo werthers original de esos de tofee..... con cada cosa que hagas iras aprendiendo cosas, solventar errores que vayan surgiendo al compilar o crear el Ejecutable etc luego ir haciendo cosas "un pelin" mas complejas, probandote a ti mismo y tu capacidad de resolver cosas mas liadas y asi, tambien seguir tutoriales de youtube es un buen recurso porque siempre es mas facil ver como va todo y alguien explicandote detalles que no estas en frente del interface y no saber muy bien ni por donde empezar.
Con Internet teneis un gran recurso para obtener informacion al momento de casi cualquier cosa asi que ni tan mal, en los años 90 nosotros no teniamos nada de eso y si desconocias algo o tenias algun problema, no habia muchas opciones de hacer nada salvo descubrirlo por tu cuenta de la manera que fuese, preguntando a tus amigos "hackers" del mundillo, buscando algun libro en la libreria especializada que arrojase algo de luz sobre el tema que buscabas si es que habia alguno claro....todo muy arcaico y muy complicado porque aparte tampoco habia mucho windows de nada, habia windows 3.11 y MS DOS y posiblemente si tuvieseis que usar eso hoy en dia, os entrarian ganas de suicidaros
dicen que la experiencia es la madre de la ciencia y si, apostaria que es asi
Roma tampoco se hizo en un dia, y un fallo habitual que la gente comete, es querer hacer algo "rompedor" asi de primeras en plan marcandote como liston base, juegos triple AAA o juegazos actuales, asi nunca lo lograreis creedme, empezad por algo basico e ir subiendo el liston un poco mas en cada nuevo revamp del codigo, porque si de primeras quereis hacer un juegazo como decian en Stratos "quiero hacer el MMORPG SUPREMO" (jajajaj, chistoso el hilo si) pues seguro que a menos que seais unos autenticos cracks de la programacion, no lo lograreis, es mas ni siquiera os acercareis un poco y ya descubrireis porque...
y sobretodo, paciencia, constancia y saber soportar con valentia y gallardia los constantes vapuleos a la moral de cada uno viendo que las cosas no salen, errores que no sabes muy bien a que son debidos o como solucionar, ante eso, hay que saber soportar muy bien la frustracion y no agobiarse, con el tiempo y la experiencia las cosas mejorarán ya lo vereis.
si os preguntais porque se tanto de estas cosas, pues tengo 52 años y empece ya con un mainframe en 1977, soy casi la primera persona que empezo en esto de la informatica sin contar a mis maestros que ahora mismo creo que ya murieron todos.
Stardust by Snakey33 (itch.io)
Stardust is a new amazing kind of game RTS MMO developed just by only 2 persons, Snaked (coder) and Joe (Graphics and Designs)
it have some fancy characteristics like 2 hexagonal boards of different size for the spaceships movements and combat, also you can make minnery on asteroid fields, and make expeditions to other planets or space stations for commerce (buy and sell) products and earn some SnakeDollars with it. have other features like the players can build "Colonies" for make a bases (own) for process minerals and other profit tasks that give you more earnings in your bussiness, also we working in a "inside" view of space stations where you (and other players) can walk inside the Space Stations in a Top-Down View and also im working in someclass of shooting with guns or machine guns etc etc for give to it more excitement and who knows if you can steal them money or something when you kill them :D
Is very exciting cos all going pretty good and the EXE is working perfect and not much fails of nothing
Keep and eye on our website cos near NewYear 2025 we will put the Beta version for real test with players on our Stardust Oficial Website
The Site:
hello Greedyroz.... your drawing is amazing pretty good ... i send you a Discord Friend request!
im programmer and i could help for make a VN or something, currently im working in Stardust a MMO RTS kind of
you can check it at Stardust Page
Hello, some time ago we are with this game, a kind of RTS MMO type space trading .... although right now, due to changes in the development I have returned to recompose the project in its Source Code, currently we have already solved several features of the game such as movement on the board, expeditions (travel) to cells where there are planets or space stations, music, sounds and some more things.
We would like to form some kind of community of users, and as far as possible to contribute to the development with some kind of donation by PayPal in my account, to finance a little development, any help would be welcome (to pay for things like the game server etc).
If all goes well, it is possible that by October or November we will have something playable in Beta phase.
Help us if you can, because we don't have any funding either....
I leave you a screenshot of the current interface so you can see that the game is promising.
Fizzy and me was talking we could work for a Visual Novel game..... but we need fill 2 positions (not payed until we make cash)
1) We need a WRITER for improvement of the plot or story
2) We need a BACKGROUND ARTIST for the background art
If you want for part of team just reply here and in case of Background Artist put some example of your art style
if you want join in our temporary place in Discord here is the meeting point:
I commenting start with simple things because for some things around the own "code" (source code) in a program, you have learn some things usually shared with all programming languajes...... for example, imagine you have in a game 4 kind of options for anything (a menu, a "conversation-answers" replies etc.... the simple way of manage it could be 2 forms .... with If-Else statements or with a Switch-Case function in the code..... and things like that are someother ones in a program ....then if you started with a simple game, the experience you get around how structure the code etc is exactly that im reffering..... (also of course know things like different kinds of variables you can create/handle and more things cos i viewed people doing games in Unity/Unreal and they neither know what is a FLOAT variable ......yes....is for that i said you DOCUMENTATION, BOOKS etc for you learn all around you going to front
Once playing with simple games, give jump to some graphic 2D Games with sprites, dealing with transparencies, frame to frame animations for the sprites, timers, backgrounds etc etc and make for example a 2D RPG, or a Space Invaders game kind... (here the most complex is make a good scrolling screen system and the collisions) or a 2D or 2.5D Graphic Adventure and reinforce your coding knowdledge with other things like deal with multiple objects in inventory...... conversations between player and characters in the Graphic Adventure, puzzle's creation (combining the use of a item in inventory with another item or something in the own screen scenario, creating a system smart for handle all the screens in a cartesian X Y estructure (with a array of structures for example)) and much other things that not impossible to deal with them but yes will require a bit of you think how make it in good way in the program code
And Finally when you expert with 2D games etc, try jump to Unity / Unreal / Godot and start with 3D stuff
a last advice remember the RAM is finite, a good managing of what and when you load/unload things in memory is the KEY for a good game flow (i see lot of people loads all in memory in Unity etc.....and soon or later they always come with same question ....."im out of RAM.....i have too much things in my 1st level of the game and what i can do??"
ah yes, and of course any of that books related to Videogames programming also good buy.
I say you books cos in a good book you can find much more examples, information etc than in a video-tutorial (people thinks all ressolved with a video youtube tutorial but they are wrong..... a book is always better)
but overall take it with calm and go learning at your own rythm you can handle..... in general all that of programming and videogames is so BIG and cover so many things that is normal it "overload" your own mind-capacity at some point so go with care.
if you want learn make videogames is better you start with some books (or documentation) about this:
1) Programming Languaje that fits to what you going to use as main Engine or IDE compiler
2) Learn about the own programming languaje, variables, data structures, iterations/loops, sounds, and all around that manage the flow of your source code, some books about coding patterns, or things like algorithms also useful
3) Practice in code first, with simple things ... i meant simple videogames or even text console games cos it will give you some expertise on things going around the code creation, the gameplay, choices, decisions, and all things that make a program runs well and do exactly what intended to do and not other things.
4) once you have some experience, begin try with graphics and sprites in 2D games, a puzzle simple, or a kind of shooter 2D (the bullets and collisions have it tricks) or for example a kind of game like old Graphic Adventures (monkey island, indiana jones fate of atlantis etc) that kind of Graphic Adventures are not terribly hard to code for have very nice aspect. (but yes you need a good graphician/artist for sprites and backgrounds and animations)
5) if all this going good, then apply on things like for example Unity or Unreal Engine or Godot
Really the problem is not make "something" there in screen, the real Challenge is complete all the "thing" of the videogame bunch of it for it works perfectly without fails and make the "duration" of the playable thing be enought how for dont end game in 10 minutes long.
For code you have to use in a PC for example, what NoTime To Play is saying, a text editor or a IDE (Integrated Development Environment) what is like the editor with some other things for design the interface of your app, ...for compile/debug the program and see the running result of what you code
Examples of this IDEs
- Code Blocks
- Rad Studio (C++ Builder & Delphi) (hibrid languaje compiler)
- Visual Studio (old known as Visual C++)
also you can code in other languajes
- Python, HTML, PHP, Java, JavaScript ....or other languajes
in other hand you could use a kind of ENGINEs for make games like for example:
- Unity
- Game Maker 2
- RPG Maker
- Unreal Engine (UDK)
- Godot
about pay for it well.... the internet is there and the patches/cracks etc for use it to 100% full functioning too....
I think best idea is find a programmer and graphician collaborators for you can focus in the write task
The problem of that is like you said much people dont work/help if no money in the treat.
you could apply it for Visual Novels cos a VN have much inside of text/story and is not very difficult make some animation or some graphics for it