TL:DR: Reply with your Art (Visual, Writing and even Audio) below and receive a music track inspired by it.
My name is Enixx, and I've had the pleasure or working on some games and jams on this website. Recently I thought it would be a lot of fun to try a creative and collaborative exercise. Instead of having to get together a large group of people to read, listen or look at your art why not just collaborate naturally with another creative? I'm looking to be inspired by any piece of art that you have created. Pulling emotion out of words, visuals or audio. Whether you're a master of your craft or just starting out, all submissions are welcome. Maybe you've been sitting on an idea for a while and can't find the right group. Or maybe you feel your work isn't up to where you'd like it to be. Why not sit back and let someone admire your work & create something for you in return? Use this place as a judgement free zone for something fun.
You can check out some of my sample pieces here!
I will create tracks for the first five people that reply to this post with their piece of art. If I enjoy this exercise greatly I may up that number.
I look forward to see what comes from this & I hope you do too. But until later