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A member registered Apr 04, 2024 · View creator page →

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You might want to check your own profile/library and search "games that I own" or something similar to that

Minor spoiler in Zone 2 region:

During dir-klou, Nulkan would say "..You and your sisters.." at the first meaningful talk to Hazel. However, choosing to set up patrols in dir-klou would not get us any riders/priestesses from either side.

After doing sex training, moving to a new location would not let us have another sex training even though the day have changed (sex training -> move from dir-klou to fernia -> +5 days to timer -> sex training cannot be done)

Talk to Thea about it. I forgot the sequence (been a long time), so make sure to talk to her in the morning, the evening, and the night for the option.

Hey, would there be a chance of getting the full access through itch rather than patreon in the future?

And a few feedback and reports from me:

  1. I also noticed that playful trait (archery-focused) and bookworm trait (magic-focused) seems to be ignored in most part. Many questline/storyline that involves fighting uses sword training to be the skill-check while the other stats seemed dead.
  2. Mervin's Shop and Central Market's names is swapped at night time.
  3. Since fighting monsters and bandits have skill-checks to them.. and well, fights. I think giving some +stats  after we encountered them would make sense and fair.
  4. Idk exactly know what 'commitment' and 'personality' (different with trait) do here, maybe a little explanation to them in-game? I roughly get it. I just want to know how much it affects the story.

P.S. I finished the story that is available and absolutely enjoyed it so far (didn't skip any, heh). I also prepped some saves for the Karmak questline just in case, I eagerly await for the next updates!

Hey, any fast way to gain stats faster? it's a pain to train swordtraining (or any stats rather) when you don't have the +1 increase from the trait . Since this game is more focused to the story, cutting down on the grind would be great imho, at least the requirement to level up the stats.

*not playing easy mode*

So let's say you bought patch/ver 1, when the game updated, do you get patch/ver 2 for free?

(1 edit)

I've been looking around here and there and saw some comments where Taifun stated you buy the game development instead of the game itself (think of it like pledging to Patreon) and where they replied to a comment "Did you buy version x or previous versions?".

tl;dr only for the current version, though I could be wrong as I have the same question as yours.