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A member registered Oct 10, 2017 · View creator page →

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this is maybe some of the most spernacular crambache i've seen in my life. Thank you ♥️

I see what you mean. Moving the mouse (or stick) in opposing directions to do the pseudo wall-jumping I had laid out is actually a lot harder to get right than some of the later portions.  When I was planning out the level layout, I put the block-switch pieces closer to the start because I assumed they would be easier. I'll have to take that into account going forward. Thanks for pointing that out to me!

The eyeball was the secret boss, actually! The room where you can access that boss (and then get teleported back to) is about the halfway point. After that, the design gets a little more tricky. The room you were on was all about getting the proper angle on your burst.  Of course, the balancing was a little iffy, which I'm going to do my best to refine when I revisit this concept. I'm glad you enjoyed it up until that point, though! Thanks for giving it a play!

Looks like we both went for the "celeste-like"! Overall, the level design is pretty tight and uses the concept well. I'm impressed you guys managed to work in small touches like the procedural animation for the aiming and the vacuum hose. I ran into a bug early on where respawning at a checkpoint in an earlier room would leave the camera in the current room, but I managed to work around the issue on my second try by simply not dying ;)

Great work from the whole team! I'm looking forward to seeing this on stream

Thanks for the feedback! It sounds like you're ready for something more challenging, hahaha. I wanted to take it easy on players in the first half so they'd have time to get used to the strange movement style, and then take off the training wheels in the second half. I've got a bunch of ideas for how to push the concept even further too, so if I ever turn it into a full-length game I hope you'll be there 😁

(Also, the enemies are supposed to be able to hit you. That's a massive bug that didn't show up until the day of the deadline.)

Haha, of course! You really nailed the character animations and the environments, which give the game a lot of soul. Plus, the main mechanic has a lot of potential for all kinds of crazy applications. One of the best I've played so far.

A lot of the puzzles can be easily skipped once you discover the burst mechanic. I figured most players would be getting used to the unique style of movement, so I figured a course-correction mechanic would make things a little easier. I knew them more clever players would be able to use that to their advantage though ;) As for the damage, I also noticed that sometimes the collisions would just fail. It was a bug that didn't appear for me till the last day of development, so unfortunately I wasn't able to smooth it out. I hope that didn't ruin your enjoyment too much! If this jam allows patches, I'm going to hopefully try and fix it once my finals are over and publish a more polished version.  Anyway, I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for giving it a play!

Thanks for giving it a play! I might have come off a little harsh in the description, but I'm still proud of how everything turned out. Sometimes, the brokenness of game jam games adds to the charm, or at least that's how I see it.

I really liked your submission too! I love the way the mech controls, it reminded me of the tanks game on Wii Play, if you've ever played that.  I wish more games could capture that feeling.

Thanks for checking it out, I'm glad you liked it so much! My biggest worry was the controls, because I had to make some last-minute adjustments to them, so I'm glad it all played well for you!  I'm glad you found the secret boss too. That was my favorite part of this whole project 😁

PLEASE keep going with this. I think you've got something really special here. I'd love to see this fleshed out into a full-length 3D platformer one day. 

Most realistic chickens of any game. Unfortunately, my immersion was ruined by the way it was snowing indoors. There's a lot of things to like about the game. Nice wit, beautiful visuals, and a really funny premise. That said, most of the time I spent playing this game was when I realized I could duplicate eggs in the tutorial section. Clear frontrunner for first place.

Such a cute little game. Like everyone already mentioned, the camera control is a little wonky. I think adding a smoothing variable would mitigate that. Other than that, it's a delightful little romp. There's a nice mix of weapons and enemies that keep it fresh, and I ended up playing it a lot longer than I expected to.

This is so adorable. I love it