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A member registered Jul 21, 2015 · View creator page →

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Was something we unfortunately ran out of time for. Hopefully we can add one once the jam is over; can't upload anything while it's running.

I liked the idea and presentation a whole lot

Very fun puzzle game, love the simple aesthetics.

Executed really well! Great work.

Great idea. With some more polish I think this could be really fun. All the art was really well made.

Very cool concept! Loved the title theme and all the sound effects. 

Fun game! Had a lot of fun once I got into the swing of things, but it was a little hard to understand what was going on at the beginning. With more polish, I could see this being a very addicting game.

Extremely impressive to have this all done in two days! Great aesthetic. Would definitely play a longer version of this.

Thanks for playing! We plan to keep working on the game to polish it up some more. We'll check out your game as well!

Thank you so much for the feedback! Controlling the randomness of the spawns was part of our original plan, but we unfortunately were rushing to get everything else working by the end of the 48 hours. By the time we had to compile and submit, we weren't able to fully balance weapons and enemies the way we wanted to.  Agree with you especially on melee weapons. We'll likely keep working on this after the jam just to make something more polished. And lol re: the slot machines, didn't think about it that way before.

Very fun game! Incredibly satisfying to make the perfect move with a missile.

Thank you so much for playing! We're interested in continuing to add features to this past the end of the jam.