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A member registered Feb 19, 2016 · View creator page →

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Looks and sounds great!

I was just as bad at this as I am with any other bullet hell game. That's probably good in a way. I kept feeling that the strafe was a little too fast, so instead of dodging, I ran into the next bullet over.

Wow! That was pretty trippy. Cool but unsettling.

I thought I was well on my way to sending all of the guys to yellow oblivion, until I saw the map.

I only ever found two ingredients, so I wasn't able to craft anything. Maybe the map is a bit too restricted by wall?

Nice animations. The movement felt good, but I'm terrible at this kind of game, so I couldn't see how much more there was to the game.

Looks pretty sound judging by what's there so far.

I couldn't get the game to start in Chrome, as pressing space just scrolls the page.

Very promising, but it's a bit odd that you need to dump all your money into four power plants right away. It didn't leave me with enough time to get the city on its feet before I failed.

Why am I bad at this? I feel dumb now.

I work at a helpdesk. Very accurate.

Great low rez character and graphics!

Aw man!

Lovely voice acting! Put a smile on my face on a boring monday.

Keyboard Twister with monsters!

The sound design made me happy, and the animations worked well.

To stay truly 64x64, you should have un-smoothed the camera and made the enemies pixelated though.

It's not clear that you move through the inventory with the arrow keys. Other that that, great game!

Isn't floating point precision an issue way before scales involving lightyears?

I decided to go with a 16 color EGA palette, since that's what I played most of my childhood games with. It's tricky using a lisghtly awful palette and also make things stand out from the background, becasue you are tempted to use only the most pleasing of the colors.

I also did the game in a little over a day, but that's just because I scrapped my first idea, and sterted the new one on friday, reusing some code and sprites.

Mechanically I just had the idea of the player setting their own difficulty and getting scored based on that.

(1 edit)

I tried going the rendertexture route, but there were issues with getting and setting pixels from transparent textures. In the end I went back to doing regular GameObjects with low res sprites, and only round off the rigidbodies' positions and applying them to sprites. The same rounding happens on the camera.

If your resolution is off, you can get artifacting between sprites, but you can just set the window size using Screen.SetResolution(resX * multiplier, resY * multiplier). Any whole multiplication of 64 works just fine.

The benfit of doing it all this way, is that all your regular Unity skills still apply, unlike with drawing to a texture, which has its own pitfalls.