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Snoozy (the clown or idk)

A member registered Jan 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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played it loved it rage quitted because i got my head popped lol

best 3 hours of my life lol

Just heard you passed away

rest in peace man…

i recieve a crash when using writepixelfast commands on a locked buffer

i gave it correct coordinates

is there a fix to it or is it just a bug?

new build dropped!

new build dropped!

working on a fix, don’t worry

did you try to run both of the exe’s?

if yes then an update is coming

sorry for this :(

ima see a fix sorry for that

yeah, you’re right :)

atleast i know another way to do my own 3d!

and it saved me in the long run >:]

first, i was gonna finish it, but i decided to make something else due to time constrains

second, blitz3d, an old framework

its cool but everything should be done in code, you don’t have an editor and its quite restricting in some areas, but it makes it up by offering ease of use and well, you can use limitation to make great games

limitations should not stop you

but, i will say this, best luck for you :]

yeah, when you make a game bigger, bugs start to appear more frequently and more noticeable

i was lucky to even submit a game to the game jam in atleast a “playable” state

notheless, i hope you the best :)

also, i wish all of you good lucl :D

(1 edit)

basically, i was gonna make a cool horror fps with gore, enemies etc etc

but i decided to do something else, a.k.a make the game from the ground up by making my own 3d

aand it did not end well…

but! i decided to change plans to a horror walking simulator with spoopy lore about it being found or idk

its worse than my first game jam game, but in the end, i learned new stuff and improved, and i wish i don’t have to make this mistake again

i hope you submit your project in time :)

good luck :)

yay, gun added and enemy movement

tommorow ill maybe add a title screen or idk

i’m not joking when i’m saying this gun is made in ms paint

the pink bc of how the framework i’m using handles transparent images

if its so then…..

0 - 0

we’re screwed :,[

good luck to you too :D

thats 4 or 3 days of work lol

this is a place to show progress, bugs, features etc

i will also ask some questions here and there…


i’m making a 𝕊ℙ𝕆𝕆𝕂𝕐 fps game with a guy dying and trying to be ressurected or idk

right now, i’m making a level editor

but still, good luck for you :)

bro good luck :D

i hope you make something great

if you believe and commit to your game, you’ll finish it :)

also, may i ask what game are you making?

thanks for responding :)

thanks :)

the [] reminded me of c lol

thought i can do [][][] to declare a multi dimentional array but i was wrong

what about multi dimentional arrays ?

is it the same or not?


thanks :]

btw please can you make it so that you can use arrays inside types

i may be dumb but i tried to use the new :str statement, it throws a “expecting end of file”

i wrote it like this :

variable:Str = “idk”

bets shit i had ever used!

easy, great and cool :)

i wish this framework the best :]

should the plot twist be like :

“oh noes! turns out you were in a simulation controlled by a horizontaly rotating rat in a distopia called the devil’s anus etc…” (sorry for that bad “humor”)

cool you responded quickly than i thought lol

thanks for responding!

i hopr your game wins, and if it didn’t, its okay, every single game is cool :)


tbh the art is remenisent of old handdrawn flash games :)

keep on drawin’!

(3 edits)

the game is just great!

the intense amount of proccessing effects… the fact it is a unity game… the hand drawn assets… its just (chef kiss)…awesome, and also the music is fantastic and cocalastic! but there are some stuff i wanna say that may be wrong and just random rambling but here they are :

-the spikes on the side of a platform don’t hurt me from my first and last gameplay so, they basically scare the player into not colliding with them bc well…spikes bad

-is it normal that i can be hurt and be fine even if i have 0 cocunuts?

-just minor but the player drop TOO much blood for a small man

-i think a slowmo after the player dies and him trumbling will be cool, it may give the player the oppertunity to get items or not, its way better than just pausing the instant he gets killed

-i thought they were holes i can fall into, call me dumb but there is one specific background sprite that got me like (oh god this is a hole)

-sometimes when jumping inside a platform, you can instantly fall down

-you can jump multiple times if you press the space bar while inside a platform (a.k.a touching it)

-idk but the shaking can maybe be a little bit distracting when running in a top speed

-you can get stuck on the last frame of the falling animation (when da chef holds his hat) when on a platform or mybe inside it

-the title screen’s title is “tropical” but the itch io page of the project’s title is “chef mix” so… whats the real one?

-also,the title screen is…silent, try adding a main menu and maybe a pause music. also sound effects for running, mouse hovering and clicking on buttons will be a cool addition

-last but not least, the main menu will look awesome if animated :3.

but overall, the game is cool, keem on going!

(2 edits)

should i make it set on a randomly gernerated island?

and yeah, its quite boring, i’ll add something like building etc

also, you’re right, a game should not be realistic or have realism, a game should be fun and a way to escape from reality

ill try your game:)

Edit : maybe ill add more living beings to the island if you know what i mean :) should i also make it so that the island is bigger and looks like it has secrets within it,


tell me what to add for the graphics to be even better :)

and also feel free to say anything you hate or feel off

i take all critisism

but anyways, thx :)

hello, thank!

i would like from you to post any suggestion for the game or any critisism

for example : tell me how to make the game loop even better like a building system etc…

anyways, thanks :)

i submitted it

i think ill update it later but for now this is the game :

i hope you’ll enjoy my game

it may be boring and the options menu is empty and you need to play in windowed mode but its a day and a half work and it works

hope you’ll find this game good

its cool