thank you, im slow. It works now, my bad.
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Very scary, while I was playing I keep getting goose bums and felt very paranode. You did a great job on the atmosphere. Some times I could not really tell when I was about to get attacked besides when the lights went out and I did not really know how to avoid them. But Overall the game was really good, I hope to see more games from you in the future.
I really enjoyed my self will playing this game, the gun play was fun, the music reminded me of Minecraft and I really liked the gun switching. Now I saw the buffs and debuffs but I could not feel much of a diffence from when I had a buff and when I had a debuff and one time I had to kill my self because I could not shoot anymore after clicking both mouse buttons. But overall I really liked the game and the art style of the guns, it reminds me of pack a punch camos from call of duty. I hope to see more games from you in the future.
My bad, this is my first time ever exporting to the web and it was something I did at the last minute. The web version of the game has a lot of problems, I suggest you download it but I can understand if you don't want to for safety reasons. I'm working on a updated version that I'm going to release after the voting and winners are decided.