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Sojourn Studios

A member registered Mar 14, 2024 · View creator page →

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I really enjoyed the story here! Well done! If you’d be willing to take a look at my submission as well it would mean a lot! :)

Thanks for confirming that! I just made an update on here that should help a bit - if not let me know and I can make it a bit more sensitive! Turns out the turn speed was framerate limited, so switching to a fixed FPS and tuning to that seems to have helped :)

Apologies for that!

(6 edits)

Hey there! I just played through all three chapters and I really love the premise for the story! The use of time as a cut between chapters and a plot device was pretty cool. I also really enjoyed the visual style. Too bad on the conclusion to the third chapter, but I really look forward to seeing how it ends! 

My hope: That Life uses her abilities to restore Death and the cycle is restored :)     

Hey! Just a heads up, is saying your game page isn't public. I can't access it to try the game!

Does the character turn in place at all for you when holding A or D? This game uses tank controls (like classic Resident Evil or Silent Hill), so the character can only turn and move forward/backward. 

If that's not working for you, my suspicion is a sensitivity issue if the character doesn't turn at all when pressing A or D. I'll debug further if it's still not working for you!

That makes sense! The main reason I ask is that I definitely think you could charge for it :)

Glad to hear it! Out of curiosity, would you be willing to share why you’ve decided to make the Steam release free?

Same here! Leafo to the rescue again :)

You’re very appreciated, friend! Thank you for all that you do!

Thank you! As always, you’re the best!

(2 edits)

Same exact boat, yup. No response yet from Leafo either :/

Is there any way we can ping leafo?

Thanks for the quick reply! I’m heading over to the discord right now to check it out!

Same. Mine has been stuck for a full 12 hours now.

That would make sense. I did see in another post that people were having issues as far back as yesterday morning. My build is still processing after 12 hours 🙃

I really love everything Haunted PS1 does, and I’d love to have a chance to contribute at some point. What is the process like for a developer to get their game included in a haunted demo disc? And where can I sign up???

Hey Leafo!

Not sure if you're aware, but a bunch of people are having issues with butler as of today. New build pushes aren't going through, and any attempt to push again yields a 400 error: "creating build on remote server: API error (400): /wharf/builds: channel win's latest build is still processing, try again later"

Personally, I've had a build waiting for processing for about two hours now, but others have been waiting all day.

What's going on with it??

Having the same issue here. Desperately hoping for a solution soon.

Hey all! I'm running into an issue where I was unlucky enough to have the site go down while I was pushing a game update via Butler. Even though the site has been back up for a while now, the updated build still hasn't processed and I'm unable to push the same build again (throws "channel win's latest build is still processing, try again later" error). How can I fix this problem

Hey all! I'm running into an issue where I was unlucky enough to have the site go down while I was pushing a game update via Butler. Even though the site has been back up for a while now, the updated build still hasn't processed and I'm unable to push the same build again (throws "channel win's latest build is still processing, try again later" error). How can I fix this problem?

Some areas got really frustrating, but overall I liked it. Definitely some solid horror in here, and the sounds were really nostalgic in the best possible way!

I really enjoyed this a lot. I'm not normally big on visual novels, but the themes in this really struck a chord with me and I'll be thinking about it for a while. Thank you so much for your hard work here!

I absolutely loved this! Very challenging overall (it took me 4 hours to actually get the "good" ending), and very satisfying to play!

(1 edit)

Thanks for posting spoilers and ruining part of the game.

I agree that there's a responsibility to disseminate harm reduction and inform people, but psychosis is still not the long-term adverse effect (even in the case study you linked). The long-term adverse effect for that patient was major depressive disorder. 

If you're going to inform people, just make sure you're accurate. Use studies with better statistical power and a larger subject population, because case studies are literal anecdote - peer-reviewed anecdote, but still anecdote. 

Here's a better analysis, as a fairly comprehensive literature review, that gives more detailed long-term adverse effects: Long-term effects of psychedelic drugs: A systematic review

Here are their conclusions:

Sustained changes in personality/attitudes, depression, spirituality, affect/mood, anxiety, wellbeing, substance use, meditative practices, and mindfulness were documented.

There are no mentions anywhere of persistent psychosis. At most, there are acute episodes while under the effects of the substance, and a very small risk of underlying mental illnesses like schizophrenia surfacing.

I apologize too if this seems pedantic; I'm a PhDc with a special interest in neuroscience and neuropharmacology, so these details are important.

Not really a fan of your disclaimer at the beginning. Psychosis isn’t really a long-term effect of psychedelic use at all. It can trigger the emergence of underlying neurological disorders (such as schizophrenia) that present in part as psychosis, but that’s exceedingly rare.

I’d argue the main adverse effects to warn about would be 1) psychological trauma, which can be caused by a challenging experience (bad trip), and 2) HPPD (hallucinogen persisting perception disorder) which, while also rare, can happen and causes constant visual disturbances like shifting or static.

Just played through the whole game and really liked it too, despite the inaccuracies! 

That’s too bad that there isn’t a common thread with the turning issues, but I’ll do everything I can to replicate it! Would you be willing to share your CPU/GPU/OS just for reference? Every data point helps with pinpointing this stuff so with that info I should hopefully be able to get some equivalent playtesting done to try replicating it.

And good point! I had left time running when examining things to try driving up tension, but getting killed off-screen while looking at things isn’t going to be a fun experience for anyone. Thank you again for the feedback!

Thank you for letting me know about those bugs! 

Were there any specific areas in the level that gave you difficulty turning, or was it more of a random thing? And was that on a controller or with keyboard and mouse?

I’ll have to take a look near that car to see if there’s anything weird happening with collision or anything like that - apologies there. On a side note, do you think I should change it so that the game pauses while looking at notes and listening to audio?

Glad you’re liking it so far! I’ll try getting bug fixes for these issues pushed shortly!

HOLY CRAP MAN. I just hit the secret ending and I was not prepared for the whole style and audio to change like that - that legitimately freaked me out!

Thank you so much for taking the time to play and share such positive feedback! It means a lot to hear that Requiem brought back those classic PS1 memories—I worked hard to capture that retro vibe while adding a unique atmosphere, so it's fantastic to know it resonated. I’m definitely planning to keep developing this project and exploring its potential, so stay tuned for updates! Thanks again for the encouragement—it really helps keep the momentum going!

That’s awesome! I’ll be looking for updates! If you could take a look at my submission and give some feedback/a rating it would help me a ton as well!

THANK YOU!!! I’m super pumped for the secret ending!

I'm super impressed to find a multiplayer game in a jam! It controls butter smooth as well, and I like the visuals a lot. Very, very nice!

I really like the overall composition of this - the lighting and atmosphere are spot on! I'm really looking to seeing where you take the level design and story!

This is a really solid base you have to work off of! I'm super interested to see where you take the story!

This was pretty solid as a platformer! I really liked the fact that it felt complete in terms of soundtrack, number of enemy types, and variety of gameplay. I did have a good bit of fun in the maze areas as well!

One thing to note is that you should make sure to attribute work to AI where it was used - I don't believe there's any issue with AI in this jam (and I don't have anything against it either), but it's a good idea just for the sake of transparency.

Overall, very well done!

The arrows to help with selecting objects help a ton! I managed to use the gun as well, but I'm having trouble doing anything past there - I assume I should be able to move the Demiurge, right?

Super sorry to hear about your laptop! Hopefully you can get it back soon. Thank you for checking the game out too!

I’m glad you liked it - thank you! :)

Thank you so much!