Thanks so much for playing! and appreciate the feedback, we just ran out of time so there is a few bugs and no settings screen when you click. I kinda crunched last day or two so i'm taking a break rn just playing others games but i will go back in a few days and try and fix bugs and add the settings!
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I like the PS1 style graphics, gave me flashbacks of metalgear on ps1. And the horror vibe
For the driving i suggest adding S as a brake button, and another suggestion is maybe go straight to 3rd person view for the vehicle when you initially enter. I didnt realize for a while I could even go to 3rdperson, (till I read) and it was a little difficult detaching the trailer felt like i had to crouch to be able to press E on it.
Thanks for this great and insightful feedback! I used the same logic for respawning as the end game but for some reason when you die it does not reset correctly, definitely have to fix that bug! And yeah the ESC to exit was added last minute because i realized you cant close the game otherwise. We were hoping to add some visual effects when he spawned but didnt get around to it, but noted that time is a little close after the 1st custscene I will put a slight delay on his spawn so the player gets more room!
Thanks for all the great feedback!