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Sombo Games

A member registered Mar 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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It’s peak.

Thanks for playing and recording gameplay! It was super fun watching you play through the entire game. Glad you liked it!

Thanks for playing! I always like it when games have UI integrated into the game world. If the livestream is available I'll make sure to check it out! 

Thanks for playing! My goal for the dog enemy was for it to be as scary as possible. Hope you'll be seeing it in your nightmares haha.

I enjoyed the gameplay of controlling multiple boxes to catch the falling guy! I also really liked the pixel art. The game felt a little short, however. Otherwise, great job!

I absolutely loved the cutscenes, they where really cool and charming! The visuals throughout are also really great. I do feel like the game could have been a bit longer. Besides that, great game!

Cool game! It was quite fun boosting from planet to planet while gathering resources along the way. I do think that the gameplay could have a bit more to it since it does get a bit repetitive after playing for awhile.

Really creative use of the theme! I enjoyed the gameplay of gathering workers in order to overthrow your boss. The dialogue was also very witty.

Wow! Thanks for the positive feedback. I'd never heard of Patapon, but after looking it up, it definitely is reminiscent of my art style. And yes, that is the metal pipe falling meme sound. Glad you liked it and thanks again!

Thanks for playing! I put a lot of effort into the artwork.

Thanks for your feedback and playing! My thoughts on adding a map are mixed but I agree that navigation could definitely be more clear.

Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated! I definitely agree with both points. I was gonna add some sort of healing mechanic, but ran out of time for the game jam this was entered in. Thanks again! 

Thanks for playing! Glad you liked it.

Cool game! I like the overall combat loop and the upgrade system was a nice addition.

Stix 2 when?

The bug in question has been squashed.


Thanks for playing! Once you wrap around back to the room with the hole that the boss is in your supposed to go to the left. I was going to cover up the hole but time got the best of me.

Thanks for playing! The boss attacks were inspired off of Hollow Knight so that was what I was going for, difficulty wise. Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for the feedback! The camera issue was something I couldn't resolve before the deadline.

Thanks for playing! Glad you liked it! I was going to close the boss entrance up after you defeat her for the first time, but completely and utterly forgot. Thanks for the tip on the footsteps. I'll change that for the next build!

Thanks for the five stars! I've also added a health bar.

Thanks for playing! Glad you had fun! A health bar has been added.

Thanks for playing! All great points. I completely forgot the wall jump even existed halfway through the jam. That's why it's not really used at all.

Cool concept! I really like the music and simplistic gameplay! However, I think its a bit too difficult. Besides that, this is a neat game!

Neat idea! I really like the art style and the audio! However, the movement requires quite a bit of multitasking, making it pretty hard to get anywhere. Besides that, I like this little game!

Thanks for the feed back and thanks for playing!

Thanks for the god-tier!

Thanks for playing! I appreciate the in depth review. Your points are valid. Note, there is a health bar built into the player, it probably need to be a bit more visible.

Thanks for playing! Glad you liked it.

Thanks for playing! And thanks for the detailed review. Ill definitely take these into consideration. Also, the player has a built in life bar.

Really cool concept! I love the bright visuals and dynamic music! I did find it annoying how the missiles could just sneak up on you offscreen. Besides that this is a really cool game!

Cool game! I really like the art style and calming atmosphere! One thing was whenever I lost, the "quit game" and "restart" buttons weren't working. Other than that, Great work!  

Nice game! I really like the fast gameplay and music you chose! I do however, think it's a bit too hard. Besides that, Nice work!

Really cool game! I love the simplistic visuals and overall polish! However, there was a part on the first level that seemed to have an invisible collider. Besides that, this is a neat little game!

Thanks for playing! Glad you liked the artwork.

Thanks for playing! Noted.

Thanks for playing! Glad you had fun with it.