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A member registered Aug 15, 2017 · View creator page →

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Stellar art, a straightforward and fun game mechanic, lots of fun little details, and a catchy soundtrack. OOPS I just lost track of time playing this because it's that great!!

They are aren't they? Hehe thank you!! Very proud of the wonderful work our artist did!

I feel like puzzle difficulty can be so tricky to balance and this absolutely NAILS it! You managed that AND made such lovely art and music to go with it. Such a well done little game!

This was wonderful! I love the little goblin animations. The puzzles make you think but don't feel impossible. You packed in so much in only one week. Looking forward to checking out the update!

Such a heartfelt little experience!

I deeply appreciate the intricacies in the writing. I feel like I can tell so much about the characters just from the comments they make and not just what they're saying but how they say it.

The game is not about finding the "right" and "wrong" or "good" and "bad" playthroughs and endings. Just a little exploration of what real relationships can be like, and I love that so much <3

Amazing job to the whole team!

lovely little game with some lovely art, music, and sound! it's fun trying to puzzle out the requests!

such a lovely little concept and affecting words that made me emotional. the beautiful music helps tie it all together

(1 edit)

Incredible how much you managed to do with the 2 week time limit! There is so much here and it really evokes the tactics game feel in a wonderful way. The artwork and audio are perfect. I really appreciate that there is a narrator / guide to help tutorialize things.

Personally I found the font quite hard on my eyes. This is tricky because it needs to be small to fit the resolution but it being a text heavy game really highlighted the issue for me. It made it difficult to stick with the game for very long. Compounding this is the fact that there are so many dialog prompts that accompany every action. 

On enemy turns it was at times unclear to me what action was being performed exactly and by whom (for example it simply stating one of my friendly cats had their stats decreased but it happened so fast it was not clear to me at first it was another cat using a debuff action). Battles that occur across multiple "screens" felt disorienting due to the way the camera immediately pops to the next location. 

The petting mechanic was a very fun and thematic idea, love that! All in all such great work you did here!

This was great! Definitely hectic, especially when first learning the game, which feels appropriate for the theme! I would agree with the others that an additional audio cue or two would also be great but great job on this

Thank you for your kind words! I definitely would like to add some more mechanics to reward exploration beyond the healing fountains. I appreciate you taking the time to play it!

I'm happy the atmosphere came across! Thank you for the support 😊

I appreciate the kind words, thank you for taking some time with it!

Thank you so much! I'm happy with the way things turned out 😊

I appreciate you both taking the time to play and comment! I will add this to the list of known issues 😊

Thank you for playing! This is good feedback, I could have made that more clear.

You are very kind, I appreciate it!

It's not great but at the same time it's taught me some things in game jam time management

Unfortunately I realized too late the build was broken. I appreciate you taking the time to comment on it!

Definitely a learning experience in time management and final checks 😅

Such a lovely experience! The music and sfx and art are so warm and welcoming. I love that the puzzles have two different goals to aim for, collecting all the mushrooms and getting to the end in as few tile turns as possible. 

I found the music / sound and visuals charming. really love the idea of needing to constantly juggle defeating enemies in order to repair yourself

really love this concept! visuals + music and sound were lovely and the gameplay felt like a good level of challenge. the hitstop / slowdown effects go such a long way in making the game feel satisfying. 

Incredibly fun, all the SFX, music, and animation effects are spot on!

Such a straightforward concept and so satisfying! I keep feeling compelled to try to one-up my previous score. Love it!