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A member registered Nov 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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OMG thank you so much!!! This is the first time anyone's played my game on YouTube, so I really appreciate it :') +1 sub, you're very funny :D

this is crazy good! nice one :D

(1 edit)

nooo i was so close :(

1 second off!!

these lil guys were so freaking cute! love it :)

very fun to play :) I do agree with R0MF, the bugs were a liiittle too close together. eventually I did manage it though, and I liked that you had to click on the X to end the game. very cool!

great job on finishing your first game! I can empathise with you well - finally getting a game out there is a wonderful feeling. i thought it was a cool little story, well presented :) good work!

really cool concept! i love the idea that you can only get to certain coins with the use of the vending machine - depending on your sugar level, you can jump higher with more sugar. really cool idea, this would make for a nice puzzle platformer game :)

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fun little game! i loved how absolutely unhappy this guy was. bro was NOT happy lmao. also, is that... pee??????? no wonder he's mad 10/10


really interesting concept, good job :)

solid game with good use of the limitation. well done!

really awesome concept for a game, once i understood it! i'd probably recommend including some instructions somewhere other than just explaining what each program does (i didn't actually know what the point of the game was for the first 5 minutes). even if it's just a short description underneath the game. i enjoyed it a lot once i got the hang of it, really well done :)

this game is really awesome! mechanics feel natural, fun, and unique. it's a real shame not many people have seemed to play it :( a word of advice for any future jams you join: i'd really recommend exporting your game as a webgl file so people can play in browser. you'd be surprised at how many people A) don't care about downloading a file, and B) can't run the file because they're not on windows. otherwise great game, good job :D

fun little game, well done :)

stunning game, the visuals are amazing and the gameplay is fun. great job!

bahahah the absolute cuckholdery of not being given your score at the end! hilarious, love it. new fav aim trainer

10/10 i have no clue what's going on but i love it

brilliant, i just found myself stupidly grinning at the absurdity and adorableness of this game. 10/10!

great game! i love how you incorporated the limitation to your game. it made for a fun, unpredictable mechanic :) i agree with ximer on the sprites, the fuzziness was hurting my eyes a little; when you import a pixel sprite to unity, you need to click on the sprite in the project window, then in the inspector switch the filter mode from the default "bilinear" to "point". that prevents unity from trying to smooth out the image, so it should fix that nicely for you :) aside from that, your mechanics were great and i found  myself playing a few times just to beat my score. great job!

this game is awesome! it's a shame not many people have reviewed it. just a word of advice if you were to do this again: i would STRONGLY recommend you create a webgl version that can be played in the browser. many people either A) cant be asked to download a game to play it, or B) don't have the means to. i imagine this game would be super popular if it were. nonetheless, great job. i had fun :)

my respect, you beat me at my own game lol

awesome concept! i'd imagine if you continued making levels after the jam ends, this would make for a very fun puzzle game. the game was also visually appealing - the lighting is somewhat akin to fireboy and watergirl which i love (is it just me?)

brilliant idea, i'd imagine this would be excellent as a 2-player strategic pong game! very fun, great job :)

this was a really fun game! very unique, 10/10

this was fun :) great job!

very cool idea! I really like how the impermanence of the platforms forces you to think about the order you place them in at times. this makes for a unique puzzle experience :) good job!

ahh makes sense. I was having problems exporting to web as well, so I feel you ahah

awesome concept with fluid movement + mechanics! my only gripe was that there was this extremely bright flashing white light that prevented me from seeing ANYTHING at times, i'm not sure if it's a bug? in a way though it kind of made the game more fun to play just because it was funny trying to attack viruses without being able to see them lol. great work!

beautiful, i esp loved the instructions page 10/10

I used the KinoGlitch post-rendering vfx! it was a bit finnicky to work out the best numbers to balance some of the effects but it's free :) highly recommend!

ahah i wanted to include a tutorial but i ran out of time ^-^" i ended up just putting the instructions in the description (prob not the best way of doing it, but at least it's there). thanks for the feedback!

really interesting take on the limitation! very fun to play + cool to look at

the controls are unique + satisfying, well done :)

hilarious, love the idea!

this game is so cute!

I was definitely panicked, 10/10

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Doesn't work for me, I'm on win10 :(

EDIT: it works for me now! unbelievably cool concept, this is absolutely awesome. very well done to you! i can see this game winning :)

Looks like it would be a cool game to play but I'm not 100% sure on what the controls are?

10/10 would kill monkeys again

Cool game, great job :)

I really like that when you fall off, it doesn't feel like you're restarting but rather just falling back to the start! It made the game less infuriating than other platformers lol. Fun game :)