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A member registered Jun 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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for the same reasoning haha

I love this so so much cuz i would do the exact same thing

Bro for a first game this is humbling and really fun and good

punch the ball and do backflips

clouds are 

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Congrats on making it into the video!

Oh wow thanks for recording your playthrough. I can definitely agree that the controls need some tweaking. I think of course adding coyote time as well as a slight acceleration before reaching max speed would make for more precise controls. Also don't worry I am aware of the bugs and glitches. The game lacks a lot of polish because I ran low on time so with more effort I could definitely make things more clear and juicy. Also I've realized that the game is probably too hard for the majority of possible players and I think I subconsciously made it hard for me instead of for people who are learning the controls, mechanics, and levels for the first time.

This game is genius. I finished the first story after like 30 minutes and when I realized that wasn't the full game I was super impressed. Fantastic job!

I got a high score of 3690

What's your yt channel name?

yes. to both


I actually really agree that the movement is sensitive. I think making the character have a slight smoothing before reaching max speed would have had a positive effect on the game

Yeah this feedback has been very helpful. I can see how the game can be too difficult for some. I think I will try to tone it down for any other game jam games I make. Thanks for playing!

(1 edit)

Thanks a bunch! I'm glad you realized you could play without the death abilities. I tried to make each level very difficult on their own so if anyone wanted a simple hidden hard mode they could challenge themselves. I agree that the later levels are unreasonably hard without the abilities.

Edit: Holy cow I just beat the game without any of the abilities. It is possible but so hard oh my gosh. Especially level 6.

haha rocket launcher in historic old mansion with alien gargoyles go brrrr!!


If you end up playing ours, thanks a bunch! Ill try to check yours out

The jump was super floaty but I liked that for a change. It was a nice rewarding platformer with a unique art style though I think the music wasn't necessary and the added abilities could have just been gained normally instead of dying (that part seemed a bit forced).

Alright I'm down. I might not understand the instructions but I'm just gonna play yours because I'm too impatient to wait. So yeah no worries if you can't rate mine.

Wow that was the best Wowie jam game I've played

This was a beautiful experience. I actually liked the controls too although they got kinda crazy near the end

I liked it! It was simple fun and polished! Good job

gosh dang it you liked the title

I liked the effects and atmosphere! The character was a bit offset though but thats not really a problem.

Yeah I realized the mechanic can kill you just as easily as it can save you, especially that grape.

Thanks! I tried to make the game difficult without each character's mechanic but modestly challenging with them but I may have gone a bit overboard on difficulty, especially on level 6.

don't talk about the tree...

I liked the music! Great job on everything

This game is sick! I love the polish and the combination of platforming and puzzle elements. If I were to nitpick I'd say that falling off screen should teleport you back to the start of the level because it seems like an exception to the "die to win" rule but for a jam game it's great! This needs to be featured in Jonas's video

Thanks for playing! I'm glad you liked the concept!

(1 edit)

Oh hi Chase! Sorry I wasn’t able to figure out how to submit it for the jam. There was a really weird problem that I couldn’t solve with an hours worth of google searches. I might have found a solution though so I’ll try to submit it when I remember!

Thanks Jonas!

Oh thank goodness.


I don't know why it didn't submit the first time I published it last night but here it is. I can't believe I caught it in time. Thanks so much!

Oh well whenever I exported it as a zip and imported it into Itch it would just show a grey screen and nothing would start. There were a few times when it would build and play in my browser but whenever I there was something Physics2D related it wouldn’t work.

Yeah... I couldn’t get the WebGL export to work for some reason. Kinda annoying sorry about that

Funny? Morshu? Game? you want it? It's yours my friend. As long as you have a computer.