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A member registered Aug 13, 2018 · View creator page →

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First of all, thank you SO MUCH for the detailed and comprehensive feedback and constructive criticism, and taking the time to write it down, it's greatly appreciated!

To address a few of the things you said:

We knew that this game wouldn't be for everyone, it relies heavily on text to convey its purpose and to be able to find clue. That's why we added the automatic note taking, to ease people into it, so that you could technically click everywhere without reading and just read the final escape plan at then end. But for the persons mad enough to read the entire thing, we had fun hiding jokes and humour across all the texts.

You can change the settings during gameplay, you just have to do it through the computer, the options menu is inside the "Start" menu. We knew that putting it here would mean no options changing once you left the room and make a run for your life but that's how the game is done.
The game is also meant to be played multiple times, maybe you die on your first attempts, but you learn more knowledge that you can use for your next try. We tried not to make death a punishment, but a part of the game (hence why you keep your clues even through death)

But we understand where your gripes came from, we knew them, that they were part of this game, every game should not appeal to every single person :)

We still hope you had some fun discovering the world we created :)

Thank you very much for your nice comment! We tried to create a coherent experience for the player, so it's always nice to know that it's appreciated!

Thank you! We're glad you liked your experience with our game :)

(1 edit)

Okay, first, what the hell? We voted and you just got the award for the best comment, by far, thank you so much, you really made our day! <3

Then, we didn't expect people to actually read for real and try to understand the story, so knowing that you did exactly this, and got the twist at the end is so very cool!
It's somewhat short but there's already a bunch to read and to remember, as far as orienting go, so we didn't want to overwhelm the players with too many information ^^'

Of course, like I said, this OS is an original creation and there is nothing that could look like this, this is brand new user experience, we're glad you enjoyed using it :D

I coded a Minesweeper a little while ago, for fun, and I pondered integrating it inside Fenetres OS but the deadline was the priority and it didn't make the cut :(
More French words for the next iteration of the OS, Fenetres4.20.18, noted!

Thank you for the kind review! Although I must say for legal reasons that Fenetres4.20.15 has NOTHING to do with any Windows, any resemblance is purely coincidental :D

Tweaking the difficulty is definitely a hard thing to do, hopefully you still managed to make it out alive!

Thank you!

Thank you so much for the detailed and lovely feedback you made our day with your praises <3

We knew that this game wouldn't be for everyone, with all the text to read, clues to listen to, deductions to make, but we had a blast linking everything together and then planting everything into the computer, so we're delighted that some people liked it :)

Thank you so much for the detailed feedback, we really appreciate it!

We're glad you enjoyed coming up with your escape plan and hope you could make it out in time :D

Interesting idea, having to go from one safe space to another!

On behalf of the Fenetres4.20.15 dev team, we appreciate you enjoying using our computer OS, hahaha :D

Thank you very much for the nice review, it warms our heart! We will definitely keep doing gamedev, follow us to see our next jam entries :D

Thank you for your nice review!

We always try to add some voice acting in our game, I think it really adds something to a game, even a small one! (Also, I really enjoy recording some voice lines, hahaha)

Thank you very much! Some parts of the game are a little bit rough around the edges, but we had to make due with the deadline unfortunately :D

hahahaha, thank you so much!

Fenetres4.20.15 is an OS made with love, that's why it feels so good <3

Thank you very much for the review!

As the person who spend basically the entire week creating the computer, I'm very glad you enjoyed messing with it :D

Thank you for the praise, good to know the immersion worked on you!

It might not be super visible, but you can open a recap of all the important stuff you've discovered while browsing the computer by pressing the "Tab" key, just letting you know :)

Thank you very much, we're glad you liked it!

Hopefully you made it outside alive :D

Thanks! Nice to see our stupid humour resonates with some people :D

And good job noticing the inclusion of the alarm itself into the music, good ear!


Once I understood the push pins were where I could go and do stuff, I understood more how to play the game and had fun all the way to the end, but I feel bad for the cat that got stung by a sharp pencil :D

What the hell went through your mind to get this idea? xD

I loved it, even though at some point, it's more spamming than actually following the rhythm ^^"

But great song and amazing visuals and effects, congrats!

Such cute graphics and overall atmoshpere, congrats, I really enjoyed it :)

Fun and great looking! Even tho I suck at aiming and spent my entire playthrough looking for ammo xD

So I AM stupid xD

Thanks for the explanation! It's a pretty fun game, I think I ruined my trackpad, thank you very much, ahhahaa


Fun game! You should definitely add more tension by having multiple requests at once! Or was I too good at fulfilling them? :D

Congrats on the submission!

Yay for tower defense games! And an original one at that!

I had the exact same questions as in your FAQ tho I managed to find on my own the solution xD

Very cool to have an integrated leaderboard! We definitely want to add one for our next game where it's relevant, how did you make, just out of curiosity? :)

I could only play on a trackpad so it's pretty much mission impossible once the spinning guys come in, but I still had fun, gg!

Why can't I attack if no slime is around? :(

Made it more difficult than it could have been otherwise!

But it's fun and I gave it a few tries to see if I could beat your score, what is it? :)

I would really like to give it a try but nothing happens? I stared at the balloon for like a minute and nothing happened? I could click the balloon but that didn't seem to help?

Sorry if I'm stupid, I would gladly give it another go if I'm told what I'm doing wrong :)

Pretty much like everyone said, game is fun and I wouldn't min playing for longer but the pathfinding really hurts the experience imo, more frustration than needed, but maybe that's what Generic Corporation Inc. wants you to feel!

Cute game otherwise, I liked the sound design :)

What are the controls? I kinda wanna give it a try but I can't seem to be able to do anything except wait for the little guy to shoot forks at pizza :(

Very Wario Ware-esque vibes! The people ask for more houses to cover up :D

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I have no idea what I was doing but I didn't care at all because I was enjoying the banger soundtrack \m/

(Oh also, I love the looks of the punching guys!)

I'm not sure what I was supposed to do, I just wandered everywhere, found the wormhole but couldn't do anything with it.

But it was still fun to move around! A little bit more speed on the turning would have been nice!

Congrats :)

Cute game! The UI feels very polished!

The balancing is pretty off, it's sometimes super hard not to poison someone to the max and then that makes it impossible for them to be cured because of the damage from the poison.

With more variety in the ingredients, this could definitely be a cool game I'd play to just chill for a little while, gg!

Thank you so much for the kind comment!

We tried our best to make an immersive atmosphere so it's good to know at least someone experienced it :)

Thank you for the nice feedback, glad you enjoyed our game!

Thank you very much for the nice feedback :)

Guess what? If you actually read the rules, it becomes possible and an actually fun thinking game!

Thank you very much for your lovely comment, it means a lot to us!

We're glad you enjoyed our little game :)

HAHAHAHA, thank you so much for your comment, it really made my day <3

Don't be so hard on yourself though, our first games were... Far from where we are now, let's say ^^'

We hope you enjoyed our game! :)

Thank you!

(1 edit)

A game with an old computer startup sound made by someone whose username has "Frog" in it, are we the same team?? :D

Cute game anyway! The only thing is that the game starts up in a corner of the web player, so the parallax effect got... Interesting xD

Congrats on the submission!

Fun twist on the theme, a refreshing take, that's for sure!

I must say I have no idea what I was doing, didn't if I was doing things wrong or right but it was still fun xD

I managed to clip somewhere and I could only see the skybox from there, had to reload to be able to play again, just letting you know

Congrats on the submission!