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A member registered Aug 13, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much, really means a lot to us!

Yeah we didn't want to punish the player too much for being spotted, especially for a jam game, haha

Thank you very much!

I agree that the voice is maybe slightly low by default, and trust we've lowered to music's volume already xD

Thank you, glad you liked our game!

Thank you very much, glad you liked it!

Thank you so much!

Thank you very much, glad you appreciated our game!

Thanks for the comment! Thief simulator was indeed mentioned during our brainstorming after the theme reveal so it's good to know it was noticed :D

Yeah, we wanted to make sure you'd listen to the tutorial so that you wouldn't be stuck not knowing what to do. There's probably a much better way to achieve that but unfortunately, we had to make due with the time limit ^^' 

The items are placed semi randomly, so sometimes they can be a little tricky to find, but hey, wouldn't hide your tinfoil hat from prying eyes as well? :D

(1 edit)

The general ambiance of your game is amazing! The graphics, with all the effects, the sound design, the "simlish" voice acting, the music... The detail and polish to everything is amazing! You really nailed the "game how" vibe perfectly =)!

I really enjoy the concept, but the game freeze everytime after getting the first answer right ^^'. Do I miss something?

But even with just one level, I can tell how much care you putinto that game, so congratulations, and keep up the good work =)

Thank you very much! Making you enjoy a genre you typically aren't a fan of is a very nice compliment!

Wow ^^! The door effect is absolutely genius, I love the transition between the screens/walls ^^!

The game is really good, it's the first time I play a pokemon-puzzle-platformer where I use the captures to play a "reverse plants vs zombies" to get enough money to buy ugrades. And probably the last time, now that I think about it xD.

The idea is original, but, at first, I got a little bit overwhelmed by all the mechanics. The text when buying the turtle door is wrong, so I didn't understand what it did at first x).

Overall, a very good game with a lot of content, great job =)!

Very interesting concept ^^! I'm impressed to see how many mechanics you managed to put into the game in only 7 days! A shop, elements, taming, gold management... That's awesome! It took a couple of runs to grasp all the rules and be able to strategize, but I had a lot of fun! Congratulations =)

Fun little game, I really like how you manage the vision of the character ^^! I also like the little troll at the beginning =p. Keep up the good work!

Nice touch on the Monty Hall's problem! That was a pretty cool game, the bets really added to the gamepllay and made it interesting. GReat job =)!

Thank you very much! If my memories are correct, Thief Simulator was indeed mentioned during our brainstorming for the game, so it's nice to know you got that :D

Thank you so much for the detailed feedback! The narration and level design were made during the very last hours of the jam for the most part so it's good to know that even without too much testing due to time constraint, we still managed to do a god job, really means a lot to us that you appreciated it! :)

The ability to send multiple people could sound interesting, indeed, something to keep in mind, should we expand on the concept :)

And totally agree on the walking speed outside of the sneaky zones, after playing the game multiple times after the release, I had the same thought, but it was overlooked during the development, unfortunately.

Again, thank you for taking the time to play and rate our game, we're glad you enjoyed it!

Thank you, glad you liked it!

Thank you! Yeah, we pretty much took the theme literally xD

For now we are only planning on fixing a few things but you never know!

Thank you so much! The game would definitely look better with bespoke graphics but our artist couldn't participate with us for this jam, unfortunately

Thank you! Glad you liked our idea and our game!

Daaaaaaamn that's good! I've rarely seen such crisp and fun movement in a jam game before, I had a blast sliding around and shooting cops (in a video game =p). When devs try to make fast-paced games during a jam, it's always too fast, to the point it's just impossible to play correctly. Not you, you managed to perfectly hit the correct spot between "fast" and "fun"!

The graphics are really nice, the sound design is awesome, with the little voice acting that makes all the difference, the concept is awesome, the controls are perfect (the sensitivity slider is a huge plus), and... It's just fun! Sliding on an upwards slope to bounce in the air to air-shot the cops and landing in the middle of the pack of money felt just AWESOME. Congratulations, you can be proud of the result!

Thank you very much! I mean, it's your first game, chances are it wouldn't be perfect, you should see OUR first game  🙄

Thank you very much, glad you liked our game and its tutorial!

I could pretend everything was planned carefully and no one in the team pulled an all-nighter the last day before the deadline but... Hey, at least you liked the outcome! :D

Thank you!

Great game! The graphics are simple, but fitting, the concept is really nice, and the little narrator is a very nice touch ^^. My only complain is that the character is a little bit too fast, making some precise rooms a bit unecessary hard ^^' (and outspeeding the keys is frustrating). Other than that, I really enjoyed the idea of they keys following you, and all the mechanics you built around that idea. That's a very original puzzle-platformer, and I really enjoyed it. Great job!

There is not a lot of interactivity, but the story is HILARIOUS xD. Just for that, I'm so happy I found this game xD. Congratulations =)

That was SO FUN! For some reason, my little collector disappeared during the boss fight, but other than that, I had a BLAST playing this game! The graphics are really nice, the sound design is great, the cutscene at the beginning is a really nice addition, the humor is on point... Honestly, even if the door has a LOT of hp, and was not bored for a single second.

Amazing job =)!

Very interesting concept! I really enjoyed the physics of the key, that's a really good idea! The graphics are nice, and I appreciate the work done on the audio: the music is fitting and the little impact sounds for the key is a really nice touch (just a little bit too high-pitched for my liking ^^'). The different mechanics are great, and catching the key mid-air feels awesome!

However, all these awesome ideas are dragged down by the main problem of this game: the character has infinite acceleration and way, way too high terminal velocity, making it a PAIN to control, especially when the level design asks you to be precise. Honestly, grabbing the key felt like an upgrade. 

Put the "key-grab" speed as the base speed, adjust the level design accordingly and you have a real banger. The potential is there, this game just needs a little bit of fine-tuning ^^.

Cute platformer with tons of mechanics! The graphics are good, the music is fitting, and the game in general is really cute =)! I really enjoyed the movement options, every upgrade felt really good ^^.

The character moves a little bit too fast for my liking, and the control scheme is a bit weird, I'm personally more used to space to jump. The relationship with the theme is also a litlle bit far-fetched ^^'. But other than that, I enjoyed my time on this game, so congratulations ^^!

Oh, sorry, I didn't see the requirements!

Thank you! We worked hard on having a tutorial to guide the player so it's appreciated when people like it :)

Wow, the nostalgia hits like a truck! The thumbnail, the art style, the sounds, the music, the gameplay... You just threw me back to the glorious N64 era, taht was amazing XD!

The gimmick is interesting ^^. I'm not sure I was supposed to destroy the rock during the first loop, otherwise "big monkey" doesn't seem useful, but maybe I miss something?

But whatever, this was absolutely beautiful, I enjoyed it from start to finish. The level of polish is insane. I loved the "glitch sprite" effect on the coin, it really adds to the effect of the loop not being "intended" (well, it is, but you know what I mean xD).

After my first run, I wanted to go for 99 coins, but I got softlocked 2 times:

- First time, I finished the first loop and, when I went through the door, my character cliped under the ground, out of bounds, floating in the air. BWT, there is a coin floating in that nothingness, for some reason xD.

- Second time, I died, but I guess I attacked at the same time, so my character couldn't move or jump anymore, just attack.

Maybe I'll attempt the 99 coins later. But in all cases, that was a fantastic game, congratulations =)!



Oh my god, I fell RIGHT INTO IT. That's actually genius xD. Honestly, I think you did it the right way, that's on me xD. I just fell into the trap of thinking that this door was just the kind of bullshit level you throw 1h before the deadline of a game jam,  but it was way more genius than that xD. Maybe, adding even more buttons, so there is a ridiculous amount everywhere on the wall, could make the player understand better, but honestly

I finished it and got the cake, but it was a lie ='(  xD. The "written numbers on the wall" puzzle was a bit tricky, it took me many tries to find the correct order of the numbers... I don't know if there was a logic to it or not xD.

I adjusted my ratings accordingly, because I feel so stupid to not even try to open the door that you deserve one more "Game design" star xD.

Awesome game, keep up the good work ;).

Okay, so first of all, wow, thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to leave us such a detailed feedback, this is exactly the kind of comment we like the most <3

Come on, you're telling me you had never heard of Adoorable Corp. before? They must be doing things right :D
We tried to vary the way to get the clues, yeah, with some parkour to get to the upper floor, good to know you enjoyed that!

We always strive to make our music adapt to the gameplay of our games, so it's always enjoyable when people like you notice it :D

The time for the marking of the "enemies" could maybe be more fine tuned, yeah, I believe we set a value that felt appropriate when implementing the feature but never got the time to come back to it, do some testing with the levels done to be able to adjust the duration, that's just how game jam works, haha

The content and placement of the objects are random, so you'll never have two identical playthroughs, and even though we never personally ran into issues regarding the placement of the clues in our testing, maybe you've run into a bug, something to keep in mind, should we ever update the game.

And OMFG, we know about the grey square problem, it's supposed to be the layer that does the transitions between the scenes, hence its appearance between levels. I've implemented this feature, never ran into any trouble, not in the Unity Editor, not in the web build, not in the native build, but a few hours before the deadline, my friend finally tried the web build and he had the same problem, and I couldn't find the solution on time, so that's why there's the "we recommend using the Windows build" message on the main menu...
I hope it didn't prevent you from  enjoying the game still.

Anyway, thanks again  for your super nice comment, it really means a lot to us!

Thank you very much for your nice comment! Peeking into people's house does feel awkwardly cool, right? :D

Thank you! Good to hear that you had fun playing our game and that you enjoyed the music :)

Thank you very much! We're glad that our weird little idea resonated in some way with you!

Thank you so much for your feedback, it's greatly appreciated, glad you noticed the things we tried to work hard on!

Hahaha, you're welcome! We provide this digital experience of being a stalker so you don't have to do it in real life :D

Our artist was not available for the jam so we had to make due with assets on internet, hence the look of the game, but glad to know you still enjoyed it!

(1 edit)

Really smooth game! The dash mechnic is a nice addition and it makes the movement really enjoyable ^^! I also like the little particles on the character's head, instead of just having a square, it's a nice little touch =).

At first, I was a bit concerned by the "you have to go blindly through the doors" aspect because usually, all sorts of unfun instadeath awaits. But not in that game, and it was a relief! The clever level design made it fun to explore, and you opted for subtile and fun trolls instead of painful traps. That felt amazing to play! 

I really enjoyed the little time spent on your game, congratulations =)!

Great game! The graphics are really cute, the music is a bit short but fitting, I really enjoyed the concept and the general feeling of the game ^^. Each world have their own identity, there are several levels, and you even added a couple of NPCs, that's a lot of polish for a 7-games jam ^^!

I just have a couple of nitpicks ^^':

- I would have loved to have a way to know in advance the layout of the different universes, like an outline in the background or something. I died a cople of times because I teleported and fell into a hole xD.

- The ice physics are a nice touch, but the fact that the character is affected by the ice even airborne is really weird and threw me off-guard a couple of times xD

- On Windows, the game closes after each death. On WebGL, the levels freezes and usually restarts. But I died a couple of times on level 6 and the game just froze ^^'. I'll try to finish the game another time, because right now, I'm a bit mad to restart the first 5 levels xD. A level selection would be great ^^'.

Other than that, the game is really solid and the idea is perfectly in the theme. Congratulations, you did an amazing job =)!