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Something Something Games

A member registered Aug 13, 2018 · View creator page →

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Glad you enjoyed it :)

Glad you liked it :)

I'm glad you didn't get horny because I would have to take you to prison for the rest of your life if you did

Thanks :)

Lol yeah, I realise the movement stuff is a bit annoying but wanted to commit to the theme and wasn't too bothered about the game being 'good' haha

I loved the presentation, there was a moment where I had opened most of the chests I could get to and had only got the useless stuff and was worried I wouldn't be able to finish it but then the final chest came in clutch and I got the wall jump

I think the dicing vegetables is maybe a bit of a tenuous link to the theme but I actually quite enjoyed the concept of chopping up the veg, would have been nice to have a couple more levels though!

Not sure exactly what the dice changing numbers did but cool little game, would have been nice to have different levels and stuff.

Hi sorry we don't have any plans for mobile right now

(2 edits)

Hey, we are working on a different project at the moment ( but when that's done later this year will definitely consider putting together another horror game

Hey, glad you enjoyed the game!

It was made in a week with pretty high res assets. Made it so there wasn't time to optimise it quite as well as we would have liked sadly!

It's singleplayer and multiplayer

Really glad you enjoyed it! :)

Hi, that's weird. After you extract the contents of the zip you should find the executable in the 'Windows No Editor' Folder. Is that folder empty for you

I'll keep an eye out for the updates then!

I found it very relaxing and super satisfying once I'd planted most of the seeds seeing my cute garden! I didn't really understand the magic aspect of it though maybe if there was a visual or something giving an indication of it that might help

No viruses here just the power of unreal engine lol (but seriously this is a game)

I'm glad you enjoyed the game, and thanks for the kind words!


Loved the video! Thanks for giving it a play :)

(1 edit)

Thanks :)


Nice video! Thanks for playing

Thanks for playing and making the youtubes :D

Hey, glad you enjoyed it!! I'm not sure where you are getting the 12gb from as the file download size is 3.3gb?

Hey! I enjoyed the video thanks for playing :)

Thanks :D

Great video thanks for playing!

Thanks! That left shift thing is a silly mistake. Glad you worked it out in the end though!

Thanks! :)

Hey, yeah the controls do take a little getting used to because of the driving model. Thanks for the feedback :)

Hey I'm sorry to say that the game was bugged for me, all the enemies were just stood still and I couldn't kill them or anything. The level was look great though so it was nice to wander around a bit

Took me a while to work out how to use the abilities other than the gun, also found it a little difficult to work out if I was doing damage or anything to the enemies. The visuals though were great, so overall I had a good time with the game. Managed to kill about twenty skulls

Super pretty and tranquil, I had a good time with this little experience :)

This was a fun little game, shame there wasn't more levels. I would have liked to play a little more. I would say though that I do think that the characters were a little too slidey for my taste, and maybe it would have been nice to have a splash screen with the controls on it. But nice job!

Hey! Cool game the visuals were great, loved the little intro comic and the characters were super cute. I think the gameplay could have been a bit more involved and challenging but I had a good time

Thanks, glad you like it!!

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)