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A member registered Mar 14, 2022 · View creator page →

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Don't drink satan or he sends you straight to hell

really cool game, very unique

thanks :D

thanks lol. glad you enjoyed it

this was pretty fun to play through and had good replayability, despite its repetitiveness. it looked pretty sick aswell; great job with the graphics!

one issue i had was that the game doesnt really give you time to get your bearings; everything is just thrown at you from the get-go. it's generally a good idea to increase the difficulty of your game gradually rather than just ramping it up immediately. 

also a lot of attempts just ended with me dying within the first few moments; the hazards spawned on top of me and i had no chance to dodge them.

despite its flaws, i still enjoyed this game quite a lot. well done with this! :)

nice little game, the idea behind it is pretty unique. i also really liked the simple paint-like art style for the characters/buildings; very creative!

the game itself was very short; i think it would have benefited from more levels or even splitting the larger first level into several smaller ones.

some variety in the gameplay also would have been great, other than just constant walking/searching.

also the timer doesnt seem to work, it just loops back to 60 seconds when it runs out.

i really liked the aesthetic and overall artsyle of this game; they were really well done imo.

the main issue i have is that the game just kinda throws you right in the deep end. you're given very little time to read any of the prompts or reactions and it becomes fairly frustrating after a while.

 also, there's not really much variety in the gameplay. if you just select the 'extraverted' or 'active' options, you'll be fine most of the time.

overall though the game was decent, well done.

i like the idea behind the game, but it gets kinda repetitive after a while. some kind of twist on the gameplay or additional challenge would have been nice.

good game though! it fit the theme very well

thank you :)

thanks for the kind words, glad you enjoyed it!

yea in retrospect the scoring system for the balloons was really all over the place lol. thanks for the feedback :)

this was a really charming little game! i really enjoyed getting all the different endings (i wasnt good enough to get S unfortunately lol) and the characters were cute. felt really sorry for the bear though!

if I were to give the game one fault, it'd be the difficulty i had with the inputs. the trigger zones for each action (cutting the food up or getting the salt and pepper for example) felt too small, trying to maneuver my character so I could bring up the input prompt was quite difficult.

overall though, i really enjoyed this one; it had some great replayability value. well done with this! :D

as others have said; the opening cutscene was excellent. pretty cool visuals and it really got me intrigued and excited to play the game.

unfortunately, i had no idea what to do. a guide for the player, even a short sentence or two in the game description, would've went a long way imo.

the potential for a great game is definitely there though. well done! :D

(1 edit)

a fairly simple zombie wave game, but it was surprisingly fun! the wall building idea is very creative and there is some strategy required so you can make the most of your base.

i liked the variety in enemies aswell and how they become more numerous/difficult after each wave, but not overly so. there's some good progression in that regard.

i felt that the waves could have lasted a little longer, just to make it a bit more challenging, but that's just a minor issue i had.

overall, a very enjoyable and well-polished little game that was great fun to play through. nice job!

glad you enjoyed it :)

the game fit the theme fairly well and the minigames were pretty fun. the turn-off-the-light one was really frustrating tho. i dont know if it's just me, but i could never get them all turned off in time :P

i always get so addicted to flappy bird lol. cool game but it didn't really fit the jam theme that well.

nice game. the graphics and overall aesthetic were very pretty.

the game was a little on the short side, it felt like it ended too soon. also some sound would have been cool, but it's not a big deal.

well done!

the design and overall look of the game is very impressive. i think you captured the arcade-y feel very well.

the gameplay is good, but difficult at parts. the lack of fuel near the beginning makes the first section fairly hard to get through. also getting hit by more than one bomb at once kinda screws you due to the lack of invincibility frames. like 3 AM mentioned, some extra lives would have been nice.

regardless, i enjoyed this game quite a bit; it was a pretty cool shoot-em-up. well done with this!

thanks :)

a very witty and clever game, had a blast playing through it. the puzzles were very creative; especially the king looking for his 'queen' and the bird chase (dont want to say too much in case i spoil it lol).

the characters were great; very humorous. voice acting was gold tier. i also liked all the little details you gave; like the chess-playing, einstein-looking dude giving you the hint about the toy. stuff like that really adds a lot to the game.

it was memorable and engaging and fit the theme extremely well. also the ending was wholesome asf. amazing work with this! :D

i enjoyed playing this quite a bit; it was a very charming little game. the funny dialogue and impressive art style were definitely two stand-out pros.

the game itself was pretty tough but still enjoyable. the highest score i got was 1100 cuz i suck lol. the multiple endings depending on your performance were also a cool feature.

this was a really awesome game. well done! :D

thanks for the feedback! 

i like the idea behind this game a lot. the player is encouraged to explore the levels as much as possible so they can gain enough of an advantage to finish the game in time. it's a really neat concept!

the timed backtracking element was a nice addition, but it could have been more interesting. maybe the environment could have been changed slightly to offer more difficult platforming or enemies could spawn? idk, just ideas.

the music was intense asf, very fitting. i loved it lol.

overall, a very solid game. a lot of effort was obviously put into it. great work!

ill try get something done. going solo :D

didnt hear sound the first time around for some reason. i was probably muted or something stupid like that lol. sorry about the mixup.

artstyle was nice and the gameplay was pretty good once you got into it.

main problem i had: the game gives you no chance to get your bearings once you spawn. i found myself stuck in a respawn loop cus i kept dying within the first few seconds.

good game nonetheless, well done!

lol thanks. glad you enjoyed it!

aren't we all :p

(1 edit)

cool little game, fit the theme really well. 

some sound effects could've been added & it would've been nice if inputs were mapped to the arrow keys as well as WASD, but that's just me. overall, great job with this!

my highscore is 36 (yea ik i suck lmao)

loved the idea behind this game! if your ever gonna expand on it in the future, there's some great potential for puzzles. visuals were also fantastic.

the only minor gripe i have is that respawning takes a bit longer than it should. other than that, this was a very impressive entry. many well dones! :D

(1 edit)

cool game! music was a bop, gameplay was simple yet addictive, the whole spin on the dino run idea was pretty creative. yupyupyup fun times all round.

two ideas on how to improve:

1) a scoring system would be neat (mentioned by the dude below)

2) the nighttime segments are awesome, but maybe a little too easy (at least at first). another unique enemy or more cacti would be a nice addition.

overall tho; really enjoyed this. great job completing it in 3 hours!

really cool game, and very impressive for something made in <3 hours. puzzles were simple but still engaging. aesthetic was also really cool; very pleasing on a visual level.

nothing else to say really, solid entry. well done!

Thank you!

this man is a goddamned maniac


i've mass reported that scumbag. here's hoping he gets banned soon

thanks :)

glad you enjoyed it! also you can see your highest fish count at the top of the main menu :)

thanks :D