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A member registered Jun 19, 2019 · View creator page →

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I would love that, because I see much potential in this game! Really, like, the more you get it right the finest your swords get! Damn that would be awesome, so first the rhythm then you go and fight someone IDK HAHAHAHAH
But its really really nice art!

Thanks a lot! Yea, its hard for me to keep a balance between too easy or too hard xD

Really really good! Nice idea, art, sound & imlpementation, only thing I would change is where the UI is at, or I looked at the game or the beat circle, so that kinda ruined my experience, because the game is gorgeous and fun!

Turn based battle royale... not bad at all!

I loved the art! And the end screen got me dead lol

Sorry about the sound, I cant really turn up-down the volume in TIC80, at least I dont know how

Yea! As all collisions and mechanics were made by hand, Im not a math person ahahahhaha! So there are tons of bugs math-related

And thank you for playing! <3

Thanks a lot! Nothing fancy I only draw triangles and circles, keeping it simple makes its charm! I tried to not take this jam hard, but taking to the fun way and learning TIC80! I really recommend!

Thank you! =D 
The art is procedural tho, made by code, there are 0 sprites in this project

Nice idea, I would just add something unexpected to make more fun, like boosts or something

Good job! 

Im amazed by the visuals, but I don't know about mixing genres... And I got bored really fast

This game got me in the start, I thought it was only that... then I feel, lol. Reminds me a lot of that android game I cant remember the name, geometry dash I think, nice idea!

Visually stunning! 

I tried but I really cant do anything with the drink I got in my weapon?!

Its a nice concept, but the controls are a bit lazy, I often dont know what happened to my cards, they just disappear, but the concept its perfect! And a little hard! ahahahah

Its hard to get when starting, little frustrating, but it gets very  cool and chalenging as you get the gameplay going, and nice sfx/soundtrack!