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A member registered Jul 08, 2021 · View creator page →

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So i uploaded a new version, its pretty buggy though. I thought i had it figured out in the editor but after playing the build in browser, there are some pretty major bugs.

The core idea for limiting platforms on screen and length is there, so i guess give it try if you can and let me know.

Just need to fix some stuff, somtimes it just lets you place as many at any length, somtimes none at all. Ill try get it fixed asap, thanks for you help dude!

Thanks for playing man! glad you had some fun, working on changing the difficulty at the momement. Thought i had it figured out but i found some bugs after uploading it aha..
But try it out again if you'd like! Let me know what you think of the changes Fodi helped me out with. Like i said its buggy, but the idea is there i think..!

Ahh, thank you so much for playing and the feedback!!

You're totally right, I need to limit the amount of platforms you can draw. I was thinking on limiting the length of the lines drawn as well. To stop full screen platforms.

What do you think would better for getting platforms back?:

- After hitting a platform, you get one back.

- After destroying a block, you get one back.

- Catching the ball..

- scoring X amount of points?..

Really, thanks again man, I really appreciate it! I'll try add the platform limits and sound fix tonight!

Some problems made it unplayable on the browser version, but the looks, the concept and feel make this a unique submission. While unsuccessful in some areas, this has some promise and with some time can be a fun and appealing experience.


Lovely retro styled ‘pinger’! Love that you propel your bullet like a slingshot! Great SFX and clear visuals, although I had some minor issues with the hitbox of the bullet. Overall very well polished scoreboard style game!


Sweet little puzzler with a lot of charm!


This is a quirky throwback to the flash games of my youth! Zany, wacky and just plain fun! Love the effort you put into making a unique and fun map!


Fun platformer with cute designed animals!


Wow, this game is very ambitious! Love the subterranean styled lighting and aquatic colours as well as the tomb-like music that permeates the dungeon. While I feel like the music may have been a bit heavy when fighting these monsters (a bit of variety would have been fantastic) I really like the Poseidon Chamber music as it gave a nice reprieve for rest. Interesting gameplay with the idea of a damaging laser-styled weapon. It leads to some interesting tactical choices. I have one more minor niggle: I just wished there was a way to see what kind of damage I was doing to the monsters, either by seeing the damage of the beam or their health bar. Clever use of RPG levelling elements too! I feel it could have been simplified a little, but the fact that you guys were able to accomplish this in such a short amount of time is astounding. Great little game, loved it!


Great browser game! Fantastic quality and some very slick design. Love the Western theme and the music fits really well with the laid back controls. Nice laid out map with some interesting use of height obstacles and humans. Shooting the hats off was a great tough! Very moreish and after a couple tries I got to a respectable score of 980! It’s hard to find any faults with such a compact and well designed little game like this, but I do have to admit the grey sky looked a little out of place. Regardless, great mgame and a strong contender!


Cool little PVP game!

- V

Controls were smooth and simple. The intro cutscene was a cool addition as well! 

- Patrick

Really enjoyed this! Nice use of the theme. Cool music and easy controls. And a clean art style to top it off. Awesome work!

Super hard though, might alienate some people. But then it might push people to play more like me, so i'd definitely get some friends to play it and get some irl advice. Hopefully more average joes might give you a better idea of balancing. I think that might help at least

I liked the difficulty though. Maybe the red rocks were a bit too quick. Other than that, dope stuff!

- Patrick

Thanks for the feedback! Your right, i should of added the same shadow on the title screen or a background. I'll definitely add that in an update! But for not being able to grab them, I'm not too sure. I was having a bug in development where the civilians were bouncing between their closest targets so you couldn't eat them. I thought I'd fixed it, but maybe i was wrong. But in terms of gameplay, make sure your making contact when clicking (pinning them against a wall tends to help). 

Hopefully that helps, I'll look into it as a bug as well. Sorry you couldn't enjoy the whole thing, thanks for giving it a try though!

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it :D

Awesome game, totally nailed the feel of a tamagotchi with its own unique spin. I didn't get far in the browser version. But since you pointed out there might be some trouble, I'm going to download and run the game in the background for a while at the lowest speed. Seems like a nice way to experience it :)

But from what I played on the browser, it's so dope! The concept and the execution, so good!

Unless it's something that appears late game and I haven't seen it yet. Something I think you should consider in an update is mini-games. On the old tamagotchis it had those 3 or something mini-games. They were simple, but it split up cycling through menus and just watching for me back in the day.

I could totally see some simple mini-games using the stats of your hero in some way, with highscores and rewards like special foods or something.

Great stuff overall, can't wait to see an update or a sequel or something!

Awesome! I'm glad you liked it! Sound is definitely a priority in a future update. Thanks again for the feedback! :D

Ah man, you're too kind. Thanks a million! I definitely agree that it's not the most creative concept, it was the chaos i was trying to create that would make it unique. But the project seems far off from being in a complete state, so hopefully the more features I add, gives it its own flavour!..human flavour.. aha

Also thanks for your feedback on the sounds and music, it's not one of my strong suits. But I will definitely keep in mind what you said about correctly mixing the sounds! and I'll do my best to make the sounds satisfying, it'll make you want to munch people even more!

Thanks again!

Awesome, action type music does seem the most appropriate. Thanks for the notes! greatly appreciated

Ahh i see, thats a shame, it seemed like a good idea. I understand about the play testing, iI found myself in  a similar situation. No worries though. I look forward to seeing what you make in the future!

Aw man, now i feel like im missing out! I'm jumping back in until I get an ending!! I look forward to seeing an update if it happens, ill be keeping an eye out

Challenging, but it felt like it was part of the fun. Once I slowed down and was more precise with my movements I was doing a lot better. I liked the art, the enemy ships gave me Rayman vibes for some reason aha

I agree with some of the comments though. Make the path a bit wider and add a reverse and it'll take the game to another level. Or even remove the path entirely and have it about finding ships in an area or something. I do like the ship controls, but I think it works better with way more open space.

Great job! enjoyed it!

Thanks man, glad you liked it! I knoww aha, big oversight.  Panicked, pushed it as is XD 
Hopefully in the near future its something ill add. I asked Dortex above but id like to ask you as well if thats alright, What kind of music do you imagine when playing? The original idea was some kind of spooky ambient noise, but it feels a bit too hectic now

(1 edit)

Ah thanks so much for the feedback! Super happy you enjoyed it!

The main idea was to have the player be exactly the same as the other zombies, but just have that edge being less predictable in the paths you take. So when you group up with part of a hoard you kind of merge in, but you can still go where you want.

I was tweaking the range of detection and speed the enemies shoot to find that sweet spot, where the zombies aren't useless, but not too strong? Hopefully I'm explaining it well aha.. But you're totally right, i dont think it's working trying to do both. I should consider having the zombies be more vulnerable without you there. Maybe the zombies speed up when you get close to them, and slow down the further you get away? You think that would work, or can you think of something better?

Thanks again dude, you got me thinking. Really appreciate the comment!

Thanks, Glad you enjoyed it!

Haha agreed, hopefully I'll return to the project at some point and add it :)

What kind of music do you imagine when playing? I was thinking some spooky ambient noise, but it now it doesn't really feel like it fits with the pace of the game aha

Really enjoyed it, the characters and the dialog were super funny! Even though the art was a bit rough, it felt good to look at. Like, even though these characters are so different to each other and the items in the shop, the art tied it all together nicely. Navigating around was clean as well, everything is pretty clear on the UI side. Being able to move the papers was a nice touch, I think you should have totally used it as a mechanic in the game!

I honestly see a lot of potential in the game! If you wanna make a sequel or something in the future, I got some ideas. Have multiple customers come to the shop at once, I think that would be so cool! Forms would like, slide in from the top and you drag the form of the customer you want to serve to a section. And like a time thing, so the shop gets busier on certain days and times. Regular customers appear but want different things. 

Overall though i had fun and that's the main thing, thanks!

I really like the concept, the music and the characters were awesome! Getting into the game felt super natural, the tutorial was clean. I knew exactly what needed to do once the game started. Also I was really digging the art, something about the design of the characters, felt nostalgic..

Honestly i dont really know if im the kind of person to be giving notes likes these but some things id add or consider if you plan on continuing the project (i really do think you should):
- slow down the A/C maybe? I was starting to feel the heat irl clicking so much
- randomise the order of the drinks
- Not sure if it was endless or i just wasn't good enough to get further, but if its endless id have a score instead of the stars. every correctly served customer is xx points. Or a score based on the speed you serve a customer?
- customers ask for mixed drinks late game, like a half and half spirte or something to represent  it


Hi all, I've just finished a project and I need some music for my game. I tried making some myself but I'm not too happy with the results..

If you have any pre- exisiting tracks I could listen to and add that would be amazing. I can't pay, but you will be fully credited of course.

I added the game to my page and I could of gone into more detail on my last post,  so I'm reposting this:


Its a fastpace game about pressing the right button at the right time.  The project's basically finished, just need some kickass music to accompany it.

You can contact me on my email if youd like:

Thanks for reading