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A member registered Aug 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hey Magnanix! Thanks for playing, we're glad you enjoyed the game! Due to time constraints, we didn't have a good system to deal with multiple capsules in the chute and just made any extra capsules redundant :( It sucks, but we want to fix this issue after the jam

Well worth doing the fix listed below. Impressive accomplishment by the developer/s. Great use of 3d background, level design and sound. The boid tech was cool too. Check it out!

Sorry to hear that. Did you use the fullscreen button? Theres two, a blue one and then another after that

Its pretty obvious that anything listed by popularity/higher ratings will garner more views. Youtube, steam, google play work the same way. The more it is featured at the top of a page, the more clicks it will get. When you use google to search for something, do you goto page 3? No you don't.

One of the developers thought it would be a great idea to mess around with how games are displayed in the middle of their biggest game jam. They are also listed via amount of ratings... which is a no-brainer, feedback loop. He really should have thought before implementing these changes.
In regards to popular, it is ranking gams in this jam by how popular they are vs the rest of the website... again meaning popular games will get more views, ratings, etc.

Thanks for playing! Ive gotten that feedback a lot and intend to change it.

Thanks for playing and your feedback. The webGL version cut all the post-processing out. The downloadable version has anti-aliasing, bloom, motion blue etc. It makes more sense when all the effects are working together. I will definately adjust the third puzzle! :)

Ah man! This is the funniest game of the jam. If you expand the game further please continue the mangoes. The censorship mechanic was a pretty interesting mechanic that I found helped engage the player more in the story being told. Sound choice suited the game as well. Congrats.

If you have the time, please check out my game

Just reading through the comments, I'm glad you are going to continue working on this game. Only moving forward definitely made it hard to time things, great puzzle element to the game. Your art is actually very good, I like the main character design quite a lot. Your song choice was nice and made me want to stay and play for longer. The only thing I would improve is the responsiveness of the jump, sometimes he stalls in the air when I hold the button down intending for him to move. Other than that, you made a cracker game! Well done!

If you have the time, please check out my game

Sorry I meant are you going to expand on the game after the jam?

Excellent game. There is nothing to fault. You are a very competent game designer. The transitions in each level as you introduce new concepts to the player are intuitive and seamless. The simple, minimalist graphic choice was a smart one and helps you bring out more gameplay concepts quicker. Sound design again simple yet on point. In my opinion, you should win this jam. Well done

If you have the time, please check out my game

Thankyou very much for taking the time to play and give me feedback. I very much wanted to add more levels and mechanics but I ran out of time. I really wanted to expand on the slime and power-up combo a bit more. I intend to expand the game after the jam is finished. How about you for your game?

I really like what you were going for here. The first time the gun flew out of my hand it made me laugh, then I saw the boss... haha! Great work. If you aim the gun at your own head, it does not jump oiut of your hands, was this intentional? I found myself facing backwards towards enemies and shooting to avoid dropping it.

If you have the time, please check out my game

Thankyou for playing and for your feedback :)

(1 edit)

Very hard game but very original. Your UI was very crisp and responsive, the way you 'teach' the player is also very intuitive, the graphics are minimalist but again, crisp. Sound design was on point. The amount of content you managed to pump out is truly impressive for 48 hours. I like the subtle things you did like using space to restart even though you tell the player to use 'R'. Small things like that make a game a lot more enjoyable to play. Polished and well thought out, I can't fault it at all. Well done!  Edit: I think you might be on to a youtube gem :)

If you have the time, please check out my game

Nice mashup idea of a game as old as time! I found it difficult to get the hang of using space to 'lock' and 'unlock' my character and died quite a bit until I got used to it. With some work on the controls you definitely have an original concept. Did you have any ideas on how you could expand the game? I also liked the style of your graphics and felt it suited the way the game played. Some sound would have added some crunch to those impacts as well. Good job overall :)

If you have the time, please check out my game

Very original concept. It actually is very skills based and I definitely was pulling my hair out trying to time stopping the lift on the correct floor and remembering where everyone was wanting to go!I like that you added the indicator to say what floor people were waiting at, it was a nice touch. Well done :)

If you have the time, please check out my game

Original idea on the platformer puzzler genre. I'm not going to lie, I nearly smashed my monitor just trying to beat level 2. I didn't realize I could chain shots initially and wasn't sure of the exact timing when the gun was ready to fire again. Are you intending to continue development on this game? I think the idea has potential. Excellent work.

If you have the time, please check out my game

What an original yet frustrating concept! I couldn't help but keep pressing the 'W' key out of habit and it kept freaking me out. I liked the music, it suited the wacky nature of the game. The level design was a bit hard to navigate but overall I really enjoyed your game. I had a look at your other games too, I like that you think outside the box when it comes to your game concepts.

If you have the time, please check out my game

Nice simple take on the theme. Well done

Thanks for your feedback Chootin. A lot of other people have given me similar feedback in regards to restarting quicker. Initially, I added it in as an instant button that appears but I thought people might click it instead of waiting for the 'next level' dialog box. It seems I was wrong haha!
I used the standard post-processing stack that you can get from the package manager window in the editor. Effects used were bloom, exposure, chromatic aberration (when you drag the ball and everything shifts) and I made a screen shake script instead of animating the camera. The graphics pipeline (or render pipeline?) was the standard one. I didn't use the LWRP one as I didn't use any shaders.
I think your game would look pretty cool with some bloom :)

Yeah, I also found it hard to manipulate the physics engine of Unity. There's a call in the Vector3 class, 'Vector3.Reflect' that I used originally to grab the opposite angle.

Awesome game. Love the concept. Great adherence to the theme. The rhythm aspect of your game design is really well done. Top marks nakajimo!

Its an interesting concept. What mechanics did you have in mind that you couldn't implement?

Nice take on the idea of 'only one'. Congrats!

Cool idea. I like the slow-down effects and barrel explosions you created. Did you have any ideas on how you could further the game? I would be interested to know

Ah that's a shame. Looked interesting. You might be able to upload a new version if you message the event operators.

Congrats on completing the gamejam. I like the concept you were going for and the extra detail you put into the level design (ie, the way you did the tutorial sprites in the first level). I had difficulty trying to get more than one dwarf on the screen (the dead one's did not stay on the screen) but I imagine that was down to me not understanding how to use that mechanic. Did you limit the amount of hang-time in the jump cycle to increase difficulty?

Overall, great work!

Very, very polished game. The art assets were really good, were they developed just for this jam? I liked the attention to small things, like a menu for music, sfx... things most people overlook, and the ability to cancel a shot if you have lined it up incorrectly. Level design was well thought out and the music really fit the genre of the game. The physics of the ball were a bit off but it didn't really matter as the 'cheat' mechanic was very original. Well done to all of you!

Sorry i don't know how to open a .capx file? Is there a specific software you can guide me to?

Thanks for the feedback mate. Ill go check your game out when i get home if i havnt already.

I was tossing up between making the ball go straight in a line or to add physics to the ball (ie, gravity) to increase the difficulty. I felt the gravity added 'weight' to the ball? Level 3 was a problem, perhaps it was more a flaw of lecel design?

Definately see what you mean about the try again delay. Thanks again for your feedback :)

Hi guys. I made a physics based puzzle game. You have one shot and need to avoid the obstacles. The downloadable version has much better graphics than the browser version.

Thanks for playing and your feedback! Appreciate it!

Hey guys. Im checking out your games. I would love it if you could play and rate mine. It is a physics-based puzzle game where you only have one shot to make it to the goal. I tried my best with the graphics. The downloadable version has post-processing but the browser version doesnt. Thankyou in advance :)

You definitely ramped up the challenge after level 2! Overall a cool concept. I liked the implementation of the teleporters and how they destroy the wrong color keys. I could see the next few level (if you make them) really getting complex. I wonder what other puzzle mechanics you had in mind to add to the challenge?

Played through till end. I like the concept. The restrictions of only one use of each action lead to some interesting puzzles and level design. I would say to make the controls more intuitive, ie, left mouse button and right mouse button for the bullet and dash respectively. Other than that, really good.

Really cool concept. I like that by only using one button to during fight sequences it nearly turns into a rhythm game. With some fleshed out graphics and juice this could be a great minimalist game. Watch out for mean rocks!

I made a game called Cyber Ball. You have one shot to shoot a ball to its goal whilst avoiding the obstacles.

I recommend playing the downloadable .exe rather than the in-browser player as the post-processing doesn't work in the browser.

I made a game called Cyber Ball. You have one shot to shoot a ball to its goal whilst avoiding the obstacles.

I recommend playing the downloadable .exe rather than the in-browser player as the post-processing doesn't work in the browser.

Really detailed for a 2 day game. I like the idea of it being 'micro', it really adds to its appeal