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A member registered Feb 13, 2023

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First off: Thanks for putting this together. Been having a blast despite the initial version hiccups. Love to see how it grows and includes Options and backtesting dashboards maybe in the future ? Keep up the excellent work.

What's the best way to submit an error report when the submit feedback button clicks but does nothing ? 
Is there a folder with logs I could zip and post somewhere for you to understand what's corrupted ?

Background: I think I "finished" [1] the main campaign, but when I move to the ETF campaign things get weird - the bottom right buttons are gone, and I can buy and sell with money I don't have. 

[1] have a few mill, bought most of upgrades.

Here's a video of it going very wrong:

Heya, nice concept. I'm not sure how it fits the theme but the movement was satisfying. I wish the FOV was not as wide or at least configurable. The VFX worked but I wish there was more variety. Sensitivity starts off at zero as well which made turning really hard, a slightly higher default sensitivy would have probably worked better for the out of the box experience. Jumps felt OP, with a lot of hang time. SFX worked, although I wonder if it was possible to add more polish to them post jam. Overall it's a neat concept, I hope you have time to polish this up some more outside of the jam and it could be really satisfying game with that polish.

Very nicely put together. Would love to see you add some more polish to this, and content and maybe ship something bigger post jam. Movement could do with some momentum for that extra crispy satisfaction, but the current movement works well - could benefit from extra VFX when flipping or start/stop. Not sure how it fits the theme but I enjoyed my time with this little gem. Thanks for participating!

Great concept. I would love to see more polish added - more populated environment with extra variation, plus sfx/vfx variation. There's work needed on respawn lag, and likely graphics settings. Movement worked but perhaps it could be more satisfying, and some other UI clues to what abilities are active would help. Using an RNG for the player abilities makes me feel frustrated when I know what ability I want and I just have to keep dying to get to it, perhaps instead of RNG it could be a cycle ? There's also some Z fighting in the last level that needs fixing. Overall this felt like the prototype of really cool game mechanics, if you decide to build on this, it could turn into a solid puzzler. Great work, and thanks for participating!

Extremely well put together entry. I would love to see you ship this with some more polish - some extra variation on the hit SFX would go well for example, same for VFX, but those aren't blockers. Keyboard controls would also go well. Music worked, palette was well chosen, sfx worked, that was all good. The game is on theme, but I wonder if there was other ways of adding "an end is a new beginning" into the game beyond what's here. Congrats! I really enjoyed this gem.

Yuuni, congrats! Really solid and well put together entry. Music selection was well done. SFX worked well. Graphics, movement and game mechanics too. There's a  lot to love here. I would love to see this grow with more monsters, extra VFX for hits, extra SFX, and perhaps more environment variation [both tiles and room shapes]. Some extra gameplay mechanics would go down well post jam. The 3D title art made me think this might be a 3d-ish game but what I found instead did not disappoint. Well done, keep up the great work and thanks for participating!

Well put together. Interesting play with the darness being lit in game. Would love to see some music and sfx added. Extra enemies and more vfx for hits would be cool too. On a few occasions I was able to put my weapon outside of the room walls and shoot npc's with it, not sure if that was planned or not, but if not something to consider fixing. Overall a nice little package to build on and add polish if you're planning to continue developing this. Thanks for participating!

nicely put together. Some of the color palettes are not very easy to read when the "ground" is black and the background is dark too. Improving contrast there would help. Would be cool to have some more sfx/vfx associated with jumping past certain amounts of obstacles or some other mechanic like that to celebrate player progress. UI was offscreen when playing in 21:9 aspect ratio, but that didn't stop me enjoying the time with the game. Overall a neat protype. 

Heya! This feels like an early alpha of a neat game. I suspect you're aware of most of the following but I'll share them in case you aren't. I'd love to see you improve on:

- It feels like there's invisible walls to the left maybe ? takes you a while to understand that and avoid them.

- You may wish to test the game with a few different aspect ratios so you get a feeling for how well it looks. 16:9 is the common aspect ratio but not the only one - 4:3 and 21:9 would be good candidates afterwards.

- It's unclear why I can't shoot an arrow right after another one. If there was a way to let players know the arrow is recharging that would help.

- I'm not sure I understand why the squares are blocked by items on the ground but if you can shoot them carefully enough you can use that for walls. Was this an intended strategy ? if so, great and I would try to find something visual to explain why that's the case.

Overall this feels like a small slice of a more full experience and I'd love to see what you make of it outside of the jam crunch :) Thanks for particpating!

Heya! Interesting mix of platforming and rooms with story. I wish the movement during the rooms was as polished as the platforming one. It felt like my character was overloaded or really taking their time to move. This is a solid start and I would love to see what you do if you had a chance to add some VFX to the health hits, and more monsters. Looking forward to see your gamedev skills grow in your next jam entry.

Solid graphics, love the lighting effects, great choice of color palette, loved the barrel physics too. Music fits in super well and the sfx are super satisfying with the movement and animations. 21:9 aspect ratio has UI pieces off screen but that can be fixed easily I'm sure and I was still able to enjoy the game. Would love to this more fleshed out, with some more VFX for the hits, possibly some SFX variations, and probably more levels although I didn't really get to the end. Also maybe replace the underscore with spaces in NPC names, unless there's a narrative reason for that. Overall it's a great gem of a game you've built here. Well done! Thanks for participating!

Great use of flat aesthetic with sillouette. Really great feel overall. There are a few things that I wish you had the chance to polish - some of the running animations don't seem to entirely match speed, but it works and it's enjoyable to play. Soundtrack selection is spot on for the vibe. Really well put together. Would love to see what you do with the game design if you had more time to offer less punishing choices. Thanks for participating and keep up the great work!

Nice aesthetic - it's somewhat to confusing to jump into neon glow later. I would love to see this get more time to polish out control responsiveness - there's no cancel move available and that would interesting. Graphics were well done, and the special effects were nice too. Great job! Thanks for participating!

Good execution of flat aesthetic. I wonder what the game would look like a more nuanced choice of palette. Puzzles were nice and it would've been good to show the player some UI hint about what restrictions apply beyond level name. Overall it was enjoyable and I would like what you made of this if you had more time to polish! Thanks for participating!

Really liked the atmosphere of the game, graphics, and the "minimalist" music. Camera has some issues where for some things it's nice and close - reading text - for others it's not zoomed out enough and leaves you blind of what's coming so you have to memorize the level. Also when zoomed in the camera doesn't follow player while in the lab for some reason. You can speed run the enemies and I sort of wish that wasn't always possible. Overall though I had fun and enjoy my time. Some extra polish, a bunch more levels, more graphics and more refined story, and you got yourself a little gem of a platformer in your hands. I'd love to see you flesh out this universe some more and spend some time doing some quality levels without the pressure of the jam.

Interesting idea, and nice execution. I wish some of the graphics were more developed and used a more consistent language. I didn't get much sound as well and that might have made it more appealing than it already is. Polished further this could make a very nice puzzle platformer. Thanks for participating!

Nice concept. Good shooting mechanics. I wish the environments had some extra variety but overall good little package and plays well. Would have loved some idea of how far along the boss was to being killed.

Beautifully executed! I wish this had a bunch more levels. Music was great, graphics too. Movement was very satisfying. This is begging to be expanded :) Congrats and thanks for participating!

Heya Bsix! Nice graphics, animations, and music/sfx. I couldn't get it past the cycle of heaven and restart but guessing that was purposeful. I wish this got built up more, it looked and felt good. Movement was nice too, even if it was odd not being to jump at top of stairs - but I understand why for gameplay reasons. Keep up the great work and thanks for participating!

Cool concept! I wish there was more sprite variety. The shooting mechanics worked well, and I enjoyed them. Music could do with more love as it gets repetitive fairly quickly. The overall vibe worked well but there are places where graphics weren't pixelated that feel a little odd due to not being as consistency pixeled [menu buttons during gameplay for example]. Thank you for participating!

Good game! Super cute too. I wish I was able to resize the window - I have a 3440x1440 screen and this looked tiny but still enjoyable. Would be fun to see this grow into a mobile game and desktop game. Maybe add some more VFX variations when enemies die or enemy hits land. Thanks for participating! This was very enjoyable.